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Amiga OS 4.1 FE for classic Computers

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Posté(e) (modifié)
Cloanto Amiga Forever Plus Edition:
The newest AMIGA 4.1 Final Edition for Classic Computers. You have to do the resolution yourself! All the difficult parts already done for you! I could not find the original isos anywhere on the net! This is indeed 4.1 Final Edition for Classic Computers! Hard Drive File. With workbench and Kickstarts and all other needed files. Working 100%
HDF Image Download:!ompmzA6Y!2mJMR2tJ4U_wNStzDlRaUppzKIIyBrbGNV9TMNcNAlk
Grab the latest Winaue emulator!
Modifié par djd

Amiga Arcade Launcher - 120 Games in 1

Game List :

Alien Breed
Alien Bredd 92
Alien Breed 2
Alien Breed Tower Assault
Project X
Super Stardust
Cannon Fodder
Cannon Fodder 2
Jurassic Park
Chaos Engine
Chaos Engine 2
Another World
Desert Strike
Jungle Stike
Gunship 2000
Combat Air Patrol
F29 Reliator
F18 Interceptor
Skeleton Krew
D Generation
Uridium 2
Super Cars 2
Super Skidmarks
All Terrain Racing
Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2
Flight Of The Amazon Queen
Simon The Sorcerer
Beneath A Steel Sky
Mercenary 3
Starglider 2
Lotus Trilogy
Jaguar XJ 220
Outrun Europa
Crazy Cars 3
Road Rash
Black Viper
Armour Geddon
Armour Geddon 2
Subwar 2050
Killing Cloud
Wing Commander
Turrican 2
Turrican 3
First Samurai
Glomm Delux
Alien Breed 3D
Alien Breed 3D 2
Nemac 4
Genetic Species
Death Mask
Amiga Doom
Slam Tilt
Pinball Fantasies
Pinball Illusions
Body Blows
Body Blows Galactic
Ultimate Body Blows
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Street Fighter 2
Soccer Kid
Super Frog
Worms The Director Cut
Brutal Paws Of Fury
Rise Of The Robots
XP 8
Zeewolf 2
PGA Tour Golf
Super Tennis Champs
Sensible Soccer
Fifa Soccer
Microprose Golf
Archer McLeans Pool
Grand Prix
Indianapolis 500
Knights Of The Sky
Sherman M4
Robocop 3D
Terminator 2
Batman The Movie
Trex Warrior
It Came From The Desert
Operation Wolf
Operation Thunderbolt
Last Ninja Remix
Last Ninja 3
The Spy Who Loved Me

Filesize : 543 Mb
Diskspace needed : 3 Gb



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Posté(e) (modifié)
En 4/18/2018 a las 18:08, djd dijo:
The newest AMIGA 4.1 Final Edition for Classic Computers. You have to do the resolution yourself! All the difficult parts already done for you! I could not find the original isos anywhere on the net! This is indeed 4.1 Final Edition for Classic Computers! Hard Drive File. With workbench and Kickstarts and all other needed files. Working 100%
HDF Image Download:
Grab the latest Winaue emulator!


Hello, I found this post and like to run Amiga OS 4.1 on my PC - I downloaded the files from the links you provided, run the Amiga OS 4.1 in WinUAE and works fine, except for the resolution - It is by default in "Productivity" and very low resolution and lacks the UAE screenmodes to use PC high resolutions like 1366 x 768 16 bits as an example - I also installed Clanto Amiga Forever 7, but donŽt know how to proceed to boot the OS 4.1 hard disk in Amiga Forever and that it uses the UAE high resolutions screenmodes - Could you please tell me how to proceed ? ( I donŽt have the OS 4.1 FE for classic ISO, so I wonder how can I use your hard file instead ? )

Modifié par customizer2
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Invité trouby
15 hours ago, magicfly said:

Hi. Any chance to reup this HDF? Link borken... Thanks!

i hope you're clever. cos this is a bitch to setup

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Hi all somebody have and can share Amiga OS 4.1 working with config WIN UAE  and hard drive HDF


je partage mon disque dur amiga pour winuae , 4400ppc.hdf     et mon fichier jeux whdload + mes roms et plugins + ma config "testeppc" ,,,pour voir si j'ai pas oublier quelque chose ou merder quelque part, car j'arrive pas a passer les jeux ppc 


disque dur (amiga os 3.9 + whdload (le dernier) et tous les meilleurs jeux amiga avec derniere update



et la ces le fichier config "testeppc" et mon dossier jeux whdload+roms et plugins..




Voila les 3 jeux ppc en iso CD que j'arrive pas a lancer  sur winuae ???


On 23/12/2021 at 9:14 AM, soso92 said:

I share my amiga hard drive for winuae, 4400ppc.hdf and my games file whdload + my roms and plugins + my "testeppc" config ,,, to see if I haven't forgotten something or screwed up somewhere, because I'm arriving not to pass the ppc games 


hard drive (amiga os 3.9 + whdload (the latest) and all the best amiga games with latest update



and these the "testeppc" config file and my whdload + roms and plugins games folder.




Here are the 3 ppc games in iso CD that I can not launch on Winuae ???



ha I was on this exactly 3 Christmases ago. thx though, i also had a problem , i managed to create the operating desktop but then wondered what can i do with it, so i managed to play some games 32bit

8 hours ago, Cool Coyote said:

ha I was on this exactly 3 Christmases ago. thx though, i also had a problem , i managed to create the operating desktop but then wondered what can i do with it, so i managed to play some games 32bit

Original source of file is at this link:


Il y a 4 heures, djd a dit :

Original source of file is at this link:


Hi and thx but you have a direct link méga or another??? 


Posté(e) (modifié)
8 hours ago, soso92 said:

Hi and thx but you have a direct link méga or another??? 


m8 i made my own up a few years ago , let me tell u its bloody confusing unless u are really onto it. just the hard disk thing not the usual 'winuae64'  thing 'hard disk   ''

boot 'OS41_boot.adf'         try these maybe help?   

Modifié par Cool Coyote

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