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Tout ce qui a été posté par ducon2016

  1. Sorry it was 1 and 2 at the same time. Really sorry, it happened by accident to me the first time and just remembered things wrong.
  2. Press 5 and 6 at the same time, or make an AHK script.
  3. Pour les pauvres comme moi qui n'ont qu'un clavier et pas de volant, j'ai fais un patch a x360kb pour adoucir un peu la reaction au clavier, le code source est aussi inclus:!RmBSUCZA!lOP0H_S_8FsGkm0iex1e1z765vDkxdXdfnowz19HmWQ 1. Placez x360kb.ini et xinput9_1_0.dll dans le repertoire Daytona 2. Edite x360kb.ini avec les touches que vous preferez
  4. Done thanks. Here is the link of the source + .exe supporting keyboard for two players:!EyxXiaSa!6OnZrp_vTUu4TkonHVzjuZu17wcLd2gbn6QOqVuqE6I P1: Left/Right/Up/Down/LShift/Z/X P2: D/G/R/F/W/I/K Speed can be changed with -keyboardspeed=value
  5. Ah yes you are right sorry, I did not notice. Great will add keyboard support for two players (my arcade control is ipac working as a keyboard...), and share it later today.
  6. Thanks 1. Confirming that calibration fixed it for me 2. I tried to patch in 1920x1080 but the aspect ratio was screwed, so tried 1440x1080 but then the screen was not centered, so ended up leaving the default resolution. If anyone knows how to get 1440x1080 to be centered let me know 3. Running the game from AHK instead of cmd line worked. Thanks! Also, I modified Argon's awesome mouse enable to also enable keyboard, will post the code as soon as the admins let me attach stuff here :D Argon do you have the offset's for the second player? If yes I would like to add those too in the enabler if you do not mind.
  7. I have some issues. 1. With the default game resolution, the mouse cursor seem to move really fast and go out way out of bounds. Is there a way to constrain it to the window and reduce mouse sensitivity? 2. How can I change the game to 1920 1080? I have not found a patch that does that 3. For some reason I cannot run the game in command line, I have to double click the .exe. Has anyone found a way to run the game in command line?
  8. Super nouvelle! Ca fait vraiment plaisir quand tu partages des informations en public, que les gens les utilisent et finissent ton travail :D Je peux me reposer plus longtemps. Merci encore jackchen d'avoir fini le patch. Comme quoi il vaut toujours mieux partager ce qu'on trouve plutot que de le garder en secret. Les triangles je croyais que c'etait un bug, mais en fait c'est ce qui relie les voitures a leur avatar sur la gauche :D Quand meme extraordinaire d'avoir Daytona 3 qui marche, quand il y a quelque jour personne n'y croyait (moi inclus) :D On a vraiment de la chance: MKDX, Daytona 3, CEmu 1.11.3 quel debut d'annee 2018!!! On aurait pas pu mieux faire!
  9. Utilise HXD, puis tu vas a l'offset 7C266 que j'ai donne et tu remplaces l'octet par E8 puis celui d'apres par E9, etc.
  10. L'offset c'est la position depuis le debut du fichier, pas une chaine a trouver. Par example si un fichier est 00 12 34 56 AB. L'offset de 56 est 3.
  11. Bien vu j'ai change le dernier jump change le code avec les nouveaux octets. Je rale de pas avoir plus de temps mais j'ai toujours mon probleme de triangles aussi :( Donc super quand je rentre je fais accelerateur et frein.
  12. Ok j'ai bien progresse pour les controlles. Je n'ai pas encore fini, mais je pars pour quelques jours. Donc je partage mes notes Il faut trouver ce code 50 PUSH EAX ; /Arg3 = -1 68 78C91501 PUSH OFFSET 0115C978 ; |Arg2 = ASCII "SEGA IO Controller" 51 PUSH ECX ; |Arg1 E8 1DFFFFFF CALL 0047CD80 ; \Daytona_-_Copy+VJoy.0047CD80 83C4 0C ADD ESP,0C et mettre du nouveau code pour les input apres ca OFFSET 7C266 dans le fichier: Ce que j'ai decouvert: DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+40] <= WHEEL (0=left, 8192=center, 16384=right) DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+44] ?? Accelerateur??? Pas sur DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+48] <= BREAK 8192 is max Mettre ce nouveau code pour tourner: E8 E9D42100 CALL 0069A5B0 8BF8 MOV EDI,EAX 8BCF MOV ECX,EDI E8 2DD52100 CALL 0069A600 8D4B 01 LEA ECX,[EBX+1] 3BC1 CMP EAX,ECX 0F8C 9A010000 JL 0047D278 53 PUSH EBX 8BCF MOV ECX,EDI E8 DAD42100 CALL 0069A5C0 8BF8 MOV EDI,EAX 85FF TEST EDI,EDI 0F84 88010000 JZ 0047D278 6A 00 PUSH 0 => THUMBLX (4 is bLeftTrigger, 5 is bRightTrigger) 89F9 MOV ECX,EDI E8 E0D42100 CALL 0069A360 05 92810000 ADD EAX,8192 8946 40 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ESI+40],EAX E9 46020000 JMP 0047D0F0 Je suis fatigue, j'ai du foirer quelque part, ca tourne hyper bien mais il y a des long triangles a l'ecran. Donc je regarderai ca la semaine prochaine. Mais je partage ca au cas ou quelqu'un veut finir avant moi.
  13. Do not waste your time. It does not :D
  14. Great job! Please share your findings.
  15. Je ne sais pas exactement, je dois chercher pour comprendre mieux ce qu'on m'a dit. Desole, j'ai partage toute l'info que j'ai.
  16. Yes, basically there is hope of not having to create a lot of heavy machinery. If I understood correctly there are two steps: Replace "Logicool Driving Force RX USB" by the name of your dinput device, and then patch the function to use that device instead of "SEGA IO Controller". If you guys have time you can try before me, but the second part is the hard one. Not sure what it means yet.
  17. Good news. There is a guy on the internet that made the controls work, so we will be able to make them work. The good news is this guys is legit, so it can be considered verified. The bad news is he will not share his work. So, I have to do it my own way and will not have time until next week, if I can make it work, may be I am not as good as this guy, so stay tuned.
  18. ducon2016

