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À propos de teknikmans2

  • Date de naissance 03/01/1981

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    i5 6 gb 2 gb

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teknikmans2's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

  • Reacting Well Rare
  • Dedicated Rare
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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. hi good night Is there a way to enter the test menu?
  2. Congratulations
  3. new link plz
  4. (makine 1) [ANA] #supported OYUNLARI: SC, FFD, FRFB, MK10, OG, SR3 Oyun = SC SİZİN EXE DOSYASININ #AD Çalıştırılabilir = sdaemon.exe SİZİN OYUN #DIRECTORY WorkingDirectory = c: rawart EXECUTABLE İLE KULLANIMI #COMMAND HATTI PARAMETRELERİ CommandLineParameters = -noerr -mid 0 #CURSOR HIZI OYUN ALMA HIZI HorizontalSpeed = 16 VerticalSpeed = 16 Run game thanks
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