Can you guys create another thread just for MK? Cool game already listed and it deserves its own thread instead of this one meant for discovery of cool other fighting games.
Risk System est innovant et tres joli quand on y ajoute les shaders CRT (
Oui pour Deadstorm. Pour corriger " Sur DeadStorm Pirates les tirs passent Ă travers les ennemis." il suffit d'activer Write Color Buffers pour deadstorm.
You can update your list. Mamorokun and Under Defeat HD run perfectly at 60FPS without Color Buffers with the new KD-11 build with GPU Scaling disabled in the debug options.
And finally Dead Storm renders fine on my NVidia card too and close to 60PFS on my crappy PC, so pretty good progress.
Ok solved the issue with the game not starting. I changed the key assigned to BLUE (it was 4) to G, and now if I press the 1 + G + 5 the game starts. So you will need to assign keys to ones which work for your keyboard when pressed simultaneously. Test them with UnlockMainMenu=1 => Options => Switch Test