Team 7zxkv PostĂ©(e) le 20 fĂ©vrier 2018 Team PostĂ©(e) le 20 fĂ©vrier 2018 (modifiĂ©) Source:  A priori c'est bien du TTXZero, ca reste Ă confirmer mais d'aprĂšs le nom des fichiers et le fait que c'est indiquĂ© sur des listes de jeux comme Ă©tant du TTX0, on suppose jusqu'Ă preuve du contraire que c'est bien le cas, ca reste donc Ă confirmer. Il s'agit peut-ĂȘtre aussi d'un jeu compatible Nesica (ce n'est qu'une plateforme de tĂ©lĂ©chargement aprĂšs tout). Groove Coaster 2 Heavenly Festival 1) Extract the game contents (Within the Ripped data downloaded you'll find a patched game.exe and TypeXZEROTemp.dat) 2) Replace the original game.exe with the patched one. 3) Copy TypeXZEROTemp.dat to the root of C:\ 4) Download and extract jconfig 1.3 (july) to your Groove Coaster Game Directory (where game.exe is) Webpage: (You don't need 2nd link on page) DL:!14cU0LLB!kn4-6zkXHibAp5ngppa43ZStOI1Zmkw2meLARngYf18 5) Replace your original iDmacDrv32.dll file with the one from jconfig (inside iDmacX folder) 6) Ensure Jconfig is configured for 720p Portrait resolution (720w x 1280h) or else you'll get a direct x error if uncompatible resolution. You can try windowed mode too via "data\system.cfg". 7) The game must be ran with Japanese Locale or else you get a crash when changing categories on song slect. 8) Run game and pray. - If you get a nesys error on bootup, make sure the game is not running as administrator and ensure there are not multiple residual game.exe's running in the background via task manager. - If you get a hard "game.exe has stopped working" error, ensure you followed the steps. Additionally, remove all unnecessary USB devices and try again. Good Luck UNLOCKS To unlock all avatars, songs, and charts: Open data\system.cfg. Change the value of ShowVersion from "0" to "1" (No quotes, obviously) jconfig Controller Joystick Configuration (It's a doozy!!!): NOTE: Also map Button 1 or P1 and P2 for the buttons. UPDATED CONFIG  If you get a boot error nessy : do not follow the tutorial simply press (T if the configuration like me or the key you have configured for TEST MODE ) Miroir: here modded version with 4EX songs, some UI Elements, and some memes.: not4ex.torrent Petje: I only extracted the game from Groove coaster 2 heavenly festival.7z.001, no extra files Here the files i now use, i compared my working version folder with the "standard" files folder The files you need are in the altered folder: Working English GC 2 Difference.7z Just tested it on 2 different PC's and a laptop, works fine. Install GameLoader and TP. TP needs to know game.exe location and inputs. Almost forgot to add Add file to root of C:/ (#source) Merci Ă 1cc et au(x) posteur(s). ModifiĂ© le 5 juin 2021 par 7zxkv 6
andric31 Posté(e) le 20 février 2018 Posté(e) le 20 février 2018 (modifié) Oui news qui date de l'an dernier que j'ai toujours pas tester d'ailleurs MERCI pour ce rappel  Je l'avais mis pour du Nesica, mais si tu le dit Modifié le 20 février 2018 par andric31
Team 7zxkv Posté(e) le 20 février 2018 Auteur Team Posté(e) le 20 février 2018 Je ne sais pas, de toute maniÚre ca reste du ttx que ce soit nesica ou non, mais bon c'est flou.
chiourme Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2018 Posté(e) le 16 novembre 2018 Le jeu fonctionne bien et il faut configurer les joystick ainsi dans JConfig: P1 UP      LEFT JOYSTICK Up P1 DOWN    LEFT JOYSTICK Left P1 LEFT      RIGHT JOYSTICK Up P1 RIGHT   RIGHT JOYSTICK Left P2 UP      LEFT JOYSTICK Down P2 DOWN    LEFT JOYSTICK Right P3 LEFT      RIGHT JOYSTICK Down P2 RIGHT   RIGHT JOYSTICK Right   Y'a t il un moyen de sauvegarder sa progression ? Merci
Invité linglang Posté(e) le 1 avril 2019 Posté(e) le 1 avril 2019 (modifié) Did anyone find a solution to play the game at a higher resolution, or are the game graphics blurry originally? Solved   Modifié le 13 avril 2019 par linglang
mickael28 Posté(e) le 29 avril 2019 Posté(e) le 29 avril 2019 How do you guys play this game on a PC? ie, is there a specific controller for it or what is the best way you've found so far?  And is it good/addictive that way?
