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  1. fill in the respective zerotier ip address to the spice's Adapter Network zerotier subnet masks(May need to be calculated) to Adapter Subnet open game test page (NETWORK OPTIONS → NETWORK CHECK ) Check that the contents of IP ADDRESS and SUBNET MASK are the same as what you filled in. If so, the network has been successfully configured. after that you're good to go!
  2. Added the missing tuyu song 0476 リズの内心革命 and added the cover image of 0476, jk_0476_1_t.png, to the graphics\s_jacket00_ifs folder.
  3. It is possible that your dll files are not located in the same folder.For example, some may be located in the root directory and others in the modules folder.
  4. sorry,i dont know,but i suggest try to use to check which dll you are missed.
  5. hello,does anyone know the new dll patcher website,the old ( dead
  6. hello,i didn't know how to make the mod folder work could have anyone can tall me? here is my dll patch here is my folder i run the game, but it didn't have the _cache folder here is log edit: i find i didn't in speace add the ifs_hook.dll sorry log.txt
  7. you can use “resizeenable”. this is a third party tool but it can only adjust it manually.
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