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Tout ce qui a été posté par ducon2016
[Arcade PC] Plants vs Zombies Last Stand (Sega)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de WolfCGB dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
There might be a tricky way to make it run but I doubt it. If you look at PvZ client all the logic seems to be driven by the server. private void Update() { if (this.connection.IsConnected() && this.connection.HasMessage()) { this.HandleMessage(this.connection.ReceiveMessage()); } } private void HandleMessage(PvzMessage msg) { ushort op = msg.op; switch (op) { case 500: this.DispatchMessage("InitialiseGame", new PvzData_Game(msg.data)); break; default: switch (op) { case 100: this.DispatchMessage("SetGameMode", new PvzData_GameMode(msg.data)); break; I don't want to discourage you from looking, who knows you might find something but right now I am thinking like Argon and looking how to unlock the server/shell instead. -
[Arcade PC] Plants vs Zombies Last Stand (Sega)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de WolfCGB dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
I can connect now to the server, but no file transferred yet. -
[Arcade PC] Plants vs Zombies Last Stand (Sega)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de WolfCGB dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Yes you are right the loading screen and game logic in Unity is getting all the events from the connected server (shell). I am looking if it is possible to make shell run and serve the data without the dongle. With code changes I can get into the test menu and out but still have not been able to get the client to connect. Not sure if it is doable without the security key. Keyboard is supported in test menu (T and Y keys) by the way. -
Can you post a screenshot comparison of yours?
Thanks for sharing. Looks cool. I updated the link for v2 in the original post.
Thank you, I started putting together a list of cool Android games for my Arcade machine but would not have thought about lightgun games. Very good work I am not sure about LDPlayer though, it has major graphical issues on my machines and does not have graphics tweaking options like others. It also takes over a minute to boot/load, very slow.
Reessaye le lien. Non je n'utilise aucun de ces services. Tu peux uploader mon archive ou tu veux sans probleme, tout ce que je partage est toujours 100% ouvert pour tout le monde sans contraintes.
Haha oui Mugen en general m'interesse pas trop, mais avec les shaders de @Houb ca change beaucoup. Ca eleve quelques jeux au niveau de la qualite des jeux SNES/MD/Neo Geo visuellement. Je vais faire une passe de recherche pour voir si il y a autre chose d'interessant a part Hyper DBZ.
D'habitude je trouve les jeux Mugen nuls, mais la je dois avouer que Hyper DBZ 5.0d est vraiment pas mal. Je le recommande vivement. La derniere version est dispo ici: https://network.mugenguild.com/balthazar/hyperdbz/ Par contre Mugen est vraiment depasse et vieux, j'ai donc fais quelques modifs pour faire marcher les shaders CRT geniaux de notre @Houb prefere. Et j'ai egalement modifie les shaders SMAA pour lisser un peu le jeu, et j'ai egalement patche le jeu pour que le mode plein ecran marche, par default il y avait un blemme. 1. Telechargez hyperdbz 5.0d et decompressez 2. Telechargez mon archive HDBZ-CRT-v2.7z et decompressez les fichiers dans le meme repertoire que le jeu 3. Lancez Hyper DBZ-FS.exe Vous pouvez changer les bezels dans le repertoire reshade-shaders\Textures CRT+SMAA CRT sans anti-aliasing Normal Autres bezels
I am finally back after years of being overworked. Taking a break doing what I love, making games better. One thing that was low in my todo list before was to improve Pinball Arcade. I still prefer the fun fluid feel of Pinball Arcade than PBFX3 or Visual Pinball X. The problem is the game looks seriously dated, so I improve it a bit with Ambient Occlusion, Screen Space Reflections, Regrading, and a ball that feels like rotating instead of just sliding. 1. Download this Pinball_Arcade_Reshaded_v2.7z and unpack everything into the same folder as PinballArcade11.exe and then just run Pinball Arcade as usual. 2. To use the ball textures, you need to put them in the Pinball Arcade Loader folder and enable CUSTOMBALL when you launch with it. 3. Make sure to disable MSAA and use oversampling in the game options to reduce aliasing. For exampleI used 2560x1440 internal resolution to play at 1920x1080 4. I also recommend adjusting the lightness to your taste in the game table options. Credits: - Reshade by croshire (https://github.com/crosire/reshade) - AO by rj200 (https://github.com/rj200/Glamarye_Fast_Effects_for_ReShade), I made minor changes there - SSR by martymcmodding (https://github.com/martymcmodding/qUINT/tree/master), I made minor changes there - MultiLut by FransBouma (https://github.com/FransBouma/OtisFX/tree/master), I made minor changes there If you want to compare the looks try this https://imgsli.com/MzIxNDk3 Reshaded v2 Original
