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I found out how to change resolution on id7 exes so did just that and uploaded them here. Tested with 21:9 monitor and working flawlessly. If you would like a custom resolution PM me on discord (derole123#2960) and I might add it to the list of resolutions. Only done 3 for now (1920x1080, 2560x1080 and 5760x1080) but might do more.




Hope you enjoy :D

Initial D7 patch arcade pc.jpg


Thanks for this man, thumbs up for effort. btw, how did you setup your idas 7 aa? Can't get it worked until now


I just used id7, decrypted exe and patreon build of teknoparrot


I just used id7, decrypted exe and patreon build of teknoparrot

Yeah, I know that, I got only teknoparrot cmd running without the game window, is this some sort of bug? Maybe I'll wait for its final release


Yeah, I know that, I got only teknoparrot cmd running without the game window, is this some sort of bug? Maybe I'll wait for its final release


Are you patreon and using NVIDIA GPU?


Hi ,can I get the games file? Please

They should be somewhere on emuline.


Still doesn't have 1280x1024 custom resolution.

FR: N'a toujours pas de résolution personnalisée 1280x1024.[/size]

A contact is written in #1.

Why don't you contact him? .

Posté(e) (modifié)

A contact is written in #1.

Why don't you contact him? .

Ok mate sorry

EDIT: It's need to be a friend right to PM him?

Modifié par Chris12
Posté(e) (modifié)

Well i'm waiting for a 1280 x 1024 .exe for Initial D - 6 AA too. :very-good:

But guess it may will not be possible or look strange becouse Sega RingEdge use 16:10 ( 1920×1200 ) native.

Modifié par MaximeX

This is awesome.  Thank you! Is there any way for someone to create an HD exe patch for ID6 & ID7 for 1680x1050 resolution.  That is my resolution and i've had a lot of issues with these two games crashing and i wonder if it's because my resolution is a bit unique.  Thanks again. 


Well i'm waiting for a 1280 x 1024 .exe for Initial D - 6 AA too. :very-good:

But guess it may will not be possible or look strange becouse Sega RingEdge use 16:10 ( 1920×1200 ) native.

So now you playing Initial D which resolution?

But is it Game Loader All Rh can change the resolution? Because I can't run the Game Loader and I just very confused with the Game Loader.


So now you playing Initial D which resolution?

But is it Game Loader All Rh can change the resolution? Because I can't run the Game Loader and I just very confused with the Game Loader.

I use the 1280x768 .exe and change the Resolution in initialD.ini to 1280x1024. This way i loose some of the Screen on bouth sides becouse the image will be stretched but i can life with it. ^_^

P.S.: I use TeknoParrot Loader only.


As soon as I stop checking this thread it blows up ðƾ˜‚.

4:3 wouldnt be very practical as I imagine it would cut off the hud and fov would be quite narrow so no point on that. If anyone wants 16:10 can do that


As soon as I stop checking this thread it blows up .

4:3 wouldnt be very practical as I imagine it would cut off the hud and fov would be quite narrow so no point on that. If anyone wants 16:10 can do that

Jap... That's exactly what i have now... So Chris12 look's like we need to have a 16:9 or 16:10 LCD or deal with it. ^_^

  • 5 semaines aprĂšs...
  • 1 mois aprĂšs...

Just out of curiosity this rez patcher only works with Game loader all rh right? because if i swap out the .exe and id7 config file my screen doesn't scale accordingly. 

  • 4 semaines aprĂšs...

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