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[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)


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Hi Racers,


i still have a problem

I am not able to config manual shifting

Is there any tutorial for setting the game controls ?

I am using for all ather arcade racers Thurstmaster TX300 Alcantara Edition and the TH8a Shiftbox


Please i finallay wanna race 

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  • 2 semaines après...

Hello , im just now want to install this game due to the space on my main hdd

Since i have GRID on it its in the C:/Sega


Daytona requires also to be in C:/Sega or can i DO it like C:/Sega/Daytona  with the shell folders inside ?

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  • 2 semaines après...
En 21/4/2019 a las 6:55, Moksi dijo:

Hello , im just now want to install this game due to the space on my main hdd

Since i have GRID on it its in the C:/Sega


Daytona requires also to be in C:/Sega or can i DO it like C:/Sega/Daytona  with the shell folders inside ?


Not really i have my daytona copy on



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  • 2 semaines après...

Upgrade would be awesome.... But I think first problem will be the registration nr of the not existing cab... 


Well. I have some thing which makes me curious. 


I play daytona in TP. Ffb, steering, shifting works nice for me but.... The sensitivity of the wheel when it's time to place my name in the high score list... It is not possible for me to put my initials. 


Any solution? 


Arcade Manual




Modifié par Fulgore18
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En 16/5/2019 a las 18:16, Friko dijo:

I wouldn't mind getting hold of that. Sega should put it in their dropbox again



we must be vigilant, maybe end up in dropbox or direct download



Now will it remain windows? X-file.mp3

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  • 3 semaines après...

Hi guys,


I recently bought a Logitech G27, I would like to configure it with the Daytona USA 3, but no idea how to do it, I can play with the Xbox One controller.


X360ce recognizes the G27, but I do not know how to assign it as a control for the game.


If someone can help me, I appreciate it. :very-good:


Thank you so much

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Well I play it with teknoparrot 165.

Everyrhing is working perfect.

I use thrustmaster t300 rs with pedals

and th8a Shifter. For Sega rally I built myself a custom handbrake which also works perfect under tp 165

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  • 2 semaines après...
On 25/04/2018 at 4:46 PM, zjndzogf said:

Je suppose que Manson parle du Menu à Gauche qui montre les Concurrents à proximité; quelqu'un sait comment dégager ce Menu ? Does anyone know how to remove the Useless Left Menu?


Alors oui une pression sur START permet de le ranger mais cet enflure revient peu de temps après...:triste:

Perso je trouve que ça casse l'immersion (surtout avec ces horribles lignes qui pointent vers les Concurrents, au début je croyais à des artefacts tellement c'est moche :non:)


Pareil pour le bandeau défilant en bas de l'écran, y'a moyen de le virer ? :what:

Same question, does someone knows how to remove the views from the cameras that appear on the left side?

Quelqu'un sait comment enlever les vues des caméras qui apparaissent sur le côté gauche ?

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Some noob questions about preconfigured version:


Is the preconfig version working ok with x360 controller?

Does it need to replace Daytona.exe with Daytona_Patch(XInput working+nocrash).7z on this version?

What is "JVSnotincluded" on the filename?

Is the dongle driver installation needed (step 9) to play, or only to access to test menu?


Thanks in advance to all




Modifié par aaa123
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  • 4 semaines après...

Salut à tous, je me permets de faire remonter le topic car j'ai de gros problèmes pour lancer le jeu, tout se lance sans aucun problème avec l'exe patché, l'intro tourne sans soucis mais dès que j'appuie sur start pour lancer la partie, le jeu freeze.


Est-ce que quelqu'un a déjà rencontré le problème et a trouvé une solution?


Le jeu est bien installé dans c:\Sega.



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il y a 2 minutes, linglang a dit :


No need to place it in C:\Sega, the game makes this directory for temporary files as far as I know.


Patched .exe ?

Daytona.exe what did you patch ?


I used to "no crash" patch and even the newer one but the problem remains. I tried to make a new fresh install but I can't get further than the intro... :(

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Invité linglang

I think you downloaded the old version and read the old instructions.

The first release was a update for the original cabinet.

Sega USA placed it in a public accessible dropbox !




I think you need this release, and do nothing with it. (no patching needed)

Just place it in a folder of your choosing, configure the joystick and run it with TP


It could be you need to edit some .ini files in the game folder.

As far as I remember, the one that determines the settings is in the gamefolder\shell\deploy\gamedata\ folder (config.ini), also check for other .ini files.

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Il y a 2 heures, linglang a dit :

I think you downloaded the old version and read the old instructions.

The first release was a update for the original cabinet.

