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Looks similar to mine. If the keyboard is no longer responding, it means the dll is definitely working and blocking keys. Is there anything useful in the log? Did you try to push the buttons mapped to Start? This looks like it should work, it works for me so not sure what is going on. May be the spaces in the path? Can you try to remove them and see if it works may be?
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Patch pour Strania qui enleve le texte d'erreur et l'icone reseau. Encore une fois utilisez HxD (https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/): Offset 0x8D48C: 83 F8 05 77 09 devient E9 7E 02 00 00 -
The sounds does not mean it is hooked to the right process. Share the path of your .exe and your x360kb.ini.
I just tested, it works perfectly fine with SFV: 1. Make sure you copy the x64 version of xinput1_3.dll 2. Copy the dll in the real .exe folder: StreetFighterV\Binaries\Win64\StreetFighterV.exe 3. Make sure x360kb.ini has BlockKeys=1
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
A la demande du Houb voici le patch pour Chaos Code 2.11 qui enleve le texte d'erreur et l'icone reseau. Encore une fois utilisez HxD (https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/): Offset 0x825C: 83 FE 02 74 devient 46 90 90 EB Offset 0x8274: A1 58 44 53 00 devient B8 FF FF FF FF Offset 0xDB630: 56 8B F0 83 7E 08 00 devient B8 01 00 00 00 C3 90 -
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Non c'etait B4B5A, j'ai corrige la typo. Merci. -
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Patch pour enlever le message d'erreur et icone rouge pour Akai Katana. Toujours pour HxD (https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/): Offset 0x2623: E8 98 AD 06 00 devient B8 01 00 00 00 Offset 0x3D73: FF D2 devient 90 90 Offset 0x3D86: E8 2A 10 04 00 devient 90 90 90 90 90 -
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
A la requete de notre fameux Houb voici le patch pour Ikaruga. Tous les offsets sont offset fichier pour HxD (https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/): 0xD320: 0F 84 A0 00 00 00 devient E9 A1 00 00 00 90 0xD3DA: 80 78 devient C6 40 0xD3E2: 75 18 80 BA devient 90 90 C6 82 0xD3EA: 00 75 06 devient 01 EB 20 0xB4B5A: 00 devient 01 0xB4B5E: 00 devient 01 -
NesicaxLive Arcade Pc Dumps (Taito Games) | Arcade PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Fox dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Pour ceux interesses pour enlever l'erreur de reseau sur Aquapazza et l'icone en bas, vous pouvez patcher avec HxD (https://mh-nexus.de/en/hxd/) comme suit: Offset fichier game.exe 0xC6994: 75 devient EB Offset fichier game.exe 0xDB4B3: E8 28 B5 FE FF devient 90 90 90 90 90 -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Time Crisis Razing Storm et Time Crisis 4 ramment a mort sur ma machine. Daytona j'ai pas essaye, essaye et tiens nous au courrant :D -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
La nouvelle version a fixe le bug graphique dans Nurarihyon No Mago! Ouais! Tu peux l'ajouter a la liste des jeux parfaits. Il tourne a 60FPS sans probleme. -
[PC] Fighting Games Recommendations
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de ducon2016 dans BEST PC GAMES
I can play with two players on the keyboard using x360kb that I posted http://www.emuline.org/topic/1239-simulate-x360-controllers-when-you-just-have-a-keyboard/ 1. Change the .ini to only use 1 pad, and edit the keys to be different than the ones used for p1 2. Copy the .ini and x64 dlls in the game executable folder (in Binaries) -
C'est pareil que x360ce sauf pour le clavier: x360ce: dinput controller becomes x360 controller x360kb: keyboard becomes multiple x360 controllers Oui c'est pas comfortable SAUF que c'est juste copier deux fichiers: .ini et .dll, et que ca permet de ne pas installer de logiciel et c'est bien plus leger. En plus il y a toujours des ajustements a faire que UCR ne permet pas facilement. Par example Tricky Towers a besoin d'inverser le pad 1 et 2
Fichiers mis a jour dans le premier post: 1. Meilleure compatibilite avec les jeux Unity (XInputGetStateEx est implemente maintenant) 2. Possibilite de bloquer les touches comme VJoy pour ne pas que le jeu reagisse deux fois a la meme touche. Mettre BlockKeys=1 dans x360kb.ini
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Change ShellData.ini [Network] Enabled=0 -
