dam2403 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Moi perso je joue avec la manette ps4 ça marche impecc
oath Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 (modifié) gears dont work on g29, xbce shows i mapped it to the correspondent buttons from readme, any tips? edit: works now, fresh install and no wrapper did the trick Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par oath
say010 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 19:37, HowardC a dit : Ok found some launching bugs and re-ordered the buttons to match a real Daytona shifter. I might stop posting updates to the application here as it's a pain to keep up with it on multiple sites, so you can always follow along in the driving and racing section of byoac.com.... just be nice and follow the rules as it is my home turf and I'm quite fond of the guys over there. DaytonaLaunch2.1.rarIndisponible Développer TR.Dropper.Gen trojan please fix it . thx
HowardC Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 22:42, say010 a dit : TR.Dropper.Gen trojan please fix it . thx Développer There's no Trojan. Sometimes hacks show up as viruses because they do a lot of the same things a virus would do.
MDashK Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 22:54, HowardC a dit : There's no Trojan. Sometimes hacks show up as viruses because they do a lot of the same things a virus would do. Développer People that come around complaining about "Trojan" and viruses on this type of tools shouldn't even be here in the first place... It only shows the ignorance they have, even though they have all the posts and text right in front of them... It's like a donkey looking into a palace... =\
henrie4 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 11:14, HowardC a dit : Gentlemen I'm not sure how you could be getting a type mismatch error.... there isn't much in the way of settings as you've noticed. I know it's a pain, but you might want to try setting your computers to English if they aren't already. Sometimes foreign keyboards do odd stuff to programs and that's all I can think of. Anyway, here is version 2, it adds Gearshift support! Thanks to SailorSat for her realization that the game is actually running an emulated version of the original model 2 game underneath, which allowed us to find a gearshift solution. DaytonaLaunch2.0.rarRecherche des informations… Développer I tried with the keyboard set to English, I got the same error. Thank you anyway. I will wait before playing it.
Team WildWolf Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Team Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 (modifié) just a hint for people who use wheel, acoordind to this vidéo, the maximum wheel rotation is near 200-210° : Modifié le 6 janvier 2018 par WildWolf 1
Chuplayer Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 6 janvier 2018 The 2.1 launcher works great! Thanks! Also, new quality of life stuff I figured out for myself. If you want to use the launcher through Steam, it works. Just make sure you point to the launcher EXE. No more moving the mouse out of the way via the actual mouse or holding the guide button and moving the right stick. The launcher automatically sets up the mouse in the lower left corner of the screen. Essentially off screen. You should keep your d-pad mapping normal now. This launcher allows you to use the d-pad for camera changes. I did move the previous arrow key remapping via the Steam controller configuration to mode shift, though. I set it up as hold the left trigger to change the d-pad to arrows. This is very convenient in the name entry screen.
ZEDARKERDARK Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 (modifié) Le 06/01/2018 à 22:24, dam2403 a dit : ps4 ça marche impecc Développer je demande à voir car moi ca marche pas. Qui peut faire une video pour montrer comment fair emarcher la manette xbox one ou ps4 s'il vous plait car chez moi rien ne marche Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par 7zxkv
cartman77 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 (modifié) Le 07/01/2018 à 02:29, ZEDARKERDARK a dit : Qui peut faire une video pour montrer comment fair emarcher la manette xbox one ou ps4 s'il vous plait car chez moi rien ne marche Développer Hello, Utilise le logiciel DS4 pour ta manette ps4 j'ai mis une vidéo un peu plus haut Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par cartman77
Mozzie Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Hi All I'm a Noobie so apologies if my question has been answered elsewhere but I have followed the instructions I think pretty well and the exe gets stuck at Network discovery before timing out and quit. Thanks in advance for your help. cheers
MDashK Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 @HowardC I've always liked to play racing games with the keyboard, I know, it's silly, but I was thinking if this was possible using your tool: Let's see if I can explain this easily and logically: Usually, when one presses a key, it is either 0 or 1, empty or full. In a racing game, specially those that use arcade wheel to turn, you have, for example, a value that goes from 0 to 500, and let's say the middle, center wheel no turning value, is 250. Now, when one starts to turn, those 250 start to increase or decrease according to turning speed, left or right. On keyboard, those values increase instantly, using only the main values: (example: 0 (left) 250 (center) and 500 (right)) Now, with your tool, would it be possible to use a keyboard and instead of the values be instant, be incremential? Like, I pressed left, the car started to turn left, but instead of going from 250 to 500 instantly, the value would start to increment from 250 to 500 and take, for example, 3 seconds to achieve 500 value. of course, these 3 seconds are only hipotetical, that would have to be tested and calibrated according to in-game engine... That way, one could easily play with keyboard, and maybe even help a lot on the analog controller.
