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[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)

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JUSTICE LEAGUE - Heroes United
justice league.png


Here is a new dump from a GLOBAL-VR Arcade Game.
A beat-em-all released in year 2009.

Dongle crack, I/O-bypass and some other tweaks done by MOHKERZ.
D3D9 Wrapper and some fixes done by DUCON2016.

Great thanks to DUCON2016 for his help, his knowledge and his niceness!!! MERCI DUCON!
Thanks to 1CC, Emuline and every arcade lovers.

Enjoy!!! or not

Oh and read the fucking READ-ME!





(pass: MOHKERZ)



About this release:

-Resolution and Fullscreen are set in JLH.ini so edit this file with your settings.
Set FULLSCREEN to TRUE to play in fullscreen.
Edit this lines for your desired X resolution: ScreenResolutionX and DisplayWidth.
Edit this lines for your desired Y resolution: ScreenResolutionY and DisplayHeight.


In _CODECS_SETUP folder you will find everything to get audio and video cutscenes working.
-For audio to work, it seem you must have installed OpenAL sound engine.
-For videos to work, you will have to install some INDEO codec pack.
Their installer is apprently going wrong, so you will maybe have to install files manually.


-Just unzip the archive anywhere you want.
Then run the game by launching JLA.exe.
To quit the game, just press ESC.


-Controls are DINPUT so find an Xbox pad or anything else that is DInput.
You can use some software to fake a dinput pad to be able to play with anything (keyboard or else...)
4 action buttons + START button and 1 analog stick (X+Y) are required.


-The test menu can be triggered by some keyboard key, then you can tweak some settings that are all in JLH.ini.
Game is FREEPLAY and I suggest you leave it like that, because it can break if you change to COINS settings.



Modifié par 7zxkv
new link + icon (pooter)

slt , merci pour le up

j'arrive pas a le lancer en fullscreen

en mode fenetre ca lance mais bloque a initialising patienter ;-)


qui peut aider





1 hour ago, Bruce said:

Merci :very-good: je connaissais pas du tout ce jeux en arcade.

Apres avoir vus la video :(bof chacun ces gouts).



C'est un bon jeu pour les enfants ou pour les fans de DC. Mais oui on a vu mieux.

Invité williecoiote
il y a 19 minutes, beatlep a dit :

It gets stuck in the "Initialize the engine Please wait" screen

Here too!

Posté(e) (modifié)

Game was tested on Win7 x64

As it is an old game designed for XP, expect problems on newer OS
 we'll try to fix this if you tell us precisely

Begin to help by telling the graphic card and OS you use.

Modifié par Mohkerz
Posté(e) (modifié)

OK thanks, what is the error?

Please turn LogOutput to true in JLH.ini.

Then launch the game, it must create a Heroes_log.txt in root.

What errors are in this file?

Modifié par Mohkerz
Posté(e) (modifié)
hace 3 minutos, Mohkerz dijo:

Well, try to add these dll to game root.

Wasn't needed for win7, but maybe help on Win10.

Then you can try to create a shortcut to JLA and add -nohardware parameter in command.



It worked, thanks

Modifié par beatlep
Posté(e) (modifié)

Turn fullscreen to true in JLH.ini.

Try turning AutoDetectKitMonitors=true.

What is your screen res?

And resolution supported are in JLH too (1360x768, 1366x768, 1365x720, 1280x720, and 1600x900) maybe some more like 640x480 and 800x600, but highest possible is 1600x900 (without patching).

Then for game stuck in windows mode, try using DXwnd as i got it working with this, learn it (not difficult), try some tweaks, it should work.


Modifié par Mohkerz
Posté(e) (modifié)

Hi Mohkerz


First, thank you for sharing you work with us. It is greatly appreciated.


I run it on win 7 64 bits (with service pack 1 installed) with Geforce GT520 and it needs the physxdll to work.

Before to add this dll to the game root, I have the same problem as others here.


So thanks for your help.

Modifié par scooby
Posté(e) (modifié)

i run this game in win 10 with win 7 compability mode, add physxdll.rar. and edit JLH.ini delete Fullscreen=true and ScreenResolutionX=1600
ScreenResolutionY=900 my problem is audio is not macth with game and always disappear.

Modifié par july2779

@Scooby: is it working OK now?


@july2779: firstly did you read the Read-Me?

then did you install openOAL from codec folder?

try running this without compatibility, or better try XP...

maybe you need to try some other openAL installers for windows10, i don't know about this and can't test under win10?


@Mohkerz: i run this with no compability is running but same problem audio is always disapper. i already install openAL installers but same problems in win 10


Ok so i don't know about this issue.

Maybe try some openAL installer that is better for Win10 or tweak your audio settings.

That's a problem with your system and openAL or maybe OGG vorbis as the game uses it as well.

Can't help more with this, sorry...

Posté(e) (modifié)

@Mohkerz: Thanks  my OpenAl32.dll for win 10 this running good for this game. Delete old and replace with this.



Modifié par july2779

runs fine thanks 4 work inputs are already mapped to usb controller 

mov cutscenes r missing win7 - oh well 

audio fine 

gfx 60fps cell shading 



Posté(e) (modifié)

Thanks Mohkerz for this game :)


The game boot fine in windows 7 64bits. (i haven't played it for now)

Core i3 and gtx750ti.


I have enabled the log and i found this :

ERROR: CGFXApp::InitRenderer: 27 adapter modes detected.
ERROR: GUI object Size could not be created from instance.
ERROR: GUI object Size could not be created from instance.
ERROR: MEMORY: Current Physical = 6052311040
ERROR: Error in lua Script scripts/game.lua: Line: unknown



EDIT : I move the game on another DD  (from c: to k:) and the log have more information:


ERROR: CGFXApp::InitRenderer: 27 adapter modes detected.
ERROR: Could not render source output pin!  hr=0x80040266ERROR: GUI object Size could not be created from instance.
ERROR: GUI object Size could not be created from instance.
ERROR: MEMORY: Current Physical = 6809010176
ERROR: MEMORY: Current Physical = 6868008960
ERROR: Error in lua Script scripts/game.lua: Line: unknown


Just for information if this help ;)


Modifié par bonky0013
Posté(e) (modifié)

Game is logging lots of things.

Please only report logs if the game is not working, else if working, then everything's fine!

I don't have much time to debug things that seems to work...


The line in log file: ERROR: Could not render source output pin!...... refers to some codec errors while loading audio or video files, so you certainly have no sound or video cutscenes when this occurs.

To fix this just install the good version of openAL audio thing for your OS, and the video codecs included.

As mentioned in read-me, the old indeo installer is buggy with most recent OS and doesn't register DLL properly, so it's needed to perform a manual install (very easy).


Then, this line must disappear from the log as you have working audio & video.

Modifié par Mohkerz
Posté(e) (modifié)
Here the game works well, both audio and video are ok.
But I can not configure the controls, I have already used the x360ce programs and also
the Xoutinput but it does not work.
Modifié par punkdark2000
1 hour ago, Mohkerz said:

@jonathanhooper please read the read-me, the codec installer is not working fine on win10 win8 or win7, it doesn't register the dll. So please install manually.

ah gotcha thanks :)

  • The sujet was featured

All is working good except when I move a character the screen shakes as if the camera is having a seizure it's impossible to play...

My PC is Win 10 64 running a GTX 950ti

51 minutes ago, Manson976 said:

All is working good except when I move a character the screen shakes as if the camera is having a seizure it's impossible to play...

My PC is Win 10 64 running a GTX 950ti

Me too

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