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
1. Share a screenshot of C:\Sega 2. Share ShellData\GameSettings.ini 3. Share ShellData\ShellData.ini -
[TITRE] Mini Moto Racing Evo [GENRE] Top Down Racing [Lien Magazin] http://store.steampowered.com/app/209520/Mini_Motor_Racing_EVO/ [Video]
Bravo Argon! Je confirme que ca marche tres bien pour Heavy Fire Afghanistan et Heavy Fire Shattered Spear sous steam avec 1 ou 2 joueurs! Au prochain :D Reload next :D
Download here, full source code is included: x360kb-v15.7z === WHAT IS x360kb? === x360kb is the all in one solution to play games that require a joystick when you only have a keyboard. It is also useful for games playable with keyboard but for which displaying the joypad icons is more desirable. The games will believe you are playing with x360 pads, but you will only use your keyboard. === CREDITS === Original code: PKT(http://www.capcom-unity.com/ask_capcom/go/thread/view/7371/18347559/SFIV_PC__2_players_on_keyboard&post_num=98?liveView=1) Loguru code: EmilK (https://github.com/emilk/loguru) Xidi code: SamuelGr (https://github.com/samuelgr/Xidi) Modifications and improvements: Ducon2016 === DETAILS === 1. x360kb is an improved alternative to the excellent original x360kb by PKT (http://www.capcom-unity.com/ask_capcom/go/thread/view/7371/18347559/SFIV_PC__2_players_on_keyboard&post_num=98?liveView=1) emulating up to 4 pads with improvements like blocking keys, x64 support and many more. 2. x360kb is an alternative to VJoy (http://www.headsoft.com.au/index.php?category=vjoy). You can simulate Direct Input joysticks with x360kb without the need to install VJoy nor its drivers and devices on your machine, you can also block keys the same way VJoy does. 3. x360kb is an alternative to combining x360ce (https://www.x360ce.com/) and VJoy for XInput Games. 3. x360kb is an alternative to dinput8.dll blocker (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4lfqq0DpUo-SnNRRzNOa3doWjA?tid=0B4lfqq0DpUo-WGV0OVVTS1Z0LVk) and it works with x64 too. You can block Direct Input devices with x360kb so that they do not conflict with the ones you are simulating, and the original dinput8.dll blocker did not have an x64 version so x360kb is the only option for x64 games. 4. x360kb is an alternative to the Atelier DirectInput8 keyboard remapper (https://github.com/shirorndcode/atelier_remap) 5. x360kb is an alternative to AutoHotkey (https://autohotkey.com/). You can remap keys and exit the game with key presses without having to write tedious scripts. And it works with more games than AutoHotkey including DInput8 games 6. x360kb includes an experimental wheel type control for arcade games hardcoded to use a wheel in menus. Just use the keys you mapped to the wheel while in game menus, and use the analog sticks emulated while driving. 7. x360kb is an alternative to NoMousy (https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/2083-nomousy-disablehide-your-mouse-pointer-cmd/). You can hide the mouse cursor and it will be automatically restored when closing the app with the close key 8. x360kb is an alternative to TaskBar Hider (http://www.itsamples.com/taskbar-hider.html). You can hide the taskbar and it will be automatically restored when closing the app with the close key 9. x360kb can hide itself for games like DOA6 checking against system dlls 10. x360kb support remapping Steam Actions and solves games with controller issues when played without steam (Fight Angel, Super Bomberman R, Vasara, etc.) 11. x360kb supports reduced analog range to adapt cursor speed in some games === BUILD HISTORY === 1. [v1] Nouveau build avec fonctions manquantes. New build with added missing functions from original x360kb. 2. [v1] Fix du crash sur certains jeux et steam. Fix of crashes with some games and steam in the original x360kb. 3. [v1] Sans dinput qui reduit les problemes dans certains jeux. Removed dinput dependency from original x360kb to increase compatibility with games. 4. [v1] Build x64 pour les jeux en 64 bit. Original x360kb did not have a x64 build, now there is one. 5. [v2] Meilleure compatibilite avec les jeux Unity (XInputGetStateEx est implemente maintenant). Better support for Unity. 