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[Title]= Gravel

[Genre]= Off-Road Arcade Style Racing

[Formats]= PS4/XBONE/PC








Gravel is the ultimate off-road experience. The most extreme racing game that will let you try out amazing stunts in the wildest places on the planet!
Pure fun, spectacular scenery and no-holds barred competition where each race will turn into a memorable battle!
Take part in the wildest show on the Gravel Channel web TV, travel around the world to discover the wide variety of environments and be amazed by the visually impressive quality! 
Enjoy four different disciplines – Cross Country, Wild Rush, Stadium and Speed cross – to live the driving experience with the most extreme vehicles on any type of terrain.



  • Take a tour around the world to discover the range of extreme and wild environments that will offer you a fully off-road experience.
  • There are four disciplines where you can compete with the most powerful cars.
  • Cross Country: Huge areas with different layouts, perfect for competing in checkpoint races in the most evocative landscapes. Run through a waterfall with the aurora borealis as backdrop or try the right grip in the largest deserts in the world.
  • Wild Rush: The wildest locations where you can compete in lap races. Unique environments with natural obstacles that will force you to race your way through the slopes of a mountain, on paradise islands, and through masses of debris and quarry rocks.
  • Speed Cross: Races set in the most beautiful tracks in the world. Real-world tracks, from Europe to America, where you can show your skills in incredible jumps and chicanes.
  • Stadium: Real and fictional arenas, full of jumps and spectacular layouts!


  • Fun and excitement are the main rules! 
  • Gravel is adrenaline, pure fun, spectacle.
  • The game's physics is accessible and immediate and allows you to express all your driving skills and boldness during each competition. 
  • Hair-raising bends, tussles, extreme jumps and treacherous terrain for an always different and increasingly dangerous gameplay experience.
  • There are many offline and online game modes that let you compete against human opponents! 


  • Meet the off-road Masters and find your way on the wildest show on TV at Gravel Channel! 
  • Six episodes broadcast from the most extreme and wildest corners of the planet to win the title of World Champion.
  • The Masters of the several disciplines in the game will challenge you in head-to-head races to determine who really is the best. And when the championship is over, the challenge is still not complete: take part in the final race to become an Off-Road Master. Only after beating the current titleholder you can step on the podium and raise the cup to the sky! 
  • So turn on the TV and enjoy the first episode!












  • 2 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Coming Soon From EA Burnout Paradise REMASTERED!!!



Can't wait one of the best racers ever!

Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)



My opinion of this game:

Top notch world graphics and nice car models, except junk ass huds and speedo wtf? Stupid story give the fast and furious shit up already EA and Ghost games.

I couldn't belive the copy cat stuff in this game straight from The first FORZA HORIZON!!! on Xbox360 I'd copy that game too EA cause it rules hands down! I played the game for about 2 hours! The driving physics are halfass as usuall and sense of speed is not there 100%. I think Need for Speed Rivals is better than this so far! The Trailor hyped it up along with alot of gamers eager for this game. All in all NOT impressed. All your developers need to be fired and hire some real arcade racing game devs!! Work on your car sounds too like on Forza Horizon every car has a distinctive sound of its own! Is it that hard to record some car sounds and implement them to the game? Instead of spending half your wad on Denuvo that obviously don't work!!! If I paid 60 to 80 bucks for this game I'd definatley want my money back. I wrote this before I read the many reviews I'm now reading and it looks like im right on par with everyone elses opinions. Anyway good game to throw on the hyperspin cab its playable at least. Bring on the Modders!!!


Man I'm good LOL Pc Worlds review about Forza horizon inspired (Copy Cats)

Modifié par djd
  Le 09/03/2018 Ă  13:14, ark216 a dit :

La version PC sera publiée plus tard. Mais pouvons-nous déjà le max sur notre PC déjà? Je crois que c'est juste une résolution et rien d'autre.


Wonderfull I did not see that it was going to release a new version of the resmastered it's a big news for me this game is the best of all burnout

  Le 09/03/2018 Ă  20:24, djd a dit :



My opinion of this game:

Top notch graphics, except junk ass huds and speedo wtf? Stupid story give the fast and furious shit up already EA and Ghost games.

I couldn't belive the copy cat stuff in this game straight from The first FORZA HORIZON!!! on Xbox360 I'd copy that game too EA cause it rules hands down! I played the game for about 2 hours! The driving physics are better but sense of speed is not there 100%. I think Need for Speed Rivals is better than this so far! The Trailor hyped it up along with alot of gamers eager for this game. All in all NOT impressed. All your developers need to be fired and hire some real arcade racing game devs!! Work on your car sounds too like on Forza Horizon every car has a distinctive sound of its own! Is it that hard to record some car sounds and implement them to the game? Instead of spending half your wad on Denuvo that obviously don't work!!! If I paid 60 to 80 bucks for this game I'd definatley want my money back.