YesterPlay80 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 (modifié) Thanks to all those making playing this game possible! I tried the game for the first time yesterday and so far it worked very well with miy Logitech F710 gamepad (in Xinput mode) using the 2.1 launcher. In addition to the controller, I have a XBOX360 racing wheel attached wirelessly as a second controller. Is it possible to make the game / the launcher choose the second controller instead of the first one, so I could play the game with my racing wheel without having to remove the gamepad first? Oh, and btw.: Which languages does Daytona 3 support? So far I know of english and french. German is obviously not available. And is it possible to set the speedometer to metric system? (Update: Found the languages.xml in shell folder and since the shell doesn't offer the option, metric system seems to be out of the question.) Is the shell folder necessary anyway? The game works fine without it and changes made there seem to have no effect, they don't even get saved. I also found out that the game doesn't have to be copied to C:\SEGA, in fact it seems to run from whereever you put it. Although I didn't notice any difference even whe running shell.exe, you can edit shell\game.ini and adjust these paramters just to make sure: [Game] AssetDir=..\shelldata [Debug] DebugLaunchDir=..\Daytona Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par YesterPlay80
ginzu Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 01/01/2018 à 20:08, Hinzoto a dit : Fixed all with Windowed Borderless Gaming. 1) Download the program. 2) Set the program on the same folder of Daytona.exe. 3) Load the game in WBG (you need to do that one time). Load the game, set window and press F3. 4) Close the game, load the config.ini of WBG and put this on that (valid for 1080P): [Global_Config] AutoSetResolution=always DefaultDeskTopWidth=1920 DefaultDeskTopHeight=1080 AutoSetOffset=never DefaultPosX=0 DefaultPosY=0 KeyBind1_AddWindow=72 KeyBind1_ForceBorderless=73 KeyBind2_ForceBorderless=73 ForceKeyCheckTitle=always ForceTriggerCheckTitle=always AddWindow_Confirmation=never LastUsed=Daytona Championship USA [] friendlyname=001 [Title:Daytona Championship USA;Class:NRT Application] Process=Daytona.exe Style=-1798701056 friendlyname=Daytona Championship USA Width=1536 Height=870 Now, create a .bat to load all once: @echo off cd "C:\Sega\Daytona" start WindowedBorderlessGaming.exe cd "C:\Sega\Daytona" start Daytona.exe exit ENJOY! Développer Thanks to Hinzoto for this tips, actually, i succeeded to play fullscreen with 60fps all the time in full hd 1080p! just not need to create a bat file, symply lauch the last exe from HowardC but before you have to set your WindowedBorderlessGaming.exe correctly! *Pour les français: voici le meilleur truc pour ceux qui ont ce fichu problème de fps qui drop à 24fps en full screen! 1 --> le jeux doit être configuré en FULLSCREEN=0 (dans sega\GameDate\config.ini) [FullHD] ENABLE_FULLHD = 1 ENABLE_FULL_SCREEN = 0 2 --> au cas ou, j'ai aussi mis le FULLSCREEN à 0 dans le fichier sega\Shell\Game.ini) [Game] AssetDir=C:\sega\shelldata width=1920 height=1080 Fullscreen=0 Ensuite, téléchargez le programme WindowedBorderlessGaming. ici --> http://westechsolutions.net/sites/WindowedBorderlessGaming/ puis placez cet exécutable dans le dossier de l’exécutable -->sega\Daytona\WindowedBorderlessGaming.exe le programme genere un config.ini dans le même dossier : voilà ce que contient le mien : [Global_Config] AutoSetResolution=always DefaultDeskTopWidth=1920 DefaultDeskTopHeight=1080 AutoSetOffset=never DefaultPosX=0 DefaultPosY=0 KeyBind1_AddWindow=72 KeyBind1_ForceBorderless=73 KeyBind2_ForceBorderless=73 ForceKeyCheckTitle=always ForceTriggerCheckTitle=always AddWindow_Confirmation=never LastUsed=Daytona Championship USA 001 ForceBorderlessKeyEnabled=never [] friendlyname=001 [Title:Daytona Championship USA;Class:NRT Application] Process=Daytona.exe Style=-1798701056 friendlyname=Daytona Championship USA 001 Width=1920 Height=1080 MouseLock=hidden ensuite suivez ces instructions : Adding a game's window. Run the app and start up a game. Make sure you run the game in windowed mode before adding it to the app. After you have set your game to run windowed, click the app's tray icon and select "Add window" Go back to your game and while the game window is active press "F3" Your game should now be