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Posté(e) (modifié)

j'ai jamais test, mais franchement ca donne envie, j'aime bien la DA et la sensation de vitesse, je testerai...

à voir si la maniabilité n'est pas exécrable.

Modifié par WildWolf
  Le 22/01/2018 Ă  11:10, WildWolf a dit :

j'ai jamais test, mais franchement ca donne envie, j'aime bien la DA et la sensation de vitesse, je testerai...

à voir si la maniabilité n'est pas exécrable.



Essaye le, tu vas pas etre decu. En plus tu peux jouer a deux and split screen. Superbe jeu.

  • RetroG

Fast Racing Neo et Redout, j'en parlais ici


Posté(e) (modifié)

I find that the physics in this game to be superior to any need for speed even the new ones. Nice graphics too def one of my favorites now.

To improve visuals even further create a user.cfg text file with notepad and place this command in it. Render.ResolutionScale 1.0 Place that file in the game .exe folder. You can change the 1.0 parameter to whatever you like or whatever you system can handle. It's full screen AA and it looks amazing. Try 1.5 to start with. 1.1-2.0 are what people are using


Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)


Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)

Never seen this one. Online game only.

Modifié par djd
Posté(e) (modifié)

This is a list I compiled for my hyperspin cab driving games feel free to add to it! Note: I didnt list realistic driving sims for a reason. I hate em lol. I like full pedal to the metal Arcade style racing.


Racing Games Pc:

Race Driver Grid
Grid 2
Grid Auto sport
Driver San Fransisco
Ridge Racer Unbounded
Sega Rally Revo

Split Second
Dirt Rally
Dirt 3

Dirt 4
Burnout Paradise Black Box Edition

Need For Speed Payback
Need For Speed Shift 2
Need for Speed Most Wanted Game of the Year Edition 2012 w/Mods
Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition all DLCs w/Mods
Need for speed Carbon Collectors Edition w/Mods
Outrun Coast to Coast pc w/Mods (BYOAC Forum Mod)


Racing Games Arcade:

Sega Daytona USA Championship 2017 - w/Mods (BYOAC Forum Mod) + Metallica Music
Sega Racing Classic - RingWide
Initial D 6AA - Ringedge w/Mods
Initial D 7AAX - Ringedge w/Mods
Initial D Arcade Stage V.3 - Demul
Konami Road Fighters 3
Battle Gear Maximum Tuned - Tatio
Rally 3 - Sega Europa-R
Ford Racing Full Blown - Sega Europa-R
Scud Race - Arcade SuperModel 3
Daytona 2 Battle on the edge - SuperModel 3
Daytona 2 Power Edition - SuperModel 3
Dirt Devils - SuperModel 3
Sega Rally 2 - SuperModel 3
Daytona USA ++ - SuperModel 2 (BYOAC Forum Mod)
Harley Davidson and LA Riders - Supermodel 3
Mario Kart GPDX - Namco
Sega Sonic All Stars Racing - Ringedge
California Speed - Mame CHD
Crusin USA - Mame
Offroad Challenge - Mame
Fast and Furious Superbikes HD - GlobalVR
Fast and Furious Drift - GlobalVR
Need for Speed Underground Arcade - GlobalVR
Chase HQ 2 - Tatio
Valve Limit R - Konami
Dead Heat - Namco (Linux)
Wangan Midnight 4 - Namco (Linux)


(My favorite console of all times thanks Team Executer,TeamFSD, C4eva and many



Forza Horizon
Sega Outrun Online
Midnight Club Los Angeles
Race Driver Grid
Test Drive Unlimited
Ridge Racer 6
The Crew
Sega Full Auto
Daytona USA
Project Gotham Racing
Burnout Series


Racing Games Console Emulation:

(Some of these are rather dated but due to reshadeMe, CRT shaders and

upscalling techniques they can still be fun!!!) rpcs3 is awesome though!