6. [v3] Possibilite de bloquer les touches comme VJoy pour ne pas que le jeu reagisse deux fois a la meme touche. Mettre BlockKeys=1 dans x360kb.ini. Ability to block keys like Vjoy. 7. [v4] Option pour fermer l'application avec une touche. Mettre CloseProcess=1 dans x360kb.ini et changez CloseKey=Esc par la touche que vous voulez utiliser. You can now close the app with a key if you want. 8. [v4] Supporte DirectInput 8 maintenant, donc plus besoin d'utiliser VJoy! Il suffit juste de copier dinput8.dll et x360kb.ini dans le repertoire de votre jeu et voila! Supports dinput8.dll, making it possible to simulate pads without vjoy! Thanks to the amazing Xidi (https://github.com/samuelgr/Xidi) 9. [v5] Supporte DirectInput normal maintenant donc plus besoin de Vjoy! Utilisez dinput.dll dans les jeux qui conviennent. Supports dinput.dll, making it possible to simulate pads without needing vjoy. Thanks to the amazing Xidi (https://github.com/samuelgr/Xidi) 10. [v5] Option pour cacher tout les autres joysticks dinput mettre FilterOtherPads=1 dans x360kb.ini qui permet de rendre compatible avec bien plus de jeux. Option to hide all other dinput/dinput8 controllers, making it more compatible with games grabbing the first available controllers. 11. [v6] Option pour entierement desactiver dinput8 pour les jeux utilisants le premier joystick dinput trouve avant ceux xinput comme Gravel par example, aussi utile pour ne pas avoir de conflicts entre Vjoy et x360kb: BlockDirectInput8=1 . Option to block all dinput8 joysticks when you want the game to use the xinput joysticks instead, for games like Gravel picking whatever comes first, or to reduce conflicts between Vjoy and x360kb. No need to use a dinput8.dll blocker dll anymore. 12. [v7] Merged BlockDirectInput8 option into FilterOtherPads. FilterOtherPads=1 will hide Direct Input joysticks whether you use direct input or xinput. 13. [v7] Added key remapper. Making it possible to remap keys without the need for Autohotkey or Atelier remapper 14. [v7] Experimental wheel emulator for games which UI was designed to be navigated with a wheel 15. [v8] Fixed edge case where x360kb would hog CPU when the app using xinput or dinput would not use a windows loop. 16. [v8] Added option to hide mouse cursor 17. [v8] Added option to hide taskbar 18. [v9] Added more RawInput filtering options, increasing compatibility with Unity games 19. [v10] Added automatic take over of other xinput libraries in memory for games loading multiple versions of xinput at once 20. [v11] Improved hide cursor option to hide loading cursor state 21. [v11] Improved Joystick detection for games loading both dinput8 and xinput libraries. Sometimes the games detect joysticks with dinput8 before leveraging xinput. Few options: use dinput8.dll and try a combination of HookAllXInputDLLs, FilterOtherPads, HookFastProx. Or use xinput dll and try a combination of FilterOtherPads, FakeXInputPads and HookFastProx. 22. [v12] Supporte winmm.dll maintenant. Supports winmm.dll now. Thanks to the amazing Xidi (https://github.com/samuelgr/Xidi) 23. [v12] Fixes to the dinput integration to enable more games compatibility 24. [v13] HideDLL option to defeat DOA6 protection, and improved fastprox.dll hooking to eliminate failures 25. [v14] Support for Steam Actions, asynchronous logging, and adjustable slower speed 26. [v15] Fixed a rare keyboard hook performance issue, and fixed show cursor when game exited without pressing the quit key Pour utiliser: 1. Verifiez si votre jeu est x86 ou x64 2. Copiez tout les fichiers du repertoire dll ou dll-64 dans le meme repertoire que votre .exe 3. Editez x360kb.ini avec les touches que vous voulez utiliser 4. Lancez votre jeu. Si ca marche vous devriez entendre un bip windows
essaye de lancer toi meme HF_Starter.exe qu'est-ce qui se passe? Argon et moi avons fini de faire marcher DemulShooter pour HFA, ca devrait etre bien plus facile a utiliser et pas besoin de patcher l'exe. Il va partager ca tres bientot.
Ouvre une fenetre command prompt, et lance le run.bat de cette fenetre. Dis nous ce qui se passe. Argon et moi travaillons sur une version de DemulShooter qui va marcher plus facilement au cas ou.
Tu as bien patch.bin dans J:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\HeavyFireAfghanistan? Tu peux envoyer le MD5 de HeavyFire3_final.exe? Le mien c'est 1841e571286acb17a98546a439c08e57 Tu utilises bien HFA-steam.7z ?
[Arcade PC] Justice League - Heroes United (Global VR)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
You should not need to do anything. My 360 controller is plugged in the usb port, and it worked out of the box. -
Non j'ai dis "type arcade". Le mot cle est "TYPE".