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Tout ce qui a été posté par ducon2016

  1. Dude don't play the game on your old 320x200 crt monitor. Get a real PC in HD and if someone is not blind or deaf they will appreciate first the quality graphics and musics, smoother animations, and overall something enhanced over the original.
  2. Going to buy it as soon as I get my paycheck... Soon... We need to support small game developers like that.
  3. Hehe, encore la R-Type Finale :D La version suivante va surement arriver bientot.
  4. Bizarre, l'exe que j'ai qui est exactement le meme que dans cette archive est 2.08jpn
  5. C'est la 2.08jpn ca, mon patch marche
  6. Non desole, je l'ai meme pas.
  7. And here is the patch for 2.08 Offset: 00057ACE Original: CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC Patch: 89 68 14 C7 40 08 00 00 80 3F 83 C1 08 EB 0A Offset: 00057AE7 Original: CC CC CC CC CC Patch: E9 1B 04 00 00 Offset: 00057F01 Original: 89 68 14 83 C1 08 Patch: E9 C8 FB FF FF 90
  8. Ca me rappelle que je n'ai jamais poste le fix pour les videos d'intro === PATCH POUR 2.03 === Offset: 00046E3E Original: CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC Patch: 89 68 14 C7 40 08 00 00 80 3F 83 C1 08 EB 0A Offset: 00046E57 Original: CC CC CC CC CC Patch: E9 5F 03 00 00 Offset: 000471B5 Original: 89 68 14 83 C1 08 Patch: E9 84 FC FF FF 90 Offset: 000EB964 Original: C7 44 Patch: 89 4C Offset: 000EB967 Original: 2C 00 00 80 3F 8B 70 18 D9 5C Patch: 40 8B 70 18 D9 5C 24 4C 89 4C Offset: 000EB972 Original: 4C Patch: 5C Offset: 000EB982 Original: 89 4C 24 40 C7 44 24 44 00 00 80 3F C7 44 24 48 Patch: 8B 70 18 89 4C 24 78 89 74 24 54 8B B4 24 9C 00 Offset: 000EB994 Original: 80 3F 8B 70 18 89 74 24 54 8B B4 24 9C 00 00 00 89 74 24 68 8B B4 24 A0 00 00 00 89 4C 24 5C C7 44 24 60 00 00 00 00 C7 44 24 64 00 00 00 00 89 74 24 6C 8B 70 18 89 74 24 70 89 4C 24 78 C7 44 24 7C 00 00 80 3F C7 84 24 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Patch: 89 74 24 68 8B B4 24 A0 00 00 00 89 74 24 6C 31 F6 89 74 24 60 89 74 24 64 89 B4 24 80 00 00 00 8B 70 18 89 74 24 70 BE 00 00 80 3F 89 74 24 2C 89 74 24 44 89 74 24 48 89 74 24 7C 89 74 24 20 89 74 24 3C 89 74 24 58 89 74 24 74 90 90 90 90 90 === END With the patch Without patch
  9. ducon2016

    Killer Instinct [Steam]

    J'avais fais comme toi, et j'ai trouve ca sur le site Fitgirl dans les commentaires: Ca marche aussi tres bien
  10. I got it thanks. It is the exact same file as mine, and my instructions work perfectly. Just follow the steps @petje posted.
  11. Can you share your .exe somewhere? There is something weird going on.
  12. You can buy Fast Beat Loop Racer on steam
  13. Make sure you edit "Pinball FX3.exe" not setup.exe
  14. Joli! Merci du partage
  15. Oui je vais l'acheter aussi apres le fantastique wonder boy, par contre dans le genre je trouve TakeOver plus avance que SoR4.
  16. Oui ca m'interesse project L. J'aime les personnages de league of legends, ca pourrait etre sympa
  17. Awesome. Please take screenshots and share with please
  18. Je n'ai rien contre ca, bien au contraire :D J'aimerai bien cette qualite pour d'autres franchises et univers de mangas. Hokuto no Ken, Black Clover, Hunter x Hunter, Bleach, Fairy Tail, Naruto, Chevaliers du Zodiaque, etc.
  19. Magnifique! Bravo!
  20. If you know how to reverse engineer Unreal script / modify cooked Unreal packages then sure go ahead, you can help :D
  22. I have it in my list to look at it, however I am not sure it is feasible, the cursor drawing and positioning in Unreal script is hard to modify as is. So yes will look into it, but might take a very long time because it is very hard.
  23. Can you share your goose.ini file?
  24. Very nice! You know you can share bigger pictures if you send them on discord and copy the link here? What is this game?
  25. What do the different colors mean?
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