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Tout ce qui a été posté par poodoggyfartfart

  1. Hi everyone, nice to see emuline is back. using the newest version of spicetools on 2024082700 and subscreen redraw still forces my main screen (on valkyrie) to be set to 60hz and 60fps slowing the game down to half speed and being unplayable. do i have to use the spicetools overlay for subscreen or is there any other fix here? thank you all
  2. Thank you for your help! After changing NVIDIA settings and changing note and game fps target, I've been playing for 30 minutes without any noticeable stuttering. I would play on fullscreen, but the space I play in makes changing my monitors to portrait a massive pain so I play on my 1440p monitor with a DSR of 1.78x to fit the entire window on screen whilst still in landscape, looks like this below... framerate is a steady 120 with this method but might try and measure the differences in frametimes to see if it is really worth it, thank you all again, I really appreciate it
  3. hey everyone. was just wondering if this was a common problem and was wondering if i could get some help fixing it. i've been recently getting short microstutters from my game even though my system is capable of running the game.. there is a clip below demonstrating it, and this is my current setup: UGA region code Disable power change in DLL patcher Disable monitor change in DLL patcher Force BIO2 (KFC) IO in Valkyrie mode in DLL patcher Default Game and FPS target in DLL patcher Shared mode WASAPI Valkyrie in DLL patcher Hide all bottom text in DLL patcher Timer freeze in DLL patcher Premium timer freeze in DLL patcher Game opened in Windowed Windows resolution 3413 x 1920 Using Spice2x RTX 3080, Ryzen 7 3800x This doesn't happen if I open the game and go straight into a map, it works fine, i think only after a few different maps have been played do these stutters start to happen, not sure how to mitigate this I will look into disabling the subscreen as it may be causing additional load on my system, but I would like to know if anyone has any other tips. thank you as always stutter.mp4
  4. thank you so much!!
  5. is the monitor you are playing on set as your main display in windows? for me when i play in windowed on the monitor which is not set as main display in windows the framerate is much worse than what spicetools tells me it is (120 constant) on the dll patcher there is also a force note framerate option, maybe try that if you have not already, im not sure if sdvx works properly with higher than 120fps framerate as last time i had tried it animations were faster than normal, is it like that for you? i was also wondering if anyone could help me with this "issue" i am having, where when i play in windowed, in the top left corner there is this piece of text attatched: if possible i would like to know how to get rid of this? i tried both spice2x and regular spicetools and i can't find a way to remove this. on the OBS preview and in recordings this "insert card" text box isnt visible at all whilst all other spicetools elements are visible in the recording (like the fps counter), just to mention. thank you!
  6. hello, is it possible for you to give me some guidance on how to do this? is this the Note FPS and Game FPS target option in the SDVX dll patcher? i set them to 360fps a few minutes ago and launched the game windowed and without valkyrie but the game still ran at 60fps... maybe you are talking about something else.. i remember at some point in trying to get it to run smoothly on my landscape monitor, the game was running with extremely fast animations but in-game the lane and lazers were completely fine. i dont know how to replicate this but i thought i would mention it - edit;; i just figured out that this is by keeping the <spec __type="str">F</spec> as a G, and disabling VSYNC in my nvidia settings. in this mode, i get an F:signal end error and a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION after scrolling through level 14 songs until a certain point (but any songs that i try to play before i reach this point, it loads and i can play it completely fine).. i do not get this when i play with vsync on, fullscreened and on valkyrie mode on my second monitor, so i assume this is configuration is unstable and i should look for something else like a hex edit but im not sure how to do this thank you for reading!!
  7. hi!! thank you for this, now the title bar is back and i can move freely, but my game feels like there is a lot more latency and is more choppy, so it seems like i'll have to stick to my second portrait monitor instead. thank you for your help though!! as your for issue, i am running 2023042500 and my skill analyzer is working normally. the only things i remember doing is using the ovv asphyxia fork like you have and updating the webui assets on asphyxia but i think you have already done that, so you might have to wait for someone more experienced to help, my apologies
  8. hello again everyone. i was wondering what would be the best method to have sound voltex exceed gear to run in landscape mode.... my main monitor is 1440p so i thought of using the NVIDIA dynamic super resolution at 4.00x. this would give me a vertical pixel count of 2160 which would be able to fit the 1080x1920 SDVX window in full frame.. but when i open the game up in windowed, it runs normally, but the window sits on the top left of my screen, instead of centered, which is how i would rather play. does anyone know of a way i can move the sdvx window? it doesnt have a title bar for me so i cant drag and move it like i would be able to with a regular window, if anyone could help me out i would greatly appreciate it thanks for reading!!
  9. thank you for the information i really appreciate it, i will look into purchasing now!