Sega USA placed it in a public accessible dropbox !




I think you need this release, and do nothing with it. (no patching needed)

Just place it in a folder of your choosing, configure the joystick and run it with TP


It could be you need to edit some .ini files in the game folder.

As far as I remember, the one that determines the settings is in the gamefolder\shell\deploy\gamedata\ folder (config.ini), also check for other .ini files.

Thanks bro, it's working now! ;)


The only problem I have now it thet the game can't keep the fullscreen and constantly going back to windowed mode. Is there a fix for that?

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Invité linglang


Once again.

It could be you need to edit some .ini files in the game folder.

As far as I remember, the one that determines the settings is in the gamefolder\shell\deploy\gamedata\ folder (config.ini), also check for other .ini files.

There are many more settings in the .ini files, resolution to use, hdr, and many more, try. 

Bit by bit, save / backup a original .ini file before you try.


# 0: disalbe
# 1: enable


Enjoy !!! :very-good:

Modifié par linglang
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Il y a 2 heures, linglang a dit :


Once again.

It could be you need to edit some .ini files in the game folder.

As far as I remember, the one that determines the settings is in the gamefolder\shell\deploy\gamedata\ folder (config.ini), also check for other .ini files.

There are many more settings in the .ini files, resolution to use, hdr, and many more, try. 

Bit by bit, save / backup a original .ini file before you try.


# 0: disalbe
# 1: enable


Enjoy !!! :very-good:

All the ini files are set for fullscreen. The game boot up in fullscreen mode but going back to windowed a few moments later. I need to ALT+RETURN like every minutes.

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Invité linglang


Did you check the resolution settings in each .ini file ?

You could check .xml files also, not sure about if needed.

Set it according to the resolution used for your monitor ?

Otherwise I have no clue, why the game should switch between full screen and windowed mode.




What GPU do you use NVIDIA, AMD, Intel ?


Modifié par linglang
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il y a 11 minutes, linglang a dit :


Did you check the resolution settings in each .ini file ?

You could check .xml files also, not sure about if needed.

Set it according to the resolution used for your monitor ?

Otherwise I have no clue, why the game should switch between full screen and windowed mode.




What GPU do you use NVIDIA, AMD, Intel ?


I checked every single ini file (and xml but they don't have any effect in game). The only config.ini that is used by the game is the one in the GameData dir.


I'm playing in 1920x1080 but even changing the resolution doesn't change the problem. I'm using an NVIDIA GPU.


Thanks for your help bro! ;)

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il y a 18 minutes, linglang a dit :


As a last resort.

Update the GPU drivers ?

As you can guess, drivers are up-to-date... :D


EDIT: I just found the culprit in the task manager! I was uTorrent running in background (as the app often refreshes, it forces the game to go out of sync).


I have downloaded the DESKey DK2 drivers as they seems to be used by the game to access the Test Mode but the shell.exe don't load. Do I need to launch it before the game? The "T" key don't let me access to the Test Menu? Was there any changes to access it with the version you sent me?

Modifié par Sunken
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Just go before starting the game manual in the shell folder. Than make your changes and exit test menue. Run the game and you will see the changed settings. Or for an alternative option you can also make your changes in the ini, s. 






The only thing which do not work is to set the game from mp/h to kp/h. I tried everything for days.. 

Modifié par Fulgore18
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Does anyone have detailed instructions on how to enter the test/service menu(s)?


EDIT: I found the instructions on emuline youtube...


1.go to c:\Sega\shell\Shell.exe

2.When you see the Game Shell error screen, juste use T key

3.Now you are in the Game Bios, T=valid a choice and Y=Choose a menu

4.To quit BIOS, juste use ALT+F4


...and the DK2 thing in my old files. 


EDIT 2: I solved it, it's HDMI audio, once I switched to analog output Shell.exe works as it should.  That's what changed, last time I played with this PC I was not using HDMI audio.

But Shell.exe just flashes a black screen briefly then exits.  I have the following error in a log file, a search revealed a couple other people that had it but no solution:

"unable to get audio mixer line information"


Still not sure how to enable panoramic attract mode.  I know it's possible I've seen a video of someone's 4 player setup running it.

Modifié par jacko1
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@jacko1 Thanks for your help! I was able to access the Test Menu. However even after turning CAMERA ENABLED to NO I always have Live Feed Cameras and the Markers :gene:

Does anyone know how to remove Live Feed Cameras and Markers? :(:




Btw, for those who want to access the Test Menu, you need to install DK2 ( - Network and Local worked for me)

and as @jacko1 said, the Test Menu don't like HDMI audio, use another audio output

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Anyone know why Daytona exits after a bit on the attract screen and/or how to prevent it?  Runs the attract stuff for maybe 10 minutes then exits, seems to be a clean exit because there are no errors.