Yesterday I patched the Sega CD / Mega CD bioses for all regions US / JP / EU to also do the same and automatically start without having to push the "Start Button". [BIOS] Mega-CD Model 2 (Japan) (v2.00).ips [BIOS] Mega-CD Model 2 (Europe) (v2.00).ips [BIOS] Sega CD Model 2 (USA) (v2.11).ips
I made a patch to the PCFX Bios to auto boot / auto start CDs too without waiting and without having to push the "Run Button" 1. Run Lunar IPS patcher from link posted in first post, then pcfx.ips then pick the original bios file pcfx.rom, and click the button patch pcfx.ips
[Emu] RPCS3 (Arcade Fork) - Project OMED (System 357 / 369 / 359)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Franco23444 dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Strange, I did not have this problem at all. Try to follow this post. Download the two text files and copy them in the right folder: https://www.emuline.org/topic/3436-emu-rpcs3-arcade-fork-project-omed-system-357369359/?do=findComment&comment=145932 -
[Emu] RPCS3 (Arcade Fork) - Project OMED (System 357 / 369 / 359)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Franco23444 dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Ok here is a tutorial to make Tekken Tag Tournament 2 work: 1. Download the good 5.7G dump "TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 UNLIMITED". Search google for the following and click the first link: site:archive.org namco system 357 bandai namco 2. Download PS3 firmware: http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/update/ps3/image/us/2023_0228_05fe32f5dc8c78acbcd84d36ee7fdc5b/PS3UPDAT.PUP 3. Download and unpack the archive from the first page: Fighter and Lightgun Games Build.zip ~ pixeldrain 4. Run RPCS3.exe and in the menu file, select install firmware and pick PS3UPDAT.PUP from step #2 5. Close RPCS3, unpack SCEEXE000 from the step #1 archive into the dev_hdd0\game\ folder of RPCS3. Result will look like Fighters Bulid\dev_hdd0\game\SCEEXE000 6. Run RPCS3, double click Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and wait until everything complete. You are going to see errors for memory and network. That is normal! Close RPCS3 7. Run RPCS3 and double click again Tekken Tag Tournament 2. The errors should be gone and the game should run! Has anyone managed to run Tekken 6 and Tekken 6 BR? -
[Emu] RPCS3 (Arcade Fork) - Project OMED (System 357 / 369 / 359)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de Franco23444 dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Would someone be kind enough to post a tutorial to set this thing up? I cannot get anything to run with the first post and there is a lot of information missing in the thread The only ones I have working are Sailor Zombie, Dark Escape, Deadstorm Pirates because the archives seemed to contain dev_hdd1/caches/board_storage.bin and dev_hdd1/caches/usiobackup.bin. Do I need those for Tekken 6/Tekken Tag/Tekken 6 Bloodline? Are they needed for every game? If yes what is the way to get those?did not see any link here and did not find anything on archive.org 1. Tekken 6 after compiling all PPUs and SPU stuff opens and closes a black screen and keeps looking for TKBOOT.elf in the usb paths. I have tried the Darkescape dev_hdd1 files in there but did not help, seems like an infinite loop. Tried both the .exe from first post and the one from Dark Escape archive. Same results 2. Tekken Tag Tournament 2. I get a 19 2 SYSTEM ERROR in Red 3. Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion. Same issue as Tekken 6, black window open and closes. And error messages about TKBOOT.elf Thanks -
Air Twister by Yu Suzuki!!!
[Emu] Flycast - Dreamcast + Naomi + Atomiswave
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Wow! Badass! The flycast team is on a roll. So amazing. Finally F355 and Manic Panic Ghosts 😍 Seems like only Initial D 2 is left to fix? -
[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Thank you, I will update my patch above. Is it possible to share an all in one .ini for MKGP2 JP like I did for USA? -
[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
I think my patch was just lucky, I think Murray found a genuine issue. It was short but also notice that on the second game after game over the "no card" option seemed to be picked automatically in the UI very rapidly even if then the card worked for me (maybe luck?). It worked for me, so there might be something else but I fixed what I could find on my end. Can you try this new save card patch (remove the old one) and let me know if it works? If it does I will update my post above. $New MKGP2 USA Card Save Hang Fix 0x80249958:dword:0x38000000 0x8024995c:dword:0x980da504 0x80249960:dword:0x980da509 0x80249964:dword:0x480000ac -
idMacX + J/Rconfig + JVSemu + SpiceTools + BemaniTools + SegaTools + etc.