  10. hello everyone i was just wondering if anybody has tried using the sdvx lite 3 controller by yuancon on spicetools? i was going to buy it to play on exceed gear but if it is not compatible i will look for other options, thank you
  11. i dont know if my last reply went through but i cannot thank you enough. you putting this list together for me has simplified this so much for me and after restarting on a fresh nyaa torrent everything works properly and thank you for helping me again... thank you so much i wish positivity on you and your family thank you so much
  12. thank you so much!!! I never knew that this could cause issues in game. i appreciate the guidance so much.. it all works now, you are amazing! if i want to update in the future do you or anyone know the next update to one above 2021083100, what would be the next one to try and find the download files for? I would like to be at the most latest and stable update but i am not sure of the list of new updates that i should get in order to update properly. edit: was just playing and saw some songs which were locked behind pcb, they had no thumbnail image, one was called star beat and i bought and then when into play and the image was still nothing like transparent, and then game crashed shortly after. was just wondering if this is normal for the emulation or if there was a fix? thank you for your time
  13. i dont know how to make an card which saves all of my player data. i download the actual asphyxia plugin from the github, and then use 1018fix for asphyxia plugin. After this, i launch the game, and after the bemani watermark screen, the game does not boot to title screen, but crashes. Using the default asphyxia plugin from github without the 1018fix, it lets me create a card and use it, but the game crashes before putting me into the song select screen. i have attached the log.log.txt When using ovv's asphyxia plugin fork, without the 1018fix, after opening the game and it goes through all of the tests, the game goes to a black screen and i can input coins but nothing happens. when using their plugin fork with the 1018 fix, i open asphyxia and it says this. [sdvx@asphyxia] error: Failed during register() [sdvx@asphyxia] error: TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object at Function.keys (<anonymous>) at Object.register (F:\KFC-2021083100\contents\plugins\sdvx@asphyxia\index.ts:34:58) at EamusePlugin.Register (D:\snapshot\build-env\index.js:0) at Object.LoadExternalPlugins (D:\snapshot\build-env\index.js:0) at Main (D:\snapshot\build-env\index.js:0) [core] warn: no plugins are installed. it is in the folder, but it is not detected by asphyxia? i dont understand. I can open the game and it launches fine with this method, but i can only play on a guest account as when creating an eamusement account it says that the servers are busy. i have just spent the last few hours figuring out and finding the links to updating the game and now this asphyxia does not work or something i am not sure... any help would be appreciated.
  14. oh i see thank you. is there any source where i can find each update so that i can update it properly?
  15. i just overwritten all of my KFC-2021083100 files with the KFC-2023042500 ones you sent, and my game launches with a white screen and then closes a while after. i guess i'll just wait until it is more stable, but thank you for showing anyway
  16. i am on KFC-2021083100, can anyone help me on how to update to a later version? if i need to download entirely new version from somewhere, can someone give me a download link to it? thank you
  17. has anyone dumped the update which has the Grace (MixxioN) crew member
  18. I have downloaded d3d9.dll, tried forest64.exe and forestcfg.exe instead of spice64 and spicecfg and it is still not working, what other other solutions have been mentioned? I have looked through this thread beforehand, but maybe i am missing something, sorry for any inconvienience
  19. hey. I have a secondary PC with an nvidia graphics card and an intel cpu, and Exceed gear works just fine. I would like to try and play EG on my main pc which has an AMD gpu and an AMD cpu. I have seen references to patches for the game which can make playing sound voltex exceed gear possible on amd gpu systems. Does anyone know how to do this? I would greatly appreciate any help, i have looked through this topic and thread but i just cant find a full way to do it. The game does not boot at all and gets errored on the spice64 command line when i try to play on my AMD system, but with the exact same files, version KFC-2021083100, the game boots just fine on my nvidia and intel system. KFC-2021083
  20. Hello, I am running Exceed Gear 2021083100 and I have changed F to G in ea3-config. Now I am running in 120fps valkyrie mode but I am getting over 300fps but it is not very smooth ingame. All of the menu animations are too fast and whilst i am in game it is synced properly but whenever there are multiple lasers and fx notes on screen it dips to 140s. I have a feeling this is not correct and should be capped at 120fps. I have put in Nvidia control panel that preferred refresh rate is Application Controlled but the 120fps cap is not applied. What else should I do?? Also, in the card manager, I save a card as my Main Card and on game reboot, I press f5 for card manager and I have to readd card? Why is this?
  21. I have a Radeon 5700xt GPU and a Ryzen 3800x CPU, and when I try to run KFC-2021083100 it gives me an error that The Specific Module Could Not be Found when booting soundvoltex.dll Is there any way to fix this? I have tried everything
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