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  1. Any chance to fix the 2 light guns issue that sometimes joined together from some reason?
  2. Thanks delirious, do you have other missing files from virusman site? like Raiden IV (Portrait), Raiden III (Portrait),
  3. That is a path issue, not all content are being loaded, try to move it to c:\sega
  4. pacooka

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    If you edited the right ID for each Cab, make sure that you set the right path for your configuration files in \Sega DiRT Showdown\shell\Game.ini, maybe in some more places, try and see if it works
  5. pacooka

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    Instructions how to set GRID for LAN gaming: 1. For Cab1, set the private IP address to, for Cab2, set it to 2. \GRID\Sega\shell\Game.ini should be edit with your router subnet: [Network] Active=1 Domain=192.168.1 BaseAddr=1 3. Edit \GRID\Sega\Grid\debug\config.xml, make sure to change the right path for your installation folder and files: <sega_shell shell_path="c:\sega\Shell" shell_data_path="c:\sega\ShellData" shell_data_ini_path="c:\sega\ShellData\ShellData.ini" shell_game_ini_filename="Game.ini" shell_game_settings_ini_path="c:\sega\ShellData\GameSettings.ini" shell_shutdown_time_limit="60" /> 4.Edit \GRID\Sega\ShellData\ShellData.ini and set the following: [Network] CabinetID=1 // 1 for Cab1 and 2 for Cab2 Enabled=1 Enjoy
  6. WMN6 is LAN supported? I succeed only in WMN5
  7. When can I get the English patch? the link in the first post is down
  8. pacooka

    TEKNOPARROT LAN Racing Games

    How do I set GRID for LAN playing with 2 cabs with Teknoparrot? Tried to edit the ini files with no success, anyone has this game working?
  9. It looks like Lost Land Adventure has the wrong executable, TP reports that the .exe is the wrong one… need a different dump ☹️
  10. Where exactly mkdx 1.18? couldn’t find it on post 1
  11. How can I play it with a bezel? arcadeCabView doesn't recognize this game
  12. Check your monitor fps in the NVIDIA control panel
  13. Can you please share again the resolution patch ?
  14. verify both versions are using the same server IP and copy & overwrite the files from PC#2 to PC#1 (probably something went wrong with your files), just remember to set a proper Machine ID to PC#1 after overwriting its files + also check for a proper gateway on PC#1
  15. Thank you, this version works great and has English as default 🙂
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