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Tout ce qui a été posté par ducon2016
Yes, for example for MKDX1.0 the save is offline and located on your computer, not online. It is much smaller and requires less resources sitting at 20KB :D At the same time the loader is very early and small, so it only supports 5 games right now and it is not as configurable for now. Just try it :D
0.5.1 is up with a minor fix for MKDX1.0 when you let all the options time out during the continue screens.
Just updated new version 0.5 with support for Mario Kart Arcade GP DX 1.0. Do not ask for 1.1, I do not intend on supporting it for a couple of months. I should have released this a long time ago, but was very busy and got injured, so better late than never. The reason why I added support for 1.0 is three fold: TP stopped supporting it in the UI recently and felt it could be useful to have it open sourced (this was before OpenParrot was created), 1.0 and save did not work great in TP before, and I just wanted to show that it is possible to make the game work including save and Banapass with very small and simple code. I know the purists will prefer emulation to patching, but I do not have access to the original hardware or anything that could help me reverse quicker, so patching can still be a decent approach. 20KB without any optimization for size for a loader is not too bad :D I will rewrite my own JVS at some point to streamline inputs, but patching is fun so far :D
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Yes you can play it with a regular simulated PS3 pad (whatever you map in RPCS3 to a dualshock 3), but the guns do not shoot in game. If you press the right trigger, the skeletons are not hit for some reason. What options do you use to make it work? Also the game does not run at 60FPS for me, it is relatively heavy CPU wise. -
[Emu] Yuzu : Premier émulateur de Nintendo Switch sur PC
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
C'est egalement la console qui pour moi a les meilleurs jeux a l'heure actuelle, meme si certains sont des recyclages ameliores de la WiiU. -
You are welcome :D
Sorry, not sure what is happening. It works for me as shown in the screenshot. You can see the textures are fixed and dgVoodoo is running. Try to copy D3DImm.dll and DDraw.dll from dgVoodoo2_55_3\MS to the game folder. Here is what I have all in the same folder as ChaosLegion.exe: d3d8.dll (the one from the post above) D3D8-chained.dll (it was d3d8.dll from dgVoodoo2_55_3\MS that I renamed) D3DImm.dll DDraw.dll If it does not work, can you try by setting all dgVoodoo options to default.
[PC] Fighting Games Recommendations
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de ducon2016 dans BEST PC GAMES
Malgres les critiques je viens d'essayer Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite et je le trouve bien mieux que ce que disent les critiques. Graphiquement tres bien fait, il merite d'etre dans votre collection de jeux de tatane :D -
[PC] Fighting Games Recommendations
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de ducon2016 dans BEST PC GAMES
Ils viennent de confirmer que la version PC arrive bientot car ils ont pas trop vendu sur PS4. https://www.eventhubs.com/news/2018/oct/01/fighting-ex-layers-development-shifting-steam-version-game-future-dlc-will-be-dependent-its-sales/ -
Sorry for the delay I was traveling, and have been super busy. Also damaged my knee last week, so had to rest. Anyways here is a dll for you to try 1. Copy this dll in the game folder 2. Rename your dgvoodoo2 d3d8.dll to d3d8-chained.dll, and put d3d8-chained.dll in the game folder Run the game, it will load my dll which fixes the textures sizes, and will load dgvoodoo2 dll instead of the system one, this should create a chain fixing your issue. Please let me know if it does not work, but also let us know if it works. d3d8-loadingDgVodoo2.7z
V-Rally 4. Quelle claque! Encore plus joli que Gravel qui etait deja magnifique, mode deux joueurs split-screen, et courses mode V-Rally avec plusieurs voitures en meme temps sur la piste comme au bon vieux temps de Sega Rally. C'est mon nouveau jeu de Rally prefere sur PC, vivement recommande!
Some of those are playable on dreamcast, but Razion would be awesome if anyone has it. I have never seen it and you cannot buy it anywhere anymore.
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Regarde ici: -
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
J'essaye d'aider mais si tu continues avec x360ce alors que je te dis d'essayer sans, je ne peux pas plus t'aider. Derniere tentative: 1. N'utilises pas x360ce, 2. Utilise Daytona_Patch(XInput working+nocrash).7z poste sur la premiere page, 3. efface les dlls xinputs -
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Vire toutes les dlls xinput du repertoire Daytona et re-essaye -
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Si ton pad est compatible xinput tu n'as rien a faire, ca devrait marcher directement avec l'exe patchche qui supporte xinput. X360ce n'est que pour les volants en general. -
Just discovered Fermi's Path. Nice simple arcade type game
I never used dgVoodoo2, but I looked and it seems like it is only wrapping D3D8.dll so you will not be able to make it work. Sorry about the confusion, I thought it could wrap Direct3D 9, I was wrong. I recommend using another wrapper that supports D3D9, and use that with "d3d8to9-ChaosLegion.7z". Reshade and many others do that. What feature do you need dgVoodoo2? I might be able to find a wrapper that does that or add the feature in my dll.
Read the first post
Try d3d8to9-ChaosLegion.7z from the post just above yours.
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Damn, I wanted to build one but will not be as good without help. Do you deliver in France? :D -
[Arcade PC] Daytona 3 (Sega Amusements like Europa-R System)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de cyrille2hk dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Do you have plans for wood cutting and assembly you can share? -
[PS3-PC] RPCS3 : Les "bons" jeux type arcade parfaitement "jouables"
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Houb dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Add "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time Re-shelled" to the list. Works really well at 60FPS, and very fun game. -
Pretty cool. Is it possible to add a CRT shader on it? The pixelization just does not work for me without CRT shaders.
[PC] Fighting Games Recommendations
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de ducon2016 dans BEST PC GAMES
Quelqu'un a essaye Shaolin vs Wutang?