When did this happen!

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/03/2018 Ă  01:03, ark216 a dit :

When did this happen!


Today!! Lmao


Modifié par djd


PC version will be released later. But can we not already max it out on our PC's already? I believe it's just a resolution uplift and nothing else.

The original PC release still lacks of a couple of DLCs and Big Surf Island....

  Le 10/03/2018 Ă  05:12, ducon2016 a dit :

[TITRE] Mini Moto Racing Evo

[GENRE] Top Down Racing

[Lien Magazin]




J'adore ce jeu il est vraiment extra


superb good game even if it is old I hope that one day we will have the number 2



  Le 10/03/2018 Ă  19:51, soso92 a dit :

superb good game even if it is old I hope that one day we will have the number 2


Yeah thats a good top down racer even on PC. Good game.



  Le 04/02/2018 Ă  16:10, Fox a dit :

Split Second un jeu d'arcade jouable en multi bien fun ;) ou en écran splité 2 joueurs

ca pete de pourtant, très jouissif même en solo.


sortie en 2010, 'l'epoque des Burnout, Blur, Ridge Racer..


Support : PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,XBOX ONE, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Java, Java ME

gratuit sur le xbox live mois de FĂ©vrier 2018



Posté(e) (modifié)

 Cars control NICE!


2018 Released MODS!




2.0 HD MOD 2018:

Theres also a 3.0 mod by someone else do your own research! patch for Need for Speed Undercover:


patch 1.0.18 (Steam Version) introduces challenge series. You can have 2 copies of the game at the same time:


HD Texture Pack from Anthrax:


TEXMOD Addon Required for adding HD Textures:


Fix for game settings resetting each time you quit and return to game:

Go into properties of nfs.exe, go to compatability tab and check the box marked "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" then apply. it will now read any previous settings in game. i.e the settings you choose and save each time.


Default xbox360 Controls!


Just tested and added this to my Hyperspin cab!


Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)

Lmao...Maybe some mods checking now! Terrible reviews but rare find!!Aip0HYBb!plPKN3sHuRC6QhgtA1-K5eMr8p1mCXXszMyGiVz0LP4

HOTROD as a name unlocks all levels and 100 stats to each driver and is allowed in runs.



More links on youtube channel!

Modifié par djd
  • 4 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Outrun 2006 PC FXT MOD Setup for xbox360 controller with rumble. With latest mods.!UnRSzJbI!i7rETDCAUt65uRVSYwIX3l_II6UnJwpJOcXt01zxB2M



Modifié par djd


  Le 09/04/2018 Ă  23:48, djd a dit :

Outrun 2006 PC FXT MOD Setup for xbox360 controller with rumble. With latest mods.!UnRSzJbI!i7rETDCAUt65uRVSYwIX3l_II6UnJwpJOcXt01zxB2M




I test its a good version with rumble and extra cars

djd you test it ?

The view like we see on the movie don't work for me

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 10/04/2018 Ă  17:20, soso92 a dit :

I test its a good version with rumble and extra cars

djd you test it ?

The view like we see on the movie don't work for me


I did not try the view unfortunatly, Howard C over at BYOAC Forums would be a better person to ask! Yeah I seen that in the vid was like WOW. Im sure you can get it working!

Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 06/02/2018 Ă  23:31, ark216 a dit :

That  60 fps patch breaks the game's "powerplay" physics.



Try my new patch for Split Second, it is way easier to use than the FPS Unlocker I linked to before, just patch the .exe and you are done. The physics works for me:


Modifié par ducon2016
  • 1 mois après...
  Le 16/05/2018 Ă  08:55, soso92 a dit :

A mi chemin entre Top Gear et Outrun

Si vous avez aimé sur amiga 500 la série Lotus alors vous allez adorer ok ce n'est pas ID8 mais c'est un bon jeu bien fun




  Le 16/05/2018 Ă  19:32, soso92 a dit :




Lol j'ai ce jeu (excellent) sur mon mobile depuis longtemps.

Mais je ne savais pas qu'il y avait un portage sur windows.