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Just for the record in case it helps since I spent few hours trying to fix the issue. For "Elevator Action Death Parade", if your game crash at "Now Loading..." screen, you MUST have PhysX installed on your machine. The crash is because the game does not find PhysX. -
[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Ok fixed it for MKGP2! Card save does not hang and game over screen does not hang either after the save, and when I insert coin it loads the card fine. Everything is perfect now for MKGP1 and 2. Here is my SNBL.ini [Controls] PadProfile1 = mariogp2 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Loop Fix $Card Save Hang Fix $Card Save Hang Fix [OnFrame] $Loop Fix 0x8002E9C8:dword:0x60000000 0x8002E9D4:dword:0x41820158 $Loop Fix (JPN) 0x8002EA28:dword:0x60000000 0x8002EA34:dword:0x41820158 $Card Save Hang Fix 0x80249958:dword:0x38000000 0x8024995c:dword:0x980da504 0x80249960:dword:0x980da509 0x80249964:dword:0x480000ac $Game Over Hang Fix 0x8003775c:dword:0x40820040 $Voice Off 0x801B6510:dword:0x38800000 [Gecko] $Slowdown Fix 4086150 60000000 $Link Check Skip 402eb6c 60000000 $Unlimited Card 04a02f8 60000000 [Gecko_Enabled] $Slowdown Fix $Link Check Skip $Unlimited Card -
[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Awesome contributions thanks for your amazing work! We finally have triforce in a good shape, that is so amazing after all those years of hacking. I used to have 4 different builds of dolphin to handle all the cases and we did not have the real AX. Now we have it, it is so awesome when you think about it. I bought a portable PC now so the feeling of having all those in your hands is absolutely amazing 😄 I can remember walking down the aisles of my local arcades in France when I was a kid, and now all those games and many more are on one portable machine. A flick through the UI and preview videos is like walking down the arcade again. \ Trying the MKGP2 from scratch in case it helps, tracing back from the "Take card" message. By the way do you use the dolphin debugger and desassembler only? They are so poor compared to x64dbg, wondering if there is a better way to disassemble the game code or debug? If you only used that for all your patches, I admire your tenacity. I almost gave up twice already -
[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Ok I fixed MKGP1 where you don't need to wait for the card to be ejected and fixed the game over hang. Here is my SBKP.ini combining your patches, the ones from crediar and mine 😄 No need to close the game and restart it anymore. It shows the Game Over screen like in the arcade and then goes back to attract mode as it should. I don't use the Namcam patch and just turn off the camera off in the test menu but left it in case people are lazy Will try to do the same for MKGP2 now. [Controls] PadProfile1 = mariogp1 [OnFrame_Enabled] $Card Saving Fix $Game Over Hang Fix $Loop Fix [OnFrame_Disabled] $Disable NAMCAM [OnFrame] $Disable NAMCAM 0x800790A0:dword:0x98650025 $Loop Fix 0x8003226C:dword:0x60000000 0x80032278:dword:0x41820158 $Card Saving Fix 0x801be2dc:dword:0x4082009c $Game Over Hang Fix 0x8003b020:dword:0x40820040 [Gecko] $Slowdown Fix 041b2238 60000000 $Link Check Skip 4032410 60000000 $Unlimited Card 041f5c44 60000000 [Gecko_Enabled] $Slowdown Fix $Link Check Skip $Unlimited Card -
[Emu] Dolphin v2407 Triforce : Branche Arcade (Namco / Sega / Nintendo / GC / Wii)
ducon2016 a répondu à un(e) sujet de 7zxkv dans EMULATEUR NEWS
Thank you so much for your amazing work on the Triforce. I am back after months of too much intense work, and your posts brought a smile to my face and reminded me why I love this community so much 😄 I tried to follow all your posts and there were many updates and changes in the patches you recommended. I ended up with the Gecko ones and I am almost OK but two issues: If I run Mario Kart GP1 without a card and complete or lose a race. At the end of the race I have an error grey screen "Please call an attendant E20 Wheel error". I could fix it with your Loop Fix 2 patches posted earlier in the thread but now I have a long black screen before it goes back to the attract. If I run Mario Kart GP1 with a card, it hangs writing to the card. Is there a patch to fix the hang? Same of Mario Kart GP2 with a card, it waits for removing the card. Is there a patch to skip that? Wondering if you could post a zip file with your latest .ini files. That would help for people like me coming late to the party to not have to read the 19 pages of this amazing thread. By the way super work on Monster Ride, cannot wait to test it -
Some good oldies I found recently, looking amazing with the CRT shaders from our friend @Houb