in windowed border-less mode, your settings are saved so the app will recognize your game whenever it runs in windowed mode again and automatically set it to be borderless. ça se passe dans la barre des tâches --> dans le tray icon, il y a une icone pour le programme : cliquez dessus : Je vous laisse allez faire un petit tour dans global setting par defaut, il ya une hotkey sur F4, (personnellement, je l'ai désactivé pour pas entrer en conflit avec une autre hotkey sur ma machine) Ensuite, ça se passe dans Game setting, vous devez d’abord avoir lancer le jeu pour que le programme puisse le détecter, ensuite, il faut cliquer Add window (F3) une première fois je vous conseille aussi de viré la souris comme moi Manage Mouse --> Lock to hide Apply puis Ok pour enregistrer les paramètres ensuite revenir sur la fenêtre du jeu puis appuyer sur f3 Comme vous le voyez sur la photo du tray icon, j'ai coché Run at startup comme ça, plus besoin d'y penser. pour lancer le jeu , lancez le par l’exécutable DaytonaLaunche.exe. (pas besoin de créer un script bat) puisque le programme WindowedBorderlessGaming tourne en tâche de fond et connais le profile de ce jeu. enjoy! c'est de la balle! 2
MDashK Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Just tried using the vJoy XInput with UCR to see if it worked, but it doesn't. Supposedly, since the game now uses XInput, vJoy XInput mode along with UCR to remap keyboard to XInput bindings should theoretically work, but for some reason, it doesn't... Also, is anyone experiencing random black-screen flickering during game? It didn't used to happen, but suddenly, this started to happen to me for no apparent reason... Maybe I pressed something in the debug that triggerer this? I dunno...
raph1974 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Bonjour a tous, j'au du louper un truc, tout marche sauf que je ne sais pas changé de circuit, ni passé en manuel ou automatique, une idée pourtant le pad marche en course. Et sans abusé quelqu'un a déja une idée si c'est possible en triple sceen comme pour daytonna 2 ?
ginzu Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 07/01/2018 à 12:22, raph1974 a dit : Bonjour a tous, j'au du louper un truc, tout marche sauf que je ne sais pas changé de circuit, ni passé en manuel ou automatique, une idée pourtant le pad marche en course. Et sans abusé quelqu'un a déja une idée si c'est possible en triple sceen comme pour daytonna 2 ? Développer telecharge le DaytonaLaunch.exe de HowardC, ça fonctionnera mieux
raph1974 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 (modifié) Le 07/01/2018 à 12:30, ginzu a dit : telecharge le DaytonaLaunch.exe de HowardC, ça fonctionnera mieux Développer j'ai testé mais toujours pareil ça ne marche que avec les flèches du clavier, pourtant ca bouge avec le pad au premier menu Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par raph1974
ginzu Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 mais tu lance bien le bon exe???? ---> DaytonaLaunch.exe
raph1974 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 07/01/2018 à 12:48, ginzu a dit : mais tu lance bien le bon exe???? ---> DaytonaLaunch.exe Développer oui oiui le sc marche mais je suis obligé de faire aller les touche du clavier pour la sélection des circuits
ginzu Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 ....comprend pas.... tu as bien récupérer le fichier suivant? : DaytonaLaunch2.1.rar voir le post : Le 06/01/2018 à 19:37, HowardC a dit : Ok found some launching bugs and re-ordered the buttons to match a real Daytona shifter. I might stop posting updates to the application here as it's a pain to keep up with it on multiple sites, so you can always follow along in the driving and racing section of byoac.com.... just be nice and follow the rules as it is my home turf and I'm quite fond of the guys over there. DaytonaLaunch2.1.rarRecherche des informations… Développer
ZEDARKERDARK Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 (modifié) Le 07/01/2018 à 10:18, cartman77 a dit : Hello, Utilise le logiciel DS4 pour ta manette ps4 j'ai mis une vidéo un peu plus haut Développer ok et l'exe c'est quelle version car a force de tester les différentes versions je commence a m’emmêler les pinceaux Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par ZEDARKERDARK
ginzu Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 bah, celle que je t'ai indiqué juste au dessus...