I asked in another thread but it was quickly buried so I thought might as well try here.

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déjà un grand merci à toutes les personnes impliquées dans cette version de Daytona.


Tout fonctionne pour moi y compris la prise en charge du FFB (G29).


J'ai juste un petit soucis dans les menus pour la navigation. J'ai lu que d'autres avaient ce problème au moment de choisir le circuit et le mode manuel uniquement accessibles chez moi avec le clavier du PC.


Quand j'active le "Enable Menu Movment" dans le FFBplugin.exe le jeu crash directement arrivé dans les fameux menus. Les autres options (esc, levier de vitesse sont ok).


Ai je loupé un petit détail?



Modifié par Corwin
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  • 3 semaines après...



J'arrive à faire à peu près tout marcher avec un G27, mais je me pose une question : 


J'ai configuré x360ce et FFBInput, 


J'arrive Ă  avoir des effets sur le volant : herbe, colision avec d'autres voitures.


Mais je n'ai pas d'effet "powerslide" de contre-braquage lorsque je dérape ... 

Je me demandais si c'était normal ? Ou si je manque quelque-chose ? 

C’est un peu la force des jeux Sega cet effet, si il n'est pas là c'est quand même dommage.



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Hello à tous, tout marche nickel chez moi. Retour de force ok, jeu en hd/60fps constant, vitesses manuel/séquentiel ok également. Je m’eclate comme un fou.

Seul mes records ne se sauvegardent pas. Dès que je quitte le jeu mes temps ne sont pas gardés en mémoire. Y’a t il une manip ou une option à activer?


merci :)


PS: j’utilise teknoparrot pour lancer le jeu

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On 8/31/2019 at 10:29 AM, gulien said:



J'arrive à faire à peu près tout marcher avec un G27, mais je me pose une question : 


J'ai configuré x360ce et FFBInput, 


J'arrive Ă  avoir des effets sur le volant : herbe, colision avec d'autres voitures.


Mais je n'ai pas d'effet "powerslide" de contre-braquage lorsque je dérape ... 

Je me demandais si c'était normal ? Ou si je manque quelque-chose ? 

C’est un peu la force des jeux Sega cet effet, si il n'est pas là c'est quand même dommage.



As tu une video d'un autre jeu Sega qui montre cet effet?

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@Friko je pense que notre vdd @gulienparle d’un effet de retour de force ressenti sur le volant et non d’un effet visuel perceptible à l’oeil.

j’ai moi aussi ressenti ce manque d’effet lors d’un braquage/contre-braquage.

De mémoire sur model 2 émulateur (daytona 1) et super model 3 (daytona 2) il y’a bien cette effet présent.


Apres peut etre  que l’effet n’est juste pas présent sur la borne daytona 3 d’origine...


Ça serait intéressant d’avoir d’autres témoignages en tout cas.

Modifié par Bichi
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bonjour je viens de decouvrir que daytonna 3  était jouabe sur pc :bravo:

sa doit faire 2 jours que j'éssaye differente méthode pour lancer ce jeu  qui s'annonce merveilleux :rolleyes:

malheureusemnt l'ecran se bloque sur le symbole sega:gene:  , il n'y a qu'une fois ou j'ai entendu la musqiue puis bloquage a nouveau :gene:

j'ai vu qu'il fallait lancer shell avant qui bloquai avec dk2  j'ai installer dk2 mais pas impossible d'acceder au bios

par contre j'ai bien les config lisible dans shell data


enfin si une bonne ame voulait bien m'aider et m'expliquer pkoi cela coince  ou  faire un tuto définitif  sur daytonna usa 3

je reve en effet de le faire tourner sur mon volant t150 

svp j'ai éssayé des exe modifié etc.... mais le jeu ne se lance pas

merci d'avance a celui qui pourra m'aider



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Invité linglang


Did you try to run the unmodified Daytona.exe with TeknoParrot ?

Did you check the .ini files in the folders, to set it to a configuration you need ?

What kind of GPU ?

Did you try the pre-configured version ?

Modifié par linglang
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  • 2 semaines après...

Salut à tous, 


Je viens de télécharger le dump sur la page principale et j'ai également remplacer daytona.exe par le patch.

Quand je lance le jeux, j'ai un problème de graphisme. C'est comme si il manquait les paysages...

De plus, je n'arrive pas Ă  utiliser les commandes. (J'ai une manette Logitech et un volant logitech).


Est-ce quelqu'un aurait une idée ? 


Merci d'avance.

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