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[PC] Arcade Flying Games Recommendations

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[Titre] Top Gun - Hard Lock

[Lien Achat]

[Description] Top Gun: Hard Lock est aérienne combats de chiens à des vitesses jet, talonnage MiG à Mach2. Avec l'intensité d'une action Hollywood blockbuster, Top Gun: Hard Lock vous plonge directement dans la zone de danger. Maîtrisez toutes vos manœuvres de combat aérien et prouver que vous avez ce qu'il faut pour être le meilleur du meilleur. Verrouillage Top Gun dur dispose d'un unique, accessible, l'expérience d'action de contrôle qui permet à tout emballé aviateur en herbe navale intuitivement retirer des manœuvres de combat spectaculaires avec l'habileté et de fanfaronnades d'un vrai Ace Top Gun.

[Lien Video]


Modifié par ducon2016

[Titre] Ace Combat Assault Horizon

[Lien Achat]


ACE COMBAT ASSAULT HORIZON est un tout nouveau jeu d'action-shoot. Plus rapide, percutant et agressif que jamais, ce nouveau titre va mettre le ciel à feu et à sang.

Project Aces, l'équipe de développement de NAMCO BANDAI Games Inc. au Japon a poussé la série vers de nouveaux horizons. Déchirez les appareils morceaux par morceaux et broyez leurs carcasses fumantes sous votre suprématie aérienne. Explosez les rues et esquivez les gratte-ciels de verre et d'acier de villes réelles au cœur d'une épopée guerrière excitante à l’échelle du globe.

Prenez le contrôle et devenez instantanément un pilote capable de prouesses supersoniques étourdissantes en livrant, seul ou à plusieurs des batailles à grande échelle dans un ciel jonché de pièges mortels.

Il est temps de faire du ciel un carnage d'acier.


  • Un drame guerrier crédible dans des environnements réels
  • Scenario créé par un célèbre auteur de best-sellers militaire du New York Times
  • De multiples types d'appareils pour chaque situation avec plus de 30 avions officiels disponibles.
  • Ravagez le sol et glissez entre les gratte-ciels tout en explosant vos adversaires lors de joutes aériennes.
  • Nombreux modes de jeu en ligne.

[Lien Video]



Some more hidden gems

[Titre] Thunder Wolves

[Lien Achat]

[Description]When this “wolf pack” strikes, you hear the thunder roll. The Thunder Wolves attack from the air. They are mercenaries, and the best helicopter pilots in the world. Every one of them is ready for action at all times—and ready to fight evil, wherever it lurks. 
The Thunder Wolves have already made it through countless battles. They are equipped to destroy their enemies—destruction is part of their business. Put yourself in the pilot’s seat of a combat helicopter and become a member of the most experienced and dangerous helicopter team in the world!
Support the Thunder Wolves in their global battle against terrorism. Take part in varied operations and do whatever it takes to thwart the diabolical plans of your enemies! Defeat them once and for all, and save the world!

Key Features

  • Experience furious helicopter action in this relentless, adrenaline (and lead) pumped arcade shooter! 
  • Make use of 9 different helicopters, as well as a large arsenal of different weapons, and let your appetite for destruction have free reign! 
  • Master 13 action-packed missions in 4 different regions of the world! 
  • Vanquish masses of enemies, fulfill varied mission objectives, and fight your way through to spectacular boss battles! 
  • Fly together with a friend as pilot and gunner in local co-op mode!



[Titre] Dogfight 1942

[Lien Achat]

[Description]Piloting a wide range of aircraft, players engage in aerial dogfights and dangerous fighter missions across the major theaters of war during WWII. Featuring realistic aircraft, DOGFIGHT 1942 introduces cutting-edge flight dynamics with unprecedented arcade accessibility. Fly over 40 historically accurate planes, ranging from the fabled P-38 Lightning and Britain's Spitfire, to the feared Messerschmitt 109 and Japanese Kate.


Key Features


Explosive arcade action alongside advanced physics and painstaking recreation of actual events and aircraft creates an experience that’s easily accessible but hard to master

All aircraft are based on authentic models and all combat missions are representative of actual WWII engagements

Fun, dynamic battles offer a wide variety of action and most importantly targets to destroy – any given battle will combine dogfighting, escort missions and ground assault


Dogfight Mode - Fly against a friend in head-to-head aerial combat, to determine who is the top Ace.

Survival Mode - Fly with your wingman battling countless waves of enemies.

Campaign Co-op Mode - Fly with your wingman through various Co-op campaign missions fighting the Axis Alliance.

  • 2 semaines après...

[Title] Sky Drift

[Buy Link]

[Description] Get closer than ever before to the world of adrenaline pumping sky-racing where flyboys can test and master their flying and combat skills against the deadliest opponents!
Admire amazingly detailed terrains. Unlock state-of-the-art planes and personalize them with unique racing skins.
Be the first on the single and multiplayer challenges, where possibilities are limited only by your own imagination.
The goal is simple: If you can’t overtake them, shoot them down!


Key Features:

  • Eight Modern Planes to Fly: Choose from eight modern, state-of-the art airplanes turned into killing machines, each with four different skins for a total of 32 unique racing skins.
  • Six Power-ups! Capture up to two different powers in your plane’s arsenal, then collect upgrades to increase the strength of those existing powers. Strategy becomes key as you must choose which powers to keep, which ones to upgrade and which ones to convert into Boost energy
  • Stunning Visuals: Race through scenic venues like the Grand Canyon, Alaskan Terrain and Hawaiian Islands, created with beautiful, vibrant colors.
  • 8-person Multiplayer: Take your friends down online in this fast and furious battle.
  • Three Unique Game Modes: Power Race Mode is high-speed racing paired with power-ups; Speed Race Mode where players navigate the course through ring targets that accelerates plane speed and Survival Mode where pilots race against the countdown clock and each other.








22 hours ago, ark216 said:

[Title] Sky Drift



Sky Drift looked nice. Unfortunately, the game is a piece of garbage because it is capped at 30FPS. I do not recommend it to anyone, capped games are crap.

5 minutes ago, ducon2016 said:


Sky Drift looked nice. Unfortunately, the game is a piece of garbage because it is capped at 30FPS. I do not recommend it to anyone, capped games are crap.

I would beg to differ, the game is not a 'piece of garbage', in fact it is amazing and looks 'spectacular'. I agree the game would have not been capped at 30 fps, but that never means it's not 'playable'. Once you get into the game, you tend to forget about the 'visual aesthetics' and begin enjoying the game.The major gripe i had with this game was that it was a little 'light' of content.

2 minutes ago, ark216 said:

I would beg to differ, the game is not a 'piece of garbage', in fact it is amazing and looks 'spectacular'. I agree the game would have not been capped at 30 fps, but that never means it's not 'playable'. Once you get into the game, you tend to forget about the 'visual aesthetics' and begin enjoying the game.The major gripe i had with this game was that it was a little 'light' of content.


Sorry, I know it is subjective but I just cannot stand games capped at 30FPS.

Posté(e) (modifié)

Ironically the first two games posted in this thread are much worse than Sky Drift. Lack of content is tolerateable since it's a XBLA/PSN budget game to begin with

Modifié par CR-C89E
3 hours ago, CR-C89E said:

Ironically the first two games posted in this thread are much worse than Sky Drift. Lack of content is tolerateable since it's a XBLA/PSN budget game to begin with


It is not about the content. It is about the frame rate. The game is slow. I love Top Gun and Ace Combat, I am sure I could love Sky Drift if it was running at 60FPS, but capped at 30FPS it is horrible.

  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

After Burner Climax -NPUB30151-USA-PKG: RPCS3 Emulator!pTQ3xYyI!R2tFofEiKQCBDus9JftQN5o_xQx4oWzU-KJrYUPRZqQ



Modifié par djd

Snoopy vs. The Red Baron (PC) (2006) Namco Bandai games


  • 7 mois après...
  • 3 mois après...
  • 3 mois après...
  • 7 mois après...
On 2/12/2018 at 1:57 PM, ark216 said:

I would beg to differ, the game is not a 'piece of garbage', in fact it is amazing and looks 'spectacular'. I agree the game would have not been capped at 30 fps, but that never means it's not 'playable'. Once you get into the game, you tend to forget about the 'visual aesthetics' and begin enjoying the game.The major gripe i had with this game was that it was a little 'light' of content.


On 2/12/2018 at 6:22 PM, CR-C89E said:

Ironically the first two games posted in this thread are much worse than Sky Drift. Lack of content is tolerateable since it's a XBLA/PSN budget game to begin with


I made a patch to make the game run at 60 fps in case you guys are interested:


8 hours ago, ducon2016 said:



I made a patch to make the game run at 60 fps in case you guys are interested:


Sure why not! Would love to try duncon 2016.

  • 1 mois après...
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  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Just purchased the Logitech Extreme 3D Pro. It is an entry level flight stick for beginners like me. Costed me around $30-35. It is a very old Flight Stick but it seems good for the money especially if you can get it for even more cheaper rates.The build quality seems entry level but not cheap. It has mostly plastic parts.The stick has a nice feel to it. It's not "premium" but will get the job done.The stick does not have a separate Throttle Shifter, it is represented but a "flip switch" that acts as a throttle and break at the same time. The Flight Stick does not support rumble feature of FFB. That is to be expected from a Flight Stick of this price range.

I tested 3 games on Teknoparrot and all of them seemed to work fine (After Burner Climax, Star Wars Battle Pod, Mach Storm Dome Fighter). More testing is on my way.


Modifié par ark216
  • 1 mois après...
  • 3 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Presque personne n’est étranger au terme jeux en ligne. En bref, maintenant les jeux fonctionnent via internet et sont joués dans un réseau composé de plusieurs joueurs. Mais les jeux ne sont pas apparus pendant une courte période. Ils pourraient jouer pour toujours, malgré la technologie de pointe de maintenant, Eh bien, compte tenu de l’ère numérique dans laquelle nous sommes tous, mais aussi du temps que tout le monde passe devant l’ordinateur, les jeux en ligne sont bons si nous analysons quelques aspects. Les jeux devant l’ordinateur peuvent développer la pensée mathématique, compte tenu des situations dans lesquelles le joueur est mis devant un jeu, peuvent développer son langage, sa créativité, son imagination mais aussi sa lecture. Parce qu’il est en plein jeu, le joueur veut apprendre les règles du jeu aussi rapidement que possible pour atteindre la victoire. C’est pourquoi je suis d’avis que les enfants devraient, bien sûr avec des limites de temps, être impliqués dans de tels jeux en ligne pour développer leurs compétences et leurs capacités.

Modifié par RichardSven
  • 1 mois après...
Posté(e) (modifié)



UPDATE: 360 controllers are now working!

2560 x 1440 Resolution!

Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown – v1.0.1 Lossless Repack


100% Lossless & MD5 Perfect: all files are identical to originals after installation

NOTHING ripped, NOTHING re-encoded

Significantly smaller archive size (compressed from 46.7 to 29.7 GB)

Installation takes: ~13 minutes on 8-threads CPU; ~25 minutes on 4-threads CPU

After-install integrity check so you could make sure that everything installed properly

Tested working 100% with xbox360 controls no keyboard mouse needed great Arcade Cab flight game.

Modifié par djd

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