ZEDARKERDARK Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 07/01/2018 à 10:18, cartman77 a dit : Hello, Utilise le logiciel DS4 pour ta manette ps4 j'ai mis une vidéo un peu plus haut Développer j'ai deja mis DS4 la manette fonctionne mais pas avec le jeu Dis moi ton process tu arrives a lancer le jeu avec la manette? moi ca marche pas
Chuplayer Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 07/01/2018 à 11:01, YesterPlay80 a dit : Thanks to all those making playing this game possible! I tried the game for the first time yesterday and so far it worked very well with miy Logitech F710 gamepad (in Xinput mode) using the 2.1 launcher. In addition to the controller, I have a XBOX360 racing wheel attached wirelessly as a second controller. Is it possible to make the game / the launcher choose the second controller instead of the first one, so I could play the game with my racing wheel without having to remove the gamepad first? Oh, and btw.: Which languages does Daytona 3 support? So far I know of english and french. German is obviously not available. And is it possible to set the speedometer to metric system? (Update: Found the languages.xml in shell folder and since the shell doesn't offer the option, metric system seems to be out of the question.) Is the shell folder necessary anyway? The game works fine without it and changes made there seem to have no effect, they don't even get saved. I also found out that the game doesn't have to be copied to C:\SEGA, in fact it seems to run from whereever you put it. Although I didn't notice any difference even whe running shell.exe, you can edit shell\game.ini and adjust these paramters just to make sure: [Game] AssetDir=..\shelldata [Debug] DebugLaunchDir=..\Daytona Développer I've read a couple posts here or on the arcade controls forum suggesting that the shell.exe program doesn't work properly if it's not in C\SEGA. In my own experience. I had it in C:\SEGA, it worked properly, cut and pasted it elsewhere on my hard drive, and the set of options like difficulty, race length, etc., no longer appeared in the shell.exe program. If you set up the game the way you like it in C:\SEGA, you quite possibly could be able to cut and paste the entire folder elsewhere on your hard drive, and you'd be good forever until you had to change some options, if ever. Granted, you could use the game.ini or whatever it was and manually change things in that file, but then you would have to know the specific text you'd have to put in those options. For classic race length, you have to put something specific like CLASSIC_MODE or something. I had my game in C:\SEGA and used shell.exe to set that up, so I didn't have to specifically type CLASSIC_MODE. However, you could go to the arcade controls forum and see the one post where all of the options are listed out. I think it's within the first four pages of the big topic about the game. Something you may wish to do if you have multiple computers that you want to network together for this new Daytona is to keep the game in C:\SEGA and use the shell.exe to set things up for you. I think I saw a post somewhere in the past week or so that said it was really easy to do, but you'd have to have full functionality of shell.exe, and I think that would only happen in C:\SEGA. I'm going to wait and see if someone figures out a good way to network the computers without the webcam before I even go trying, though. Maybe in a couple months if nothing comes out about it, I'll pick up a couple (hopefully cheap) compatible webcams just to satisfy that requirement.
dam2403 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 qq'un veux de l'aide dites le moi !!!! moi j’utilise la manette ps4 non pas xbox
Abelardator2 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 19:37, HowardC a dit : Ok found some launching bugs and re-ordered the buttons to match a real Daytona shifter. I might stop posting updates to the application here as it's a pain to keep up with it on multiple sites, so you can always follow along in the driving and racing section of byoac.com.... just be nice and follow the rules as it is my home turf and I'm quite fond of the guys over there. DaytonaLaunch2.1.rarRecherche des informations… Développer Thank you very much sir Is possible use KM/h instead of MP/h ???
