Hi, I've been spending years trying to figure out my my House of the Dead 4 is running about 75% speed on my computer.
I tried on 2 different PCs and both are locked around 35fps.
My specs are:
- Win 10, i9-9880H CPU @ 2.30GHz Nvidia GTX 1650 GPU.
- TrigKey S5 AMD Ryzen 7 5700U iGPU
I read somewhere about overclocking CPU and VSync was the common fix, but haven't been successful.
Other Things I've tried:
- Directly through Teknoparrot: Tried every single elf file version (e.g. hod4M.elf @ Original, 1920x1080 1280x720 and 1366x768, hod4Mn_HD.elf, hod4Mn_HD.elf, hod4Ms_HD.elf, hod4Ms.elf and many others in that directory.)
- Game loader all RH using default settings & @fwlr's settings
- Changed Vsync to On in Nvidia control panel
- Changed to High Performance GTX 1650 in Nvidia Control Panel and on Windows 10 Additional Settings
- Changed to Power Saving Intel GPU in Nvidia Control Panel and on Windows 10 Additional Settings
- Changed Frame Limiter to 60 and 120 in Nvidia control panel
- Updated all Graphic drives for iGPU Intel & GTX 1650
Even House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn runs better than this. I'm completely lost on this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.