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Tout ce qui a été posté par ducon2016

  1. It does work with combinations, I use them all the time. You can even set a combination as an input for example I used stuff like DPad Left=C&Left. In the config turn on the log, press the two buttons and send me the log please.
  2. Awesome, glad we could find it and fix it. Thanks for reporting the issue.
  3. Here are all the updated DLLs, x360kb-v15.7z Let me know if it works
  4. I tried something in the code. There is a known performance issue with the keyboard hooks, the code assumed a case would never happen but unfortunately it did, so cleaning it up. Will publish all dlls later today.
  5. ducon2016

    Recherche CHD Mame 0.222

    Tu as les derniers trucs souvent ici aussi
  6. Not sure what it is, try this
  7. Project Wingman Art of Air War
  8. Glad you got it to work. Yes HideDLL might not work on all games, it works for DOA6. And Steam=1 is only for games which require steam actions, most games do not need it. Can you edit your post to only keep the working part? The initial question is not necessary anymore.
  9. Your config has log=1 and padcount=2 when you only have one defined. Try to set log=0 and padcount=1. I tested your files and everything works fine. Also try with all the options to see if it makes a difference [Options] UseInitBeep=1 Log=0 PadCount=1 HookAllXInputDLLs=0 BlockRawInput=1 BlockKeys=1 BlockKeysDelay=0 CloseProcess=1 CloseWindow=0 CloseKey=Esc FilterOtherPads=0 FakeXInputPads=0 HookFastProx=0 SetPropertySuccess=0 DisableDI8Keyboard=0 DI8Range=0 RemapMethod=0 HideMouse=0 HideTaskBar=0 HideDLL=0 Steam=0 AnalogRange=1.0
  10. I understand the problem, just trying to find out what it could be. Where did you put the dll and config file? Which folder?
  11. 1. Which version of the dll did you use for SFV x86 or x64? 2. In which folder did you put the dll and x360kb.ini? I just tested and it works here, I also have an ipac and a keyboard connected with no lag. Did you make sure that vjoy is disabled? double click the vjoy icon and untick the enabled box
  12. SFV the PC version or the Arcade version with JConfig?
  13. I use the new version on all my games. No issue whatsoever so give me the exact game you use, and the exact version of dll. I cannot help you if you cannot provide specific information.
  14. Where do I find S.O Retroos? What dll do you use? what version x86 or x64? Seems like you are using an OLD version of x360kb BackgroundMode does not exist for a long time. Try the latest version I just uploaded.
  15. Give me all the details please, I cannot help you if you do not provide all the details. Give me the complete config file. Did you turn log on by any chance? Make sure log=0
  16. What game? What version of dll x86/x64? what dll? share your x360kb.ini
  17. ducon2016

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Ah ok I understand, you WANT to add a custom screen to pick the number of players BEFORE you launch the table. Basically what is desirable for you is to have a behavior like PBFX3. I understand now, I am surprised because I do not like this behavior. For example often I start playing a table, people see me play and then want to join. I like being able to do that without quitting. I will see what I can do, not sure I can do it but we will see.
  18. ducon2016

