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Tout ce qui a été posté par ducon2016

  1. La v11 est en ligne, elle aide a faire marcher des jeux commes Sonic Team Racing, Rayman Legends et Rayman Origins par example. Finalement avec cette version je n'ai plus besoin de x360ce a la maison, et il ne me reste plus qu'a fixer 4 jeux pour pouvoir me debarasser de VJoy completement.
  2. TRON RUN/r Last Knight
  3. Quelques bons jeux decouvert recemment Bladed Fury Juanito Arcade Mayhem Creepy Road Rocket Knight remake
  4. Galacide Rigid Force Alpha
  5. Ok Julie disait qu'il etait sorti. J'ai achete la version switch collector avec la mini arcade a monter en bois. Mais j'aimerai bien la version PC un jour
  6. Tu sais ou on peut trouver la version PC?
  8. I updated it. Can you download again from the same post above and try again to restore and let me know if it works better this time? If it is not available in the registry at this location I am getting it from a different place.
  9. That is the problem. What do you have keys do you have in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors? If none can you create one called Arrow of type REG_EXPAND_SZ and set %SystemRoot%\cursors\aero_arrow.cur for value? Then the restore will work. I will look into other ways to restore the default cursor to address your issue.
  10. Thanks for sharing the script. That will work well for most games indeed. Some games re-center the mouse unfortunately, or dynamically change the cursor. For those you need more intrusive things like nomousy or what I shared, but for most cases your script is perfect. I actually have included the hide/restore mouse functionality in x360kb and hooked the setcursor functions to protect against games dynamically updating the cursor.
  11. I looked into it, but need more info: 1. Are you using Aero as default or your turned it off? 2. Can you check what is the registry key for HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Cursors\Arrow? mine is %SystemRoot%\cursors\aero_arrow.cur
  12. What version of Windows are you running? I use this daily on Windows 7 and Windows 10 and never had a problem.
  13. Est-ce que quelqu'un a trouve une version jouable hors ligne? Je telecharge la derniere version en ligne la:
  14. Je viens juste de decouvrir ces messages. Mieux vaut tard que jamais. Pas mal du tout ce jeu.
  15. Mieux vaut tard que jamais. Pas mal du tout ce jeu.
  16. Nomousy a des problemes de temps en temps donc j'ai fais deux outils en ligne de commande plus simples et plus previsibles pour le remplacer: HideMouse.exe et RestoreMouse.exe HideRestoreMouse.7z
  17. ducon2016

    Collection de patchs

    It means you are patching the wrong exe. What are you trying to patch?
  18. 1. Oui. Utilises ca: a. Copies xinput9_1_0.dll du repertoire dll (pas x64) et x360kb.ini dans le repertoire de Mohkerz Loaderz.exe b. Edite x360kb.ini avec les touches que tu veux 2. A quand une mise à jour supportant plus de jeux, sérieux je kiffe! Merci, on rajoute les jeux petit a petit. C'est pas la course. On prefere bien finir les jeux et que tout marche bien, plutot que publier des trucs qui marchent a moitie.
  19. ducon2016

    Collection de patchs

    Not yet. I can look into it in a few months, I have a lot of other things on my plate including making GG work with Mohkerz Loaderz, but I have plenty of other stuff on my list before I reach those sorry.
  20. ducon2016

    Collection de patchs

    Updated patches with an improvement to Split Second steering. Thanks to FreddKrueger for bringing it to my attention and helping me fix it.
  21. Optimized NoobPatcher. It was a lazy O(n^2) loop which could take minutes on big files with many patches like FnF Drift and others. Faster linear pass now.
  22. v10 updated. New option to hook all versions of xinput in memory in case the game loads and use multiple versions. For example Dimension Drive on Windows 10. Try HookAllXInputDLLs=1
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