Posté(e) (modifié)

En promo sur steam à 9 € jusqu'au 25/052/2018

Ayant vu des vidéos de la borne d'arcade je m'attendais à quelques chose de mieux graphiquement

Modifié par soso92
  Le 17/05/2018 Ă  21:31, soso92 a dit :

En promo sur steam à 9 € jusqu'au 25/052/2018

Ayant des vidéos de la borne d'arcade je m'attendais à quelques chose de mieux graphiquement


Just downloaded it! Have not installed yet!!z3gFmQpK!5-831UC8hQiga_GIqOF_JbkeEwPFhOrhMf2IofayJUE

  Le 17/05/2018 Ă  22:23, djd a dit :

Bon après avoir fait 20 courses il est pas pourri ok mais c'est loin mĂŞme très loin d'ĂŞtre Ă  la hauteur de wmmt5

J'ai débloquer la vitesse au maximum et maintenant le jeu est hyper fluide et rapide mais les 1ère courses c'est flippant comme c'est lent

Oui coté langage c'est anglais ou chinois

Coté réglage graphique y a pas grand chose franchement à en voir les screens je m'attendais à beaucoup mieux graphiquement.

Les musiques sont Ă  chier et on ne peut ni baisser le volume et ni faire sans

Et en plus quand on regarde les config annoncé je rigole je suis loin d'avoir la recommandé et pourtant il tourne très bien chez moi en 1080p

Test le par toi mĂŞme et tu verra et tu me dira ce que tu en penses

Je ne sais pas combien il y a de chapitres en tout j'en suis au 4ème à la moitié et après le 5 j'ai vu que c'est Osaka.

Je vais continuer d'avancer et de le finir pour voir si par la suite il y a des nouveaux trucs

    • Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 (64-bit)
    • Processeur : Intel Core i5-4210 2.60GHz
    • MĂ©moire vive : 4 GB de mĂ©moire
    • Graphiques : Intel HD4000 with 1GB of VRAM (DirectX 11 graphics card required) or comparable
    • DirectX : Version 11
    • Espace disque : 6 GB d'espace disque disponible
    • Carte son : Windows compatible sound card
    • Notes supplĂ©mentaires : Multiplayer Mode only supports 60 FPS and lower. Network connection may be lost if the drivers you are racing have a poor internet connection.
    • Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processeur : Intel Core i7-6700 2.60GHz
    • MĂ©moire vive : 8 GB de mĂ©moire
    • Graphiques : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or comparable
    • DirectX : Version 11
    • Espace disque : 6 GB d'espace disque disponible
    • Carte son : Windows compatible sound card
    • Notes supplĂ©mentaires : Multiplayer Mode only supports 60 FPS and lower. Network connection may be lost if the drivers you are racing have a poor internet connection.
  Le 17/05/2018 Ă  23:25, soso92 a dit :

Bon après avoir fait 20 courses il est pas pourri ok mais c'est loin mĂŞme très loin d'ĂŞtre Ă  la hauteur de wmmt5

J'ai débloquer la vitesse au maximum et maintenant le jeu est hyper fluide et rapide mais les 1ère courses c'est flippant comme c'est lent

Oui coté langage c'est anglais ou chinois

Coté réglage graphique y a pas grand chose franchement à en voir les screens je m'attendais à beaucoup mieux graphiquement.

Les musiques sont Ă  chier et on ne peut ni baisser le volume et ni faire sans

Et en plus quand on regarde les config annoncé je rigole je suis loin d'avoir la recommandé et pourtant il tourne très bien chez moi en 1080p

Test le par toi mĂŞme et tu verra et tu me dira ce que tu en penses

Je ne sais pas combien il y a de chapitres en tout j'en suis au 4ème à la moitié et après le 5 j'ai vu que c'est Osaka.

Je vais continuer d'avancer et de le finir pour voir si par la suite il y a des nouveaux trucs


Il m'intéresse quand même !!! Super curieux !
Merci pour ton retour Soso, j'suis en train de le DL on va voir ce que ça donne !! :)

Et merci @djd

  Le 17/05/2018 Ă  23:25, soso92 a dit :

Bon après avoir fait 20 courses il est pas pourri ok mais c'est loin mĂŞme très loin d'ĂŞtre Ă  la hauteur de wmmt5

J'ai débloquer la vitesse au maximum et maintenant le jeu est hyper fluide et rapide mais les 1ère courses c'est flippant comme c'est lent

Oui coté langage c'est anglais ou chinois

Coté réglage graphique y a pas grand chose franchement à en voir les screens je m'attendais à beaucoup mieux graphiquement.

Les musiques sont Ă  chier et on ne peut ni baisser le volume et ni faire sans

Et en plus quand on regarde les config annoncé je rigole je suis loin d'avoir la recommandé et pourtant il tourne très bien chez moi en 1080p

Test le par toi mĂŞme et tu verra et tu me dira ce que tu en penses

Je ne sais pas combien il y a de chapitres en tout j'en suis au 4ème à la moitié et après le 5 j'ai vu que c'est Osaka.

