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[DUMPS] Dumps disponibles en miroir / Mirror: Many dumps availables!

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I've got running afterfurner climax and outrun 2 spdx in teknoparrot but i cant got running ANY nessicaxlive or taitotypex game in teknoparrot, guide from official site seems easy as lindbergh but i dont understand why dont work. It must be a dump made specially for teknoparrot or what?. Any idea to help?. The most strange is that rastan saga or elevator action (nessicaxlive) run whitout teknoparrot, but its impossible past from an attempt a-when at launch the game turn back to teknoparrot game library whitout a message error, b-or whit a black screen whit the sound windows error (windows 10 x64), i dunno what the hell im doing wrong.




Forgot to say: Akai Katana Shin for NesicaxLive : file presents errors at decompress.

Modifié par losultimosdiasarcade
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 15/12/2019 Ă  18:56, petje a dit :

Halo Fire Team Raven HDD recovery image not "cracked" no emulator at the moment!RpB3CQTZ!oFZ1j8DNNYMP2TgfKziA6ChhTlMRWrzR6d1ONqETHtw

No mirrors at the moment (and i will not mirror it) so people upload it somewhere else before it is gone!

Link is dead!

Did somebody mirror it?


can somebody please put a new links


Modifié par PHATLEECH
  • 2 semaines après...



Can anyone lead me to dumps of:


- Kidou Senshi Gundam - Senjou no Kizuna rev 4

- DJMax Technica

- DJMax Technica 2


Got no luck with my search on this forum.



  • Team

Pensez à regarder en détail le premier post (qui est parfois mis à jour) toute demande faite alors que la réponse est déjà existante en subira les conséquences. On en à marre de répondre 100x au même demande.

Remember to look in detail at the first post (which is sometimes updated) any request made while the answer is already existing will suffer the consequences. We are tired of responding 100x to the same request.


moi je suis heureux car c'est sur ce forum que j'ai réussi a trouver pas mal de jeux teknoparrot et comme je sais que c'est quand même dur de trouver les jeux et surtout des version qui fonctionnent , je les ai uploader pour que ceux qui commence comme moi puissent les trouver le plus vite possible , les jeux uploader fonctionnent très bien chez moi

Invité Raikoh

Is there a real Nesica Yagaratsu dump?One that is not a joke filled with youtubers and weird screams or not?

Posté(e) (modifié)

Thank you so much for providing the new dumps. I was missing a few releases. If anyone has any information on the missing Love Live School Idol Festival, after school activity, Time Crises 5 arcade dump AND the missing data in the "Type X Zero games" specifically the Groove Coaster data besides heavenly festival please contact me if you can provide ANY information at all. Thanks for sharing such great links.

Modifié par mastershakelock
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 28/03/2020 Ă  18:10, mastershakelock a dit :

Thank you so much for providing the new dumps. I was missing a few releases. If anyone has any information on the missing Love Live School Idol Festival, after school activity, Time Crises 5 arcade dump AND the missing data in the "Type X Zero games" specifically the Groove Coaster data besides heavenly festival please contact me if you can provide ANY information at all. Thanks for sharing such great links.



i have a groove coaster cabinet (4 ex starlight road) I want to upgrade to last revision so anybody have the dump ??

I can do a dump of my 4ex ;)



Modifié par laudec
  Le 31/03/2020 Ă  08:27, Nodoyuna a dit :


I'm looking for Beatstream 2 dump, but I can't find it in any of the usual places

So, does anybody have it and is able to upload?

Thanks in advance





Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate does only download till 2GB and then it stops. I've been trying this since 5 days and is still the same. Anybody who knows where to get a torrent? I know there is on Arcade punks but I do not know where and which section as they have a full package of 44GB. It would be nice to have that as Mega sync is also a pain because you can't download that much and the other website where it tells the full pack of DOA5 is 7GB U need to be a premium user for it which is also a pain.....

  Le 15/04/2020 Ă  07:28, rzyamzaki a dit :

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate does only download till 2GB and then it stops. I've been trying this since 5 days and is still the same. Anybody who knows where to get a torrent? I know there is on Arcade punks but I do not know where and which section as they have a full package of 44GB. It would be nice to have that as Mega sync is also a pain because you can't download that much and the other website where it tells the full pack of DOA5 is 7GB U need to be a premium user for it which is also a pain.....


Use megabastered

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 16/04/2020 Ă  19:41, rzyamzaki a dit :

Hi, I have been trying since yesterday after you mentioned using a VPN connection to download Dead or Alive 5 from this link:

and it goes only up till 2GB and then afterwards it fails and then I try again & it keeps failing. Any other suggestions? 



Try here:

Dead Or Alive 5 Ultimate (Sega RingEdge 2)






credit and thanks to: @spiderzsoft


Modifié par killbill
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 20/04/2020 Ă  19:26, maabus a dit :

Does anyone have the following games?


global vr - nascar racing (not sure if there is a decrypted version, i have the service disc)

Namco ES3 - Kidou Senshi Gundam - Senjou no Kizuna Rev 4

Raw Thrills - Batman (1.38), Target Terror Gold v2.12

Sega Ringwide - meltyblood v1.7 rev 1.4.0 update AACC

Konami PC - Otomedius 2007 update 2010

Taito X4 - left 4 dead survivors v1.30 update


DĂ©velopper here left for dead 1.30. I tested myself and it's ok. The file is the one of 45mb You will  need the previous version. You could find it here at emuline. And check some posts that show how to enable coins.

Modifié par gasabbath

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