    Game Loader All Rh

    Yes it is great work. It takes a lot of time to try all the available resources even if they are publicly available. There are dozens of D3D wrappers, finding the right ones which work for a given game, finding the right options, and making it accessible to everyone including newbies has a lot of value. Yes of course people will say it is easy when they see the final solution but djexpert deserves a lot of credit and respect for his hard work and contributions. Thanks DJExpert for a great tool. People criticizing, imagine you were not given a patch information and were told: you can patch things yourself, just get a freely available debugger. That would not help much would it? Everyone enjoys getting something that works out of the box, and that is the great work DJExpert has done. Instead of telling everyone "you can fix the rotation in your game by using free stuff available on the internet", he made a tool where in two clicks you can play Gigawing generations rotated and with filtered scaling. Good luck doing the same thing on your own.
  19. Sympa Ether Vapor. On dirait une prequelle du fantastique Astebreed:
  20. Impossible n'est pas Francais :D Offset 0xDCA97: 0F 85 BC 00 00 00 38 05 C8 F9 5A 01 0F 85 B0 00 00 00 devient 90 90 90 90 90 90 38 05 C8 F9 5A 01 90 90 90 90 90 90
  21. Nope. Just a problem on my machine, but that does not seem to help at all.
  22. This error in the log is created at the very beginning before Data Initialization start, so not too worried about it. The game could have just close at that point.
  23. Ok j'ai avance un peu mais ca marche toujours pas. Au moins j'arrive a "Data Loading" sur ma machine, mais toujours pas SEGA. Je comprends mieux C:\Sega\ShellData\GameSettings.ini: [GameSettings] DIFFICULTY=MEDIUM GAME LENGTH=MEDIUM CAMERA ENABLED=YES INSTANT REMATCH=YES START ON COIN ENTRY=NO MENU TIMINGS=MEDIUM CAR SELECT=CHOOSE TRACK SELECT=CHOOSE TRANSMISSION SELECT=ON CHAMPIONSHIP MODE=YES CHAMPIONSHIP CONTINUE=YES AUTO DRIVE=YES KIDS ONLY MODE=NO TOURNAMENT MODE=OFF TOURNAMENT DURATION=14 TOURNAMENT TYPE=CUSTOM CUSTOM TOURNAMENT CAR= CUSTOM TOURNAMENT TRACK=37_SPEED CUSTOM TOURNAMENT TRANSMISSION=CHOOSE TOURNAMENT CONTINUE=NO TOURNAMENT DATE FORMAT=MM/DD/YY DRESS CODE=OFF LANGUAGE=ENGLISH TOTAL CABINETS=1 et C:\Sega\ShellData\ShellData.ini [Credit] Freeplay=1 EntryType= [Network] CabinetID=1 NumCabinets=1 [CalibrationData] SteeringLeft= SteeringRight= SteeringCentre= FeedbackStrength= [Wheel] DEAD_ZONE= ANGLE_PARAM=1.0 [Audio] MusicVolume= SFXVolume= VoiceVolume= AttractMusic= Sur ma machine j'ai un problem de playback video. Apparemment j'ai pas les bons codecs, je vais essayer ca maintenant.
  24. Yes a lot of files could be missing. See my post above: C: \ Sega \ GameData \ ipconfig.ini C: \ Sega \ ShellData \ GameSettings.ini C: \ Sega \ GameData \ AutoPlaySetting.ini C: \ Sega \ Daytona \ ext \ But at the same time we will know for sure when I have identified why the game closes randomly. We made a lot of progress in one day yesterday, especially given that we did not spend a lot of time on it due to Xmas celebrations :D
  25. Pareil pour moi sur deux PCs. Si j'appuie sur rien ca ferme au milieu de loading. Si j'appuie sur F1 j'arrive meme pas au logo Sega :'( Je vais debugger pour voir ce qui se passe
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