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[DUMPS] Dumps disponibles en miroir / Mirror: Many dumps availables!


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18 hours ago, Samael1 said:

Thanks for the recommendation. If I don't find a spicetools variant that I can force close I'll try that next. Wasn't aware JoytoKey could do key combos or be assigned to a program's application--the reason I passed on autohotkey after hours of research was that getting it to close a script along with the program that started it seemed needlessly complicated, and I'm not up to wasting days experimenting with batch files.


Gotta say, it's quite silly that I've excluded a few games from my multi because I couldn't get them to start or function properly, and this is the first where I've had the exact opposite problem in not being able to close it. You'd think they'd have implemented something so simple into spicetools by now considering it was customary even in late 90s emulators. 

check the above message.

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19 hours ago, RcadeHax said:

Check the overlays tab in spicecfg.
16th keybind on that page is "Force Exit Game"

I bound it to backspace in spicecfg and it worked, if you want to bind it to esc you will need to manually edit the spicecfg setting file in appdata\roaming and add the vk key code for escape in the CCJ section.

 <button name="Force Exit Game" vkey="27" analogtype="0" debounce_up="0" debounce_down="0" invert="false" devid="\\?\HID#VID_1038&amp;PID_1610&amp;MI_00&amp;Col02#8&amp;1afa7a2f&amp;0&amp;0001#{884b96c3-56ef-11d1-bc8c-00a0c91405dd}"/>


Sure enough, The Spicetools version I was using was missing some options in the overlay tab. I followed your instructions from your March 5 post. Copy pasting in your "button name=" command STILL didn't work, but I finally noticed the second part (HID#VID...etc) differed from the rest in my xml, so I just swapped in the text from one of my other button inputs, and that fixed it.  Finally works like a charm in launchbox--thank you! 


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On 8/3/2024 at 4:07 PM, witherzombie222 said:

does anyone have a dump of the arcade version of Tux Racer? Used to be on virusman's site along with a whole bunch of ice games that were up on a dropbox but were taken down. thank you!

if anyone has a reup of the dropbox that would also be appreciated




Est-ce que quelqu'un a un dump de la version arcade de Tux Racer ? J'étais sur le site de Virusman avec tout un tas de jeux sur glace qui étaient sur une boîte de dépôt mais qui ont été supprimés. merci! si quelqu'un a un nouveau téléchargement de la dropbox, ce serait également apprécié

Tux Racer Arcade


Found this link floating around from last year. Files are already extracted from Linux HDD image.

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11 hours ago, blache said:

oups c 'est bon j'ai trouvé sega showdown, je l'avais loupé chez virusman.


C'est dans cette liste et plus encore si vous le souhaitez  (I used a translator) 

IT's in this list plus more if you want...


Modifié par lords
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On 9/8/2024 at 8:07 AM, THE RETURN OF HBP said:

When i try to play this game I get an "failed to load mono" error. How can i fix this??

Have you solved this problem?
It seems you created a new topic for discussion, but soon deleted it...
The solution may help those who have encountered this problem.

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