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Tout ce qui a été posté par powergyser

  1. The dump of the game and the dongle are within reach.. Someone reached out to me and said he could help. What is needed to have it dumped properly.. Are the files here useless???
  2. The install/restore disc
  3. I have these files here: Swarm_Game_1.0_134_050-0219-01.iso swarm_game_1.1_139.iso They seem to be install or restore disc images..Maybe the files can be extracted... I can upload the iso images if you guys want them. Let me know.
  4. powergyser

    Bug Busters (PC-Arcade)

    Thank you Argon Is there a way to have this game playable without mounting the ISO?? Can we just merge files?
  5. It needs a properly configured Dgvoodoo. I tried copying over the files from the first game but it didn't work.
  6. Game works fine with Gun4IR, it worked out of the box. You probably need to apply Reshade for the border to show up.
  7. Tried this game with a fresh install plus all fixes and latest Demulshooter and it crashes as soon as I press start. Any ideas??
  8. Thx for this.. Can you fix the other songs as well?? Some songs don't have any preview music. I guess it is a bug.
  9. For accuracy purposes the best way for this game to be preserved is to have both screens side by side. How r u even gonna play 2 player mode without the other screen? Not gonna get a 2nd screen just for this game.
  10. Been playing around with this a bit. I used DgVoodoo to see how this game would behave in windowed mode.. Basically this game starts in 4:3 then after all the checks are done calls for the 2nd monitor and displays everything on 2 monitors. Screen basically goes to 1280x480 mode. And here is another thing that I found weird. The very first time I booted up the game with Argon's patch, the game ran flawlessly, no glitches at all and attract mode worked as it should. After that one time it never booted up correctly again. Attract mode would not play at all, only sound and text.... Even rebooting the PC did not help.
  11. God damn...Argon is our saviour. Thx soon much my friend.
  12. This is the only Big Buck Hunter game of importance. It comes with the main game plus Terminator DLC, in addition to: In Case of Monster: Lost Land. This will be the one game to get going on TP.
  13. Here is another rare game for all of us to enjoy. Thanks to the wonderful community of VGE Please feel free to add support if u can. @argonlefou @ducon2016 Thanks. The HDD Image has 3 partitions with the game on it. No idea which is the right one. Get them all and report back.
  14. Perhaps @ducon2016 could take a look at the files as well...thx Here is some new insight. Using the same settings that I have posted on the actual arcade cabinet boots the game without dongle...but it locks you out of all button presses. Can't even enter the test menu. Could be that this is preventing us to get access to the debug mode?? @argonlefou
  15. Hey Just wanted to share this very rare game with all of you. A big THX to all parties involved. Extracted files Currently not playable. Only boots to attract mode. Argon is already looking at this so hopefully we can have this playable soon. Instructions: Go to HCV\HCV_APP right click on settings.csv and open with notepad change following: ,emulateIO,FALSE,, ---- to ,emulateIO,TRUE,, ,emulateSensor,FALSE,, ---- to ,emulateSensor,TRUE,, optional: Full English language version: ,destArea,JA,, ---- to ,destArea,AA,, Add custom resolution 1360x768 in your graphics card utility Run game with HCV.exe
  16. The version on Archive is the steam version. Game works with sound. I am on Windows 10 20H2. A Wangan clone.. Plays quite well I must say.. Would love an arcade version if one exists.
  17. Just get the preconfigured built that has been floating around the web. Saves you a headache.
  18. The English version doesn't save. nvram save data needs to be configured and I don't know how to do that
  19. Here is the English language release. The English version is censored (female characters wearing more clothes) and not recommended.
  20. @hippopippo Could you kindly reupload your native crosshair fix, please? Thanks a ton.
  21. Can someone reupload the updated X64 OS registry files, please.. Thanks a lot.
  22. Thx a lot for this.....What a great upload... btw. Say Hello to Dracula for me, will ya....
  23. Thx for your help. I figured it out on my own. Here is a little tutorial for those that are using the Japanese dump: There are 2 folders, HDX and unpacked extract both take the files from the unpacked folder and put them into the DDX main folder...overwrite files extract from bemani tools and put them in your ddr_2009063000 folder. (Also works if u put contents of in the other folders: ddr_2009021600, ddr_2009031600 or ddr_2009061000, but then you will be playing an older version of the game) Run config.bat and set your controls If you experience the gray arrow glitch, go here and apply the fix. enjoy the game PS.. Would still love the US dump.. thx
  24. >yes, If you can help me get this up and nah...just kidding... Here is the Japanese dump Can someone upload the us dump please..thx
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