Initial D Extreme Stage [BLJM60055] - rpcs3-v0.0.4-2018 win64
OutRun 2 SP (Japan) - Pcsx2
Initial D 2nd Stage - Pcsx2

Grand Turismo 4 - Pcsx2

Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 - Pcsx2

Racing Battle C1 Grand Prix - Pcsx2

Battle Gear 3 - Pcsx2

Midnight Club Dub Edition - Pcsx2

Wipeout Fusion - Pcsx2
Grand Turismo Arcade Disk1 - ePSXe
Initial D Street Stage - PPSSPP
RTM DTM Race Driver 2 - PPSSPP
Daytona USA 2001 - Demul/Dreamcast
Sega GT (USA) - Demul/Dreamcast
Buggy Heat - Demul/Dreamcast



Modifié par djd
  • RetroG

Split Second un jeu d'arcade jouable en multi bien fun ;) ou en écran splité 2 joueurs

ca pete de pourtant, très jouissif même en solo.


sortie en 2010, 'l'epoque des Burnout, Blur, Ridge Racer..


Support : PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,XBOX ONE, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Java, Java ME

gratuit sur le xbox live mois de FĂ©vrier 2018



  Le 04/02/2018 Ă  16:10, Fox a dit :

Split Second un jeu d'arcade jouable en multi bien fun ;) ou en écran splité 2 joueurs

ca pete de pourtant, très jouissif même en solo.



Des copains y ont bosse dessus, mais la limite a 30fps m'a bien degoute je l'avais desinstalle. Je viens de trouver un patch a 60FPS. Du coup c'est beaucoup mieux :D Le lien du patch 60 fps pour split second:

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 04/02/2018 Ă  16:10, Fox a dit :

Split Second un jeu d'arcade jouable en multi bien fun ;) ou en écran splité 2 joueurs

ca pete de pourtant, très jouissif même en solo.


sortie en 2010, 'l'epoque des Burnout, Blur, Ridge Racer..


Support : PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,XBOX ONE, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Java, Java ME

gratuit sur le xbox live mois de FĂ©vrier 2018




Qu'est-ce que j'ai trop aimé ce jeu quand il est sortis vraiment très bon ce jeu.

  Le 05/02/2018 Ă  02:46, ducon2016 a dit :


Des copains y ont bosse dessus, mais la limite a 30fps m'a bien degoute je l'avais desinstalle. Je viens de trouver un patch a 60FPS. Du coup c'est beaucoup mieux :D Le lien du patch 60 fps pour split second:


Cool merci je vais testé ce patch


Modifié par soso92

Il a l'air super cool comme jeu et c'est vrai qu'il fait beaucoup pensĂ© Ă  WMMT il ne manque que la circulation


Les bruitages (freins, moteurs, boite de vitesse etc...), la conduite, l'ambiance graphique et sonore, on est complètement dans du WM, je l'avais choppé y a un ptit moment en me disant qu'il fallait que je le fasse, bah en revoyant les vidéos je me redis pareil, sauf que cette fois je vais m'y mettre en attendant une bonne surprise pour WMMT5.

  Le 05/02/2018 Ă  22:19, Bruce a dit :


Je sais pas si sa fait partis des bon jeux de courses (sa sera sur PS2 ,malheureusement ces que en JAP)

video RB CI GP :   (et il y a l'autoroute de WMMT)




Les bruitages (freins, moteurs, boite de vitesse etc...), la conduite, l'ambiance graphique et sonore, on est complètement dans du WM, je l'avais choppé y a un ptit moment en me disant qu'il fallait que je le fasse, bah en revoyant les vidéos je me redis pareil, sauf que cette fois je vais m'y mettre en attendant une bonne surprise pour WMMT5.
D'ailleurs Bruce (petit hors sujet indirect désolé), tu as des news concernant le vote sur twitter laissé par Reaver ? Il me semble que les votes sont clos, et que c'est une new release qui a été choisi - topic off - end.

  Le 06/02/2018 Ă  18:40, Bruce a dit :

Ces pour ça que j'adore ce style de jeux "WMMT"D'ailleur il y a un autre titre du genre "WMMT"    (Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 (USA)  ps2) pas mal avec toute les autoroutes.