Invité linglang Posté(e) le 1 juillet 2019 Posté(e) le 1 juillet 2019 Omnimix expansion pack ? (Not tested by me)!KaoTgAbB!DAXrjanwZwdwXzUKX_OE2o0BX9yRikegVuaAkW06T0s
Touchmaster97 Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2019 Posté(e) le 18 juillet 2019 This sounds like fantastic news! Hope the original Groove Coaster Arcade Edition & Groove Coaster EX get added later. By the way, has NESiCA x LiVE been emulated, too?
PrinnyTonic Posté(e) le 16 décembre 2019 Posté(e) le 16 décembre 2019 (modifié) When I try to download the iDmacXv1.3.rar it get deleted on the spot due to a virus finding? Any way to prevent that? Checked and it seems to contain the Occamy Trojan. Any one got a safer source? Modifié le 16 décembre 2019 par PrinnyTonic
Invité Bootleg Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2020 Posté(e) le 5 janvier 2020 got this working in window mode is there a bezel that would go with this.
polivosm Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2020 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2020 nesica screen for me, press the TEST KEY but dont work
KIKIRPG PostĂ©(e) le 27 mars 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 27 mars 2020 J'ai testĂ© le lancement de ce dump qui a l'air vraiment sympa, mais je tombe sur un Ă©cran noir, avec une inscription au centre " NESYS et des caractĂšres japonais" J'ai suivi le protocole d'installation du premier message, et je suis en mode fenĂȘtrĂ©. Mon clavier est configurĂ© pour controler les boutons via Jconfig. Mais impossible de passer cet Ă©cran. Merci d'avance si quelqu'un a la solution ;-) Â
Max Panda PostĂ©(e) le 30 mars 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 30 mars 2020 Is there any way to emulate card services such as saving scores/progress for this? I've heard of Segatools / Minime but not very familiar with those yet. Â
KIKIRPG Posté(e) le 31 mars 2020 Posté(e) le 31 mars 2020 Je reste toujours bloqué sur cet écran, y a t'il une manip à faire pour débloquer le game.exe ? Merci d'avance 1
KIKIRPG PostĂ©(e) le 1 avril 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 1 avril 2020 J'ai recommencer toute l'installation Ă 0, cette fois ça fonctionne, le jeu se lance bien. Seulement au bout de quelques secondes, soit dans les menus soit en jeu, j'obtiens cet Ă©cran: Â
splder Posté(e) le 3 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 3 mai 2020 Can anyone tell me why this error is popping up
ulysees76 Posté(e) le 5 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 5 mai 2020 (modifié) RTFM....Read The "something" Manual.... lol Dude, it shows it in english in the screen what the error is...... You will have to change some settings in jconfig.... Modifié le 6 mai 2020 par ulysees76
mambila2001 Posté(e) le 19 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 19 mai 2020 Le 05/05/2020 à 23:01, ulysees76 a dit : RTFM....Read The "something" Manual.... lol Dude, it shows it in english in the screen what the error is...... You will have to change some settings in jconfig....  Changing RFID does nothing bruh
Invité petje Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 (modifié)  I solved it, after a while ...... it never ran this stable for me, no more errors  You could test this for yourself ?  I only extracted the game from Groove coaster 2 heavenly festival.7z.001, no extra files Here the files i now use, i compared my working version folder with the "standard" files folder  The files you need are in the altered folder  Just tested it on 2 different PC's and a laptop, works fine. Install GL and TP TP needs to know game.exe location and inputs  And of course  Audio needs to be set in windows to 2 channel 16 bit 44.1 KHz, otherwise one gets audio jitter  Almost forgot to add TypeXZEROTemp.dat Add file to root of C:/  Test / Service menu does not save ? How to set network settings for multiplayer ?  @7zxkv Could you add the essentials of this post to the original post, and mirror the package i made on emuline ? Also, i was logged in as another user, not my account, user unknown to me I had to log out and re-login to get into my own account, happens more often on emuline lately and this is how accounts get abused  Modifié le 21 mai 2020 par 7zxkv done.