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    I just do not understand why you cannot select the number of players AFTER the table is loaded. Pinball FX3: Select the table, select the number of player, then load the table. Clearly in this case you need this in the launcher Pinball Arcade: Select the table, then load the table, then select number of players. In this case I do not get what is the benefit of picking the players in command line. Can you explain?
  19. Mini Motor Racer X est dispo sur PC Formula Retro Racing Cyberline Racing Team Sonic Racing TT Isle of Man Racing Glider
  20. x360kb-v14.7z Yeah Super Bomberman R is finally playable with 4 players!!! Added support for steam actions for the few crappy games that had the bad idea to only work with steam controllers: Fight Angel, Super Bomberman R, Vasara, etc. For Unity games make sure you move the steam dlls out of the plugins folder and put it in the same folder as the main game exe. Added option to reduce analog range to reduce cursor speed in some games like Missile Command: Recharged Replaced custom logging code by the excellent loguru library ( Example config for Super Bomberman R ( x86 / xinput1_3.dll ) HookAllXInputDLLs=1 BlockRawInput=1 FilterOtherPads=1 FakeXInputPads=0 Steam=1 [Actions] A=A B=B X=X Y=Y LB=Left Shoulder RB=Right Shoulder START=Start BACK=Back UP=Left Analog Up DOWN=Left Analog Down LEFT=Left Analog Left RIGHT=Left Analog Right Move=Left Analog Example config for Fight Angel ( x64 / xinput1_3.dll ) HookAllXInputDLLs=1 BlockRawInput=3 FilterOtherPads=1 FakeXInputPads=1 Steam=1 [Actions] Move=Left Analog Camera=Right Analog attackA=A attackB=B attackE=X attackS=Y pauseMenu=Left Thumb camera_pan= Example config for Vasara ( x64 / xinput1_3.dll ) HookAllXInputDLLs=1 BlockRawInput=3 FilterOtherPads=1 FakeXInputPads=1 Steam=1 [Actions] menu_move=Left Analog menu_start=Start menu_select=A menu_cancel=B c_move=Left Analog c_shot=A c_bomb=B c_vasara=Y c_rapid_fire=X c_credit=D-Pad Left c_start=Start c_arcade_menu=Left Shoulder menu_prev=Left Analog Left menu_next=Left Analog Right t_move=Left Analog t_shot=A t_bomb=B t_vasara=Y t_rapid_fire=X t_dash=Left Trigger
  21. ducon2016

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    You can select the number of players when you are inside the table with Pinball Arcade, it is different from Pinball FX3 where you need to pick the numbers of players BEFORE you enter the table. Pinball Arcade does not have this problem, so not sure how what you want would work? Can you explain a little more? I am open to it.
  22. Il est souvent dispo sur cette chaine youtube aussi
  23. ducon2016

    Choisir L’écran PC Gamer

    Tu peux faire une liste des points que tu n'aimes pas pour ton ancien moniteur? Ca t'aidera a etre clair pour ce que tu veux pour ton nouveau moniteur. Les frequences au dessus de 60hz ne sont pas necessaires, MAIS certains jeux ont 3 frames de retard ce qui a 60 images par seconde donne 3/60 = 1/20s = 0.05s de delai. A 144hz ce delai devient 3/144 = 0.02s. Mais bon encore faut il etre capable de faire tourner tes jeux a 144hz, donc il faudra surement que tu changes ton PC pour une bete de course. Freesync et G-Sync: C'est pour eviter les coupures horizontales quand le rafraichissement du jeu ne suit pas regarde les fenetres de l'immeuble au premier etage sur l'image de gauche sans freesync/gsync. Si tu es un pro du jeu effectivement prends 144hz, mais si tu es un joueur "normal" n'importe quel moniteur a faible latence devrait suffir.
  24. Haha, it works for all my 300+ PC game collection, so it definitely works however you must try different combinations and options because every game behave differently. And I tested it only on Windows 7 and Windows 10, not sure for other versions of the game 1. You need to find which DLL to use. In general the way to do that is to load the game .exe in a debugger first to find out if your .exe is 32 or 64 bit. Then you look at the list of symbols to find if dinput/dinput8/xinput1_3/xinput1_4/xinput9_1_0/or in rare cases if none of the previous ones are loaded winmm (Blade Arcus if I remember correctly works like that) 2. When you found the right dll usually start with xinput ones if the game loads many, if it does not work go with dinput8 3. If the game loads many xinput dlls, make sure to enable the option to hook all the xinput dlls 4. If Dinput8, try to filter and fake xinput joysticks 5. Copy the dll in the game .exe folder If you have a specific game you want to try let me know I can help you give you one config.
  25. ducon2016

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    No I cannot sorry, the internals of the DX9 version are too different.
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