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  1. Thanks for the file it works for the latest pinky crush update.🤩 However, play result no longer shows top 6 mybest scores that used to be in old asphyxia, and it seems there's nowhere to enable such in asphyxia core portal. May I know how to retrieve the function?
  2. Is 20231120 update file available now?
  3. check "Force Custom Timing..." in the 1st pic also
  4. After some internet searches I can finally play resident in TDJ mode. Some issues I have encountered & solved by myself, hope these are useful to u guys: - can't launch tdj: delete the japanese in the first line of ea3-config.xml - white screen when launch in full screen mode: make sure ur screen resolution is at1080p & when u start spice64, immediately right click the app icon on windows toolbar and let it run, then click left when the screen turns black - play sounds are out sync: turn off v-sync & no FPS limit in ur display card setting, then patch bm2dx.dll to default Hz of your monitor, enable bypass monitor check as well.
  5. Thank you EXVSMBON, I think it's almost there but still can't launch in TDJ mode🤔 log.txt
  6. can anyone help what is wrong with below settings when launching 30🙇‍♂️ log.txt
  7. Just tried and found I couldn't swap screens, toggle window said " failed to acquire surface texture". I guess it's because I was using the windowed mode which the sub-screen was disabled. If I run TDJ in non-windowed mode, sub-screen is activated, while the main screen is somehow "freeze" and stick at upper left corner that cannot adjusted to full screen. Is it possible to make the main screen in full, or to input the pin not using the sub-screen? Many thanks.
  8. Hello everyone. Since there’s issue to run TDJ in full screen I have tried to run TDJ in window mode instead, however, I found myself could not enter epass pin by keypad nor toggle the sub screen up. How can I enter the pin by keypad in TDJ just like the LDJ does? Thanks.
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