PsyKos Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 (modifié) Doesn't work for me :( I have test with your files, with TP link to game.exe or TP with GL : game crash :( Modifié le 21 mai 2020 par 7zxkv
fuill PostĂ©(e) le 21 mai 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 21 mai 2020 (modifiĂ©) æF 4èźć   ICćĄ Â Â ModifiĂ© le 12 novembre 2021 par fuill
Invité petje Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 (modifié) @fuill How did you get that online part to work / emulate ? Card in use by other machine ? How ? Solved ?  Enjoy the game !   Modifié le 21 mai 2020 par petje
Inari Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 21 mai 2020 34 minutes ago, petje said: @fuill How did you get that online part to work / emulate ? Card in use by other machine ?  Enjoy the game !   I think running the game in Teknoparrot just spoofs the network part of things. It looks like pressing F4 activates the card swipe, I'm gonna assume this is a debug purpose and it doesn't work unless someone figures it out. In debug.cfg ~Inari
Invité petje Posté(e) le 22 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2020 (modifié) Small addition Setting Full screen mode in GL (Windowd Size Tab) makes it look nicer / sharper ! Modifié le 22 mai 2020 par petje
fuill Posté(e) le 22 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2020 (modifié) tp test 1    Modifié le 12 novembre 2021 par fuill 1
fuill PostĂ©(e) le 22 mai 2020 PostĂ©(e) le 22 mai 2020 jconfig test  ********************** [ HISTORY ] ********************** Current version (iDmacX v1.7) - Added Analog 1 & Analog 2  Ninth version (iDmacX v1.6) - CryptServer Emulation and Nesys Emulation Optimized  Eighth version (iDmacX v1.5) - Add the option For Analog - It isn't necessary to use dinput8.dll  Seventh version (iDmacX v1.4) - Fixed an error in the emulation of GrooveCoaster 2 & 3 games - Changed how to clean the communication buffer - Added new options: -- POV Sends AxisXY -- Individual Left Analog Â
fuill Posté(e) le 22 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 22 mai 2020 (modifié) jconfig test   Modifié le 12 novembre 2021 par fuill
PsyKos Posté(e) le 23 mai 2020 Posté(e) le 23 mai 2020 Il y a 23 heures, fuill a dit : tp test 1 Hi @fuill, can you post your game please ? Impossible for me to make it work :( Thanks
Max Panda Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2020 Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2020 (modifié) I'm able to get Groove Coaster 2 up and running with TeknoParrot (with songs/avatars unlocked as well via edit of system.cfg file) but have a couple issues & wanted to find out if these problems were specific to running this with TeknoParrot or if others run into these issues as well:  1) Some songs do not have a preview & if I try to select and play them, the game just gets stuck forever at the loading screen. The songs with a preview all seem to work fine.  2) Saving doesn't seem to work - when I press F4 it says the card is "being used on another machine".  I'm not sure if a way to save scores/progress for GC2 actually exists yet so wanted to see if anyone knew.  Thanks in advance. Modifié le 18 septembre 2020 par Max Panda
Invité Bootleg Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2020 Posté(e) le 18 septembre 2020 10 hours ago, Max Panda said: I'm able to get Groove Coaster 2 up and running with TeknoParrot (with songs/avatars unlocked as well via edit of system.cfg file) but have a couple issues & wanted to find out if these problems were specific to running this with TeknoParrot or if others run into these issues as well:  1) Some songs do not have a preview & if I try to select and play them, the game just gets stuck forever at the loading screen. The songs with a preview all seem to work fine.  2) Saving doesn't seem to work - when I press F4 it says the card is "being used on another machine".  I'm not sure if a way to save scores/progress for GC2 actually exists yet so wanted to see if anyone knew.  Thanks in advance. what did u do to get it up and running? some people have issues getting this up and running lol
s2010060 Posté(e) le 16 octobre 2020 Posté(e) le 16 octobre 2020 Is there anyway to make 2 plays to inifnite plays? It's currently able to play only 2 songs and it always get stuck in the game over screen
Akshuls Posté(e) le 16 octobre 2020 Posté(e) le 16 octobre 2020 6 hours ago, s2010060 said: Is there anyway to make 2 plays to inifnite plays? It's currently able to play only 2 songs and it always get stuck in the game over screen  where did you even download it at.
thehermit Posté(e) le 22 juillet 2021 Posté(e) le 22 juillet 2021 I manage to enter the game successfully but no sound for the game. I have changed my speaker setting to 16 bit 44100hz but still no any sound. Any one can help me? Will be appreciated. Thanks.
Max Panda Posté(e) le 23 octobre 2021 Posté(e) le 23 octobre 2021 Can someone please seed the torrent for Not4Ex at nyaa if they have the file(s)?  Or provide an alternate source such as Mega for this?  Want to get this but no one is seeding unfortunately.  Thanks in advance.
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