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  1. Cool. Anything new? Many of those seemed to exist already in other dumps before no?
  2. You don't need those if you play on a TV, I recommend using my patch. Loads faster, less files, no crashes, and less weird AHK random issues.
  3. The new version posted has the black screen issue, you need to get the original archive.
  4. Tampermonkey script to bypass shitty links on // ==UserScript== // @name Easy GamePCIso // @namespace // @version 2025-02-03 // @description Skip ads on and associates and // @author You // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @match *://* // @icon // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; const lnks = document.querySelectorAll('a'); lnks.forEach( item => { const url = item.href; const start = url.indexOf("url="); const end = url.indexOf("&type="); if (( -1< start ) && (-1<end)) { item.href = atob( url.substring( start+4, end ) ); var old_element = item; var new_element = old_element.cloneNode(true); old_element.parentNode.replaceChild(new_element, old_element); } }); })();
  5. Examples: or bluemedia garbage links or megaup or many others 1. Install pop up / pop under / layers blockers. I use firefox and two addons AT THE SAME TIME since they block different things: and 2. Install Tampermonkey 3. To deal with Megaup garbage install this with Tampermonkey: MegaUp.user.js 4. To deal with Bluemedia garbage install this with Tampermonkey: Will post more as I discover. Please feel free to share the ones you use.
  6. If you use the popup blockers I mentioned this is what you get. If it changes the page to an ad, just hit the back button and click create download link again until it works.
  7. Because I am confident you can do it. And when you will have figured it out, you will be able to download more things on your own. Only thing I can confirm is the megaup link works 100%, so you are not wasting your time. Also the game is available in many other places if you really cannot make this one work, I verified it is available on and on I suspect you will need popup blockers for those too, and as usual some links need to be clicked up to 5 times until you get the real link.
  8. Is there a way to disable the need to register our phone number? No other discord does that, and I cannot participate in the emuline discord since I will never register my phone.
  9. Use a popup blocker, I use PopUpOff and with Firefox and the links work and download. You might need to click a few times to get the right download. Bottom line, free stuff needs to jump over hurdles but it is free. You can also buy the game on steam when it is on promo it is cheap.
  10. I just tried and the last link (MegaUp) works. So follow the steps I explained.
  11. Try all the other links until you find one what works. Sorry I never share content.
  12. You did not follow my directions. I told you to only keep the text AFTER url=and BEFORE &type=2 so you will see: https://somethingsomethingsomethingsomethingsomethingurl=THIS IS WHAT YOU KEEP&type=2somethingsomething Example 1. Copied link from the website 2. After the step I recommended only aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL3VjP2lkPTFWbWJBejJGVEQ5b0xJaGk3X2RyekNFUGlURmNSLUNXOSZleHBvcnQ9ZG93bmxvYWQ= is left 3. Decode what is left with and you will get a link that starts with for this example
  13. Inspired by Wangan and Initial D Japanese Drift Master
  14. Right click the Download and copy the URL. Only keep the text after url = and before &type=2, you should get something like aHR0cHM6Ly9kcml2ZS5nb29nbGUuY29tL3VjP2lkPTFWbWJBejJGVEQ5b0xJaGk3X2RyekNFUGlURmNSLUNXOSZleHBvcnQ9ZG93bmxvYWQ= Then use to decode and get the real link
  15. No sorry. Pure encrypted that needs to be decrypted before being used. If someone has the dongle that part should actually be easier to decrypt than the .exe. The Unity executable has no idea what the Assembly is without decrypting it.
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