D'ailleur je le trouve mieux que WMMT car dans "tokyo xtreme racer 3" on doit chercher les concurrent qui ce balade dans toute l'autoroute avec des appel de phare et ces partis pour l’affrontement).(au cas ou j'ai la sauvegarde a 100% sur PS2).


d'autre autoroute:(et il y en a d'autre)et le tachometre etc.....en vus d’intĂ©rieure et plus rĂ©aliste que certain jeux de voiture ...........


pas mal les compte tours sur ce jeux:very-good:    d'ailleur on peut changer la couleurs des compte plus tard il y a aussi de la nitro.....


et pour ton petit hors sujet ,il suffit d'aller ici pour voir qui est en première place:




Ahhh lĂ  lĂ  mais tu m'allume trop. Je l'ai aussi celui-lĂ  et pas encore pris le temps de le faire, mais il faut ! Tout comme Racing Battle C1... Mais bon, quand on aime ce genre de jeu, on ne peut ĂŞtre que content d'en avoir pleins Ă  faire :D

Y a Tokyo Xtreme Racer Zero aussi sorti un peu plus tôt que le 3 qui avait l'air pas mal mais en reregardant des vidéos je le trouve moins bien au final...


Et pour le tweet, j'avais regardé comme je te disais, je voulais plutôt savoir si il avait pas laissé des infos sur la date de la release ou autres à tout hasard ;)

Posté(e) (modifié)

Un petit jeu bien sympa que je viens de tester course et action en mĂŞme temps


Modifié par soso92
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 27/01/2018 Ă  22:49, djd a dit :

This is a list I compiled for my hyperspin cab driving games feel free to add to it! Note: I didnt list realistic driving sims for a reason. I hate em lol. I like full pedal to the metal Arcade style racing.


Racing Games Pc:

Race Driver Grid
Grid 2
Grid Auto sport
Driver San Fransisco
Ridge Racer Unbounded
Sega Rally Revo

Split Second
Dirt Rally
Dirt 3

Dirt 4
Burnout Paradise Black Box Edition

Need For Speed Payback
Need For Speed Shift 2
Need for Speed Most Wanted Game of the Year Edition 2012 w/Mods
Need for Speed Rivals Complete Edition all DLCs w/Mods
Need for speed Carbon Collectors Edition w/Mods
Outrun Coast to Coast pc w/Mods (BYOAC Forum Mod)


Racing Games Arcade:

Sega Daytona USA Championship 2017 - w/Mods (BYOAC Forum Mod) + Metallica Music
Sega Racing Classic - RingWide
Initial D 6AA - Ringedge w/Mods
Initial D 7AAX - Ringedge w/Mods
Initial D Arcade Stage V.3 - Demul
Konami Road Fighters 3
Battle Gear Maximum Tuned - Tatio
Rally 3 - Sega Europa-R
Ford Racing Full Blown - Sega Europa-R
Scud Race - Arcade SuperModel 3
Daytona 2 Battle on the edge - SuperModel 3
Daytona 2 Power Edition - SuperModel 3
Dirt Devils - SuperModel 3
Sega Rally 2 - SuperModel 3
Daytona USA ++ - SuperModel 2 (BYOAC Forum Mod)
Harley Davidson and LA Riders - Supermodel 3
Mario Kart GPDX - Namco
Sega Sonic All Stars Racing - Ringedge
California Speed - Mame CHD
Crusin USA - Mame
Offroad Challenge - Mame
Fast and Furious Superbikes HD - GlobalVR
Fast and Furious Drift - GlobalVR
Need for Speed Underground Arcade - GlobalVR
Chase HQ 2 - Tatio
Valve Limit R - Konami
Dead Heat - Namco (Linux)
Wangan Midnight 4 - Namco (Linux)


(My favorite console of all times thanks Team Executer,TeamFSD, C4eva and many



Forza Horizon
Sega Outrun Online
Midnight Club Los Angeles
Race Driver Grid
Test Drive Unlimited
Ridge Racer 6
The Crew
Sega Full Auto
Daytona USA
Project Gotham Racing
Burnout Series


Racing Games Console Emulation:

(Some of these are rather dated but due to reshadeMe, CRT shaders and

upscalling techniques they can still be fun!!!) rpcs3 is awesome though!


Initial D Extreme Stage [BLJM60055] - rpcs3-v0.0.4-2018 win64
OutRun 2 SP (Japan) - Pcsx2
Initial D 2nd Stage - Pcsx2

Grand Turismo 4 - Pcsx2

Tokyo Xtreme Racer 3 - Pcsx2

Racing Battle C1 Grand Prix - Pcsx2

Battle Gear 3 - Pcsx2

Midnight Club Dub Edition - Pcsx2

Wipeout Fusion - Pcsx2
Grand Turismo Arcade Disk1 - ePSXe
Initial D Street Stage - PPSSPP
RTM DTM Race Driver 2 - PPSSPP
Daytona USA 2001 - Demul/Dreamcast
Sega GT (USA) - Demul/Dreamcast
Buggy Heat - Demul/Dreamcast


Generally speaking a decent list of game BUT mentioned you aren't into "Sim Racers", yet you have mentioned 2 Gran Turismo titles in your list?