Random Hajile Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 19:37, HowardC a dit : Ok found some launching bugs and re-ordered the buttons to match a real Daytona shifter. I might stop posting updates to the application here as it's a pain to keep up with it on multiple sites, so you can always follow along in the driving and racing section of byoac.com.... just be nice and follow the rules as it is my home turf and I'm quite fond of the guys over there. DaytonaLaunch2.1.rarRecherche des informations… Développer Your a Legend! Can use manual at last :D Thanks to everyone involved in making this work. Much respect.
hunico000 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 I can play the game!! Thanks all but i have problem...when i move whell in selección not function tu select expert o diferent courses?? Why not??
djflashmusic Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 06/01/2018 à 11:00, ginzu a dit : Good playing! Je ne peux plus attendre quand je vois cette vidéo! C'est le moment de réintégré mon volant dans ma borne. Je voulais attendre encore un peu mais apres avoir vu cette vidéo, je peux plus!!!! Faut que j'y joue au volant! Pour le moment au pad, c'est trop pouris, ça gache le jeu. Vite ma perceuse, les vis!!!! .. Y a un peu de boulot faut dire. ... Développer My G920 don't work, x360ce config. work, but in game nothing happens. Any help please?
henrie4 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 (modifié) Le 07/01/2018 à 14:44, Abelardator2 a dit : Thank you very much sir Is possible use KM/h instead of MP/h ??? Développer There is no option to change it Le 07/01/2018 à 17:47, hunico000 a dit : I can play the game!! Thanks all but i have problem...when i move whell in selección not function tu select expert o diferent courses?? Why not?? Développer Use keyboard Left / Right or Use Le 06/01/2018 à 19:37, HowardC a dit : Ok found some launching bugs and re-ordered the buttons to match a real Daytona shifter. I might stop posting updates to the application here as it's a pain to keep up with it on multiple sites, so you can always follow along in the driving and racing section of byoac.com.... just be nice and follow the rules as it is my home turf and I'm quite fond of the guys over there. DaytonaLaunch2.1.rarRecherche des informations… Développer Modifié le 7 janvier 2018 par henrie4
cartman77 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Le 07/01/2018 à 13:27, ZEDARKERDARK a dit : j'ai deja mis DS4 la manette fonctionne mais pas avec le jeu Dis moi ton process tu arrives a lancer le jeu avec la manette? moi ca marche pas Développer Tu as steam en arrière plan ? Car steam reconnais la manette ps4 du coup quand tu utilise ds4 et bien il arrive que sa toute la merde plus l'émulaton de la manette xbox360 Sinon j'ai rien fait de particulier @plus
ZEDARKERDARK Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 7 janvier 2018 j'ai enregistré ma manette sur steam mais quand je lance le jeu je peux rien faire avec
NEON 7 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Game won't run for me at all. It always goes back to desktop a few seconds after startin it up. SPECS: Operating System: Windows 10 Home 64-bit Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.2GHz 8GB RAM Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics (Core i5)
cartman77 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Le 07/01/2018 à 22:48, ZEDARKERDARK a dit : j'ai enregistré ma manette sur steam mais quand je lance le jeu je peux rien faire avec Développer Oui justement surtout pas de steam car sinon ta manette ps4 n'est pu reconnue comme une xbox360 et la ça ne fonctionne pas c'est pour ça que je "kill" steam pour jouer Aplus
Invité Cbeluz40 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 NEON 7 I did a test as soon as it was released on a pc with intel I5 hd 5500 and ran slow follow the link for you to see how that was ...
Xenos911 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Posté(e) le 8 janvier 2018 Hey Guys, there is a ton of information in these 16 pages and it is tough to follow what to do. I got the loader 2.1 and put it into the daytona.exe folder. when I run it the controls still don't work was there something I missed somewhere in the forum? It would be nice if the first topic could be rewrote with what to do in steps to get it working with xbox controller then with g27 and then with networking. Thanks
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