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  1. Okay, still don't have a solution but I found the files. Just have to find another pc with them and give a link for the files (I'll delete this post too)
  2. Yeah ! You have to run it on windowed for you ?
  3. Sorry but I don't think there's any patch for any pop's music arcade games
  4. Okay, just some news (sorry, I losted the files somewhere but found them today), I guess you were right 'cause I've just tried it on my other computer and it works perfectly thanks for the help anyway ! But I have some question : Is there a way to limit the fps (I have a 144Hz screen in the game is playing like x2) and did someone figured out how to use a virtual card (for saving, unlocking songs... ect) ?
  5. Oh, I have an Intel UHD Graphics 600. But it's weird because I can run pop'n 21 without problem ! If it's the issue, is there a way to fix it please ?
  6. Hello ! Can someone help me please, when I launch it, it shows a white screen and then close itself even if I follow every step ! I'm currently using windows 11, does this has something to do with that ?
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