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[Arcade PC] Counter-Strike: NEO (Namco N2 Satellite Terminal)

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Posté(e) (modifié)


This "lost" Japan-only Counter-Strike arcade game has finally been decrypted after many years. Thank you to the one in particular who made this possible! The game is very unusual in a lot of ways, so it should be fun for you investigators out there and to all the Valve fans who have been waiting to see it. The partitions have been uploaded as-is from after decryption, just in case there was anything hidden. You can open the .bin containers with 7zip.!Oolgyb6Q!nAHsdaDWFs83PkaSORcoCQ




Modifié par 7zxkv
  • 11 mois aprĂšs...
  • 4 mois aprĂšs...
Posté(e) (modifié)
il y a 34 minutes, skarstoker a dit :


1.- Download y descompress
2.- Download CSNEOlibs_update.rar y descompress in ...\csneo2\linux
3.- Configure TeknoParrot, (add game, game settings) -> game executable is ...\csneo2\linux\hlds_amd

4.- Open game, in the title or login, open console (ALT+F7) or (ALT Gr + F7)

5.- write (login username) example (login 12)

6.- Enjoy

csneo_respatcher_update is change resolution, descompres in ...\csneo2\linux




Modifié par 7zxkv
  • 4 mois aprĂšs...
  • 3 ans aprĂšs...

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