Modifié par ark216
  Le 04/02/2018 Ă  16:10, Fox a dit :

Split Second playable arcade game fun multi well ;)or screen splite 2 players

ca pete yet very enjoyable even solo.


released in 2010, 'the era of Burnout, Blur, Ridge Racer ..


Support : PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360,XBOX ONE, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation Portable, iOS, Java, Java ME

free on xbox live month of February 2018




One of my favorite arcade-style racing games out there, Black Rock Studios was a racing game developer.

Posté(e) (modifié)

[Title]= BLUR

[Genre]= Arcade Style Racer

[Formats]= PC/X360/PS3

[Details]= An arcade style racing video game for Microsoft Windows, Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. it was developed by Bizarre Creations and published by Activision.

It features over 50 licensed cars including custom models, 33 tracks in 14 real-world inspired locations, visual damage modelling and arcade style car physics. The arcade and kart racing style of blur includes eight power-ups as well as modifications that players can equip before races.
Cars and modifications are progressively unlocked in both the singleplayer career and online multiplayer modes with fan points earned after every race.


images (2).jpg

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images (4).jpg


images (1).jpg


images (5).jpg

images (6).jpg

Modifié par ark216
Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 12/02/2018 Ă  21:42, ark216 a dit :

Generally speaking a decent list of game BUT mentioned you aren't into "Sim Racers", yet you have mentioned 2 Gran Turismo titles in your list?



Grand Turismo had both Arcade Mode and Simulation since the first one on the playstation 1 Check the lables right on the disc it says ARCADE disk one SIMULATION DISC 2! Oh and Yeah Ive played BLUR didnt like it very much, I like Juiced 2 prob better could add it.

Modifié par djd
  Le 12/02/2018 Ă  22:35, djd a dit :

Grand Turismo had both Arcade Mode and Simulation since the first one on the playstation 1 Check the lables right on the disc it says ARCADE disk one SIMULATION DISC 2!


It's just a 'marketing' thing, the handling was NEVER 'arcade' like, the only difference was the PSX disc 1 had some 'driving assists' enabled and Disc 2 had them 'disabled'. Its was in no way arcade like.


[Title]= GRIP

[Genre]= Arcade-Style Action Racing

[Formats]= PC [In development/Early Access]




GRIP is a futuristic combat racer inspired by the Rollcage games from 1999/2000. Combine furious speed with intense action to create memorable gaming moments you won't forget.

  • 8 vehicles (3 manufacturers), with paint job, rim and tire customization. Another car coming soon!
  • 6 Game modes: Classic Race, Ultimate Race (overall points), Elimination, Time Trial, Arena (Deathmatch) & Carkour (similar to scramble mode in RCS2)
  • 10 Racetracks, 3 Arenas, 15 Carkour courses. (Some levels are still WIP)
  • 5 Weapons (Scorpion, Raptor, Ironfist, Hydra, Assassin). Another weapon next update!
  • 4 Power-ups (Aegis, Firestorm, EMP, Ramraider)
  • 2 Vehicle abilities (Launch, Boost)
  • 12 Ingame music tracks (mostly Drum n Bass, but also trance and techno)
  • Play single player (against AI), Split-screen with a friend or ONLINE versus players all over the world!

