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ssphaneuf a gagné pour la dernière fois le 10 décembre 2021

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À propos de ssphaneuf

  • Date de naissance 16/04/1986

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    I like Turtles

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  1. WOW! is all i can say. Huge thanks to who ever made this happen. not sure who you are.
  2. Wow! Tera toma! That would be a great teknoparrot Xmas gift :). Jokes aside, it sucks that no dongle is present with the dump
  3. Any chance anyone has a video on how to setup Sega ring games with jconfig on rocket launcher + HS ?
  4. Please let me know if this works for you, Much appreciated!
  5. I recently was trying to get Samurai Spirit Sen working on my PC with Jconfig and was having issues so i took me some time to figure it out. here is an up to date guide on how to get it working with a video. 1 - Required files are Obviously Samurai Spirit Sen - 402202 or similar? 2 - Jconfig - iDmacXv2.0_2023_01_16 - 3 - Samurai Spirits Sen HD Mode Fix + Blood On + English for those who like to read the process is pretty simple. Grab the dump, extract it to a folder. Grab iDmacXv2.0 and extract Jconfig.exe, jvs_loader.exe and JVSemu.dll into the root where you have the game.exe Grab the 3- Samurai Spirit Sen HD Mode Fix + Blood On + English and extract the sv Folder to the root of the drive and the game file either overriding your original game.exe or renaming it to game.exe.original.bak or w/e follow the pictures posted above for the settings, and boom you're in! Make sure you change to DInput&XInput, save and re open then finish the rest of the settings. vlc-record-2024-01-24-12h46m45s-2024-01-24 12-30-16.mp4-.mp4 Extras! Once setup you can use dgvoodoo to actually upscale to 1080 or your desired resolution...
  6. ssphaneuf

    Game Loader All Rh

    Limit your fps to 60, and If that's still fast then try 30
  7. Just use jconfig both games are supported
  8. Just use the one on dolphin it's basically the same thing. as far as i know the arcade version hasn't been dumped publicly
  9. i would love to see if someone would be able and willing to do an updated tutorial on how to get this game working on the latest version of spice tools available. I have tried myself without success.
  10. Thank you so much! also thanks for all the awesome stuff you've been doing over the last while for emulation. your work doesn't go un-noticed. we appreciate you so much
  11. