I recently was trying to get Samurai Spirit Sen working on my PC with Jconfig and was having issues so i took me some time to figure it out. here is an up to date guide on how to get it working with a video.
1 - Required files are Obviously Samurai Spirit Sen - 402202 or similar?
2 - Jconfig - iDmacXv2.0_2023_01_16 - https://www.emuline.org/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=23561&key=204169e4a52ef27ba4c31736c8e01a84
3 - Samurai Spirits Sen HD Mode Fix + Blood On + English http://www.mediafire.com/file/su9bl49q3jgndwt/3_-_Samurai_Spirits_Sen_HD_Mode_Fix_%2B_Blood_On_%2B_English.rar
for those who like to read the process is pretty simple.
Grab the dump, extract it to a folder.
Grab iDmacXv2.0 and extract Jconfig.exe, jvs_loader.exe and JVSemu.dll into the root where you have the game.exe
Grab the 3- Samurai Spirit Sen HD Mode Fix + Blood On + English and extract the sv Folder to the root of the drive and the game file either overriding your original game.exe or renaming it to game.exe.original.bak or w/e
follow the pictures posted above for the settings, and boom you're in!
Make sure you change to DInput&XInput, save and re open then finish the rest of the settings.
vlc-record-2024-01-24-12h46m45s-2024-01-24 12-30-16.mp4-.mp4
Once setup you can use dgvoodoo to actually upscale to 1080 or your desired resolution...