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Tout ce qui a été posté par LEGEND80

  1. Well hopefully we can one of those later versions then (or just the updated files) to get everything working fine. FFB someday would also be a great bonus too!
  2. Here's my notes on NFS Heat Takedown. Great game! Shout out to Spider getting that working and sharing out. To Run: Execute game.exe Controls: · Native Xinput pad: o Turn: Left stick o Gas/Brake: Triggers o Boost: A o Pause: Start (non-cab control) · Keyboard: o Coin: 1 o Esc: Exit o Extra: § Turn: A/D § Gas/Brake: W/S § Boost: Space § Reset to track: num4 § Restart race: backspace § Left/Right arrows – car select Issues: Audio issues - swapped files above in thread for improvement but still not perfect Some stuttering - initially bad but then improved (cached I believe?)
  3. Yes, that's the console game. This thread is about the arcade version.
  4. Yeah, how dare they add compatability support to Teknoparrot without emailing the game dump to everyone? Emulator support and game rom/isos/dumps are 2 separate things. Just be grateful that once the dump is public, we actually have a way to play it.
  5. Thanks! Only 1.08 loads in TP though.
  6. Can someone share the last/final build? The one in the first post is Apr 11.
  7. I have the same question. I posted this just above: I'm not clear on where the new builds are posted. The one in the first post is Apr 11. Where are the builds, including the new "final" one, posted?
  8. I'm not clear on where the new builds are posted. The one in the first post is Apr 11. Where are the builds, including the new "final" one, posted?
  9. So which one(s) are needed to run the game or all of them needed?
  10. I checked all the pages but don't see the v1.2.6 update/loader posted. Is that available? Same for 1.5.0. Not sure if that's shared yet to access the additional 4 tracks Summary: v1.1.2 = 6 bikes 6 tracks - Available v1.2.6 = 10 bikes 8 tracks – unlock.cfg shared for content but not the actual update files v1.5.0 = 12 bikes 12 tracks – need unlock.cfg + ubn files for content and no update files
  11. You need to disable Threaded Optimization in the nvidia control panel.
  12. Awesome, thanks for confirming all that!
  13. What does the Weapon Fix actually "fix"? I'm weary of running random exes unless it's been well vetted and has a purpose. And yeah, still curious about the diffs between the 2 dumps as well.
  14. Just use Free Play and the game is fully playable
  15. Thanks, but it can be on any drive with short paths. I was just not using the right sdaemon initially. THEN, it was on jconfig by not updating mapping properly after you change it to xinput. You have to change api, close, restart, and then the mappings will work finally. Ugh...After an hour of troubleshooting, got it up and running. Good to go! UPDATE: Looks like it still crashes after playing 3 races though, just like like 1.06. I guess a loader issue.
  16. Hmm, 1.19 loads and goes through the startup routine but just crashes for me loading the main menu. All files copied and everything should be configured correctly. Previous version works fine for me. Any one else?
  17. Wonder what those additional files are for - some seem "card" related....
  18. Anyone figure out the difference with this Silent Hill dump?
  19. 1.13 also has audio sync issues. Loader Issues: No music button (that I found) + Camera buttons don’t work on Upgrade screen (can’t change car and maybe neon)
  20. Just don't hold it all the way to the left. Current Jconfig bug. Stop when it's around zero. Not sure why everyone is spreading this. Game works fine on other drives but path just can't be too long/far from root. This works perfectly for me: D:\F&F\F&F SuperCars\rawart PRO TIP: KEEP STUFF OFF YOUR OS DRIVE AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.
  21. Doesn't need to be in C root. Just close to root. I have all my RT games in something like this and they're fine: D:\F&F\F&F SuperCars\rawart Keep stuff off your OS drive as much as possible.
  22. Fantastic job, another RawThrills game playable home. Nice! Game is prefect but I can't see what Swing Left/Right is actually doing. What does it do and is it working for everyone? Update: Need to map Swing to analog sticks and then you also need to recalibrate after for it to work properly.
  23. Yeah, seem unneccesary. See the changelog I posted above. I don't see anything desired from launch (1.13) until the last build in changelog (2.02). I think we got enough (launch build and final build playable). Rather that time go into more games! 1.13 - Jconfig 2.06 - MohkerzLoaderz 3.59 - Jconfig and TP
  24. I have 1.13 working perfectly BUT I can't get the steering to work right. Always pulls to the right. I've calibrated the wheel several times in game. Anyone else have this problem? Update: Fixed it. Think a jconfig bug. During calibration in game, pressing all the way left results in a broken value of 65k, instead of 0. If I hold it partially to the left and complete calibraition it works fine. Shouldn't have to do that though obviously. Using a Xbox SX pad and xinput.
  25. So is 1.13 the "definitive" version? I would image there's a lot of improvements and fixes between 1.13 and 3.59, albeit it at the cost of some cars. I also have versions 1.27 and hard to know what to use. If I can at least narrow it down to TWO builds that between them provide all the game's content, I'd be happy! UPDATE: Scoured this thread and RawThrills changelog here: Basically for the public dumps: 1.13: All 10 cars and colors are unlocked. 1.27 (uncracked exe): All 10 cars and colors are unlocked but game crashed if you choose some cars and colors? 2.06 : Lost F&F branding and 4 cars by this version (see detailed changelog above) 3.59 : Latest version So since 1.27 wasn't cracked that leaves us with 3 playable versions. Seems like 1.13 has all the content (minus some fixes) and 3.59 has all the fixes minus branding and 4 cars (upgrade over 2.06). So between 1.13 + 3.59, I guess you get everything you could want. Hopefully this helps others.
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