Intense Racing: Hit speeds of up to 1000 kmph, driving on floors, ceilings and walls. GRIP's car designs allow for driving on both sides, so flipping the car no longer means game over

Awesome Pick-ups: Use an array of power-ups and weapons to get the edge on your opponents. Ranging from missiles and guns to shields and turbos, we plan to have a wide array of exciting pick-ups to use

Exotic Planets: Race on a variety of planets, from hostile icy worlds to alien jungle to sprawling non-terrestrial cities. Use destruction as a tool to win (not yet implemented*), crashing your surroundings down on your opponents, or lose your tail by heading through an alternate track route

Badass Rides: Choose from a roster of armoured cars, manufactured by different companies from around the galaxy. Each car has different specs - some swift and agile, others brutish and heavily armoured. There's a killer car for every taste

Bangin' Tunes: Race to a thumping soundtrack from a variety of artists. Drum n Bass is our main kick












J'ai tester ce jeu il est super beau et bien foutu pour un jeu de moto cross



[Title]= Gas Guzzlers Extreme

[Format]=  Windows/XBONE/PS4

Gas Guzzlers Extreme is a fast, furious, armed-to-the-teeth, trigger-happy shooter, shifted into top gear! Take a white knuckle ride in this crazily addictive combat racing game that features a ton of vehicles, weapons, upgrades, on-track bonuses and environments. Gas Guzzlers Extreme is an exciting new twist on the car combat experience with the addition of furious team/clan combat battles. 

Players start out with low performance vehicles and soon work their way up to high-performance models, by earning money in a series of hi-octane races and arena battles. New game modes, tracks and vehicles are unlocked as players progress through the game. Along with developing their driving and fighting skills, players can spend their hard-fought cash, customizing their vehicle to match their clan members or pimping their ride for the road to glory!






  Le 12/02/2018 Ă  22:56, ark216 a dit :

[Title]= GRIP

[Genre]= Arcade-Style Action Racing



Tried it and unfortunately was very disappointed. The game tracks do not look as good as the screenshots, and the game was very slow on my machine, I had to lower everything to medium to run at 60fps. And the game looked inferior to many racers on the market. Huge disappointment. Some tracks were really bland and boring too...


[Title]= Burnin' Rubber 5 HD

[Genre]= Arcade Car Combat Racing

[Formats]= PC 






What is it?
Burnin' Rubber 5 HD is the version as it was intended to be! Battle over 30 challenges against the toughest opponents ever. Unlock new cars, buy new weapons and upgrades. It’s a massive 3D action arcade racing game, completely remastered. Jam-packed with all of the destructive goodness that made the previous games such a huge success!

The Burnin' Rubber games have been online since 2007 with over hundreds of millions of plays. At Xform we greatly enjoy developing new entries. Iterating upon the previous one and trying to get even more action and explosions in the new one.
Since the games were originally developed for online play we always had to cut and tone down our content. Also, browsers are now phasing out the plugins that are required to play our awesome games! The released version was never the same as our 'development' version, but NOT for much longer. We would like to introduce you to the full HD remaster of Burnin' Rubber 5!

Posté(e) (modifié)
  Le 21/02/2018 Ă  22:59, ducon2016 a dit :


Tried it and unfortunately was very disappointed. The game tracks do not look as good as the screenshots, and the game was very slow on my machine, I had to lower everything to medium to run at 60fps. And the game looked inferior to many racers on the market. Huge disappointment. Some tracks were really bland and boring too...


The game runs like a charm on my PC and the visuals are absolutely stunning! I think it has to do with your pc specs. The game is also very entertaining i.e. if you are into "Roll cage" kind of stuff.

Check this youtube video although it's heavily compressed since it''s on youtube but look at that stunning lighting and particle effects:


Modifié par ark216
  Le 22/02/2018 Ă  06:02, CR-C89E a dit :

[Title]= Burnin' Rubber 5 HD

[Genre]= Arcade Car Combat Racing

[Formats]= PC 






What is it?
Burnin' Rubber 5 HD is the version as it was intended to be! Battle over 30 challenges against the toughest opponents ever. Unlock new cars, buy new weapons and upgrades. It’s a massive 3D action arcade racing game, completely remastered. Jam-packed with all of the destructive goodness that made the previous games such a huge success!

The Burnin' Rubber games have been online since 2007 with over hundreds of millions of plays. At Xform we greatly enjoy developing new entries. Iterating upon the previous one and trying to get even more action and explosions in the new one.
Since the games were originally developed for online play we always had to cut and tone down our content. Also, browsers are now phasing out the plugins that are required to play our awesome games! The released version was never the same as our 'development' version, but NOT for much longer. We would like to introduce you to the full HD remaster of Burnin' Rubber 5!


Looks like FUN! But not ground-breaking. A lot of car games exist in the same category.Try Gas Guzzlers.



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