Je vais continuer d'avancer et de le finir pour voir si par la suite il y a des nouveaux trucs

    • Système d'exploitation : Windows 7 (64-bit)
    • Processeur : Intel Core i5-4210 2.60GHz
    • MĂ©moire vive : 4 GB de mĂ©moire
    • Graphiques : Intel HD4000 with 1GB of VRAM (DirectX 11 graphics card required) or comparable
    • DirectX : Version 11
    • Espace disque : 6 GB d'espace disque disponible
    • Carte son : Windows compatible sound card
    • Notes supplĂ©mentaires : Multiplayer Mode only supports 60 FPS and lower. Network connection may be lost if the drivers you are racing have a poor internet connection.
    • Système d'exploitation : Windows 10 (64-bit)
    • Processeur : Intel Core i7-6700 2.60GHz
    • MĂ©moire vive : 8 GB de mĂ©moire
    • Graphiques : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 or comparable
    • DirectX : Version 11
    • Espace disque : 6 GB d'espace disque disponible
    • Carte son : Windows compatible sound card
    • Notes supplĂ©mentaires : Multiplayer Mode only supports 60 FPS and lower. Network connection may be lost if the drivers you are racing have a poor internet connection.


yes sympa ce jeu

ptite question ? : en fullscreen 1920x1080 il a le tour comme une fenetre et le nom en haut gauche , c ca qu'il appelle fullscreen ?? bizarre

avez vous ce phénomène ? merci


  • 3 semaines après...
Posté(e) (modifié)

Title Name: Antigraviator

Genre: Futuristic Racer

Formats: PC/PS4/XBOX One

Steam Link:


In the year 2210, racing has evolved far beyond its expected limits. New terraforming capabilities paired with scientific breakthroughs in the field of antigravity have given birth to a new spectacle: the Antigraviator intergalactic tournament.
Race perpetually on exquisitely detailed stages, full of light-speed danger, chaos and mayhem. Guide your Grav in three gameplay modes across five different worlds with three tracks each. These dynamic courses come to life, while pushing the power of Unity to the limit.



Split-screen gameplay!!!

No speed limit!

Play the single player campaign to unlock new parts, ships and skins

Race your friends with local split-screen multiplayer for up to 4 players

Challenge anybody in online multiplayer mode with rankings and leaderboards

Use environmental traps to overtake your opponents

Power-ups and boosts allow you to become top of the leaderboard

Ship customization gives you an edge over the opposition

Five beautifully created sci-fi worlds, each with three dynamic courses 

Stunning realistic 3D graphics powered by Unity

Soundtrack featuring 15 intense tracks that will enhance your racing experience





Modifié par ark216

Title Name: Wreckfest

Genre: Vehicular Combat Style Racing Action

Platforms: PC/Xbox One/PS4

Steam link:


Wreckfest is a demolition derby themed racing game with soft-body damage modeling, sophisticated driving dynamics and in-depth vehicle upgrading, featuring both demolition derbies and more traditional track races. It’s all about fun, breakneck racing and over-the-top crashes.











Title: Road Redemption

Genre: Vehicular Combat

Formats: PC/OSX/Linux/PS4/Xbox One/Switch

Steam Link:


Road Redemption is an action racing game where you lead your motorcycle gang on an epic journey across the country in a brutal driving combat adventure. 
Earn money by completing races, assassinations, robberies, and other challenges in your path. As you collect loot, you'll upgrade your character, your bike, and your weapons.

Road Redemption lets you lead a biker gang on an epic journey across the country in this driving combat road rage adventure. Huge campaign, dozens of weapons, full 4-player co-op splitscreen and online multiplayer.









  • 2 semaines après...

Title: Super Bomberman R

Formats: PC/Switch/PS4/Xbox One

Genre:  Strategic Maze Action

Steam Link:


Play alone or with a friend in a Story Mode jam-packed with different levels. Re-experience classic Battle Mode,
or discover the brand new Grand Prix Mode in which team play is just as important as individual skills!
New characters are joining the fight. Play locally or online with friends and players from around the world!
Super Bomberman R is the biggest Bomberman game ever!

â– Story Mode
A campaign playable alone or with a friend in local co-op.
Join the 8 Bomberman heroes and help them to defeat the Evil Emperor Buggler!

â– Battle Mode
The classic and fun Battle Mode is back.
Play with up to 8 players locally or 8 players online!

â– Grand Prix
Grand Prix is a new competitive mode in which teamwork is key.
Which team will show the best skills and be crowned as the best in the Universe!?

  • 4 semaines après...

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