3 questions:
1) What's the deal with the 'trial expired' thing? Won't let me proceed now after using it for a while. What the heck am I supposed to do at this point?
2) Related to number 1, now i get what you see in the screenshot and I can't get it to do anything now. All it does is close...even after a fresh copy.
[Update] Found you need to add this to ini:
Warning = Agree
^^so unnecessary....
4) When is the juvenile "virus" garbage going to be ditched from the file name, instructions, etc.? The joke was never funny and after years, it should just be removed. Causes more false positives I'm sure because of this crap, causes confusion and puts off a lot of potential users. How many times do we have to tell people it's not a virus? Well we're perpetuating that perception big time. What are we accomplishing with all these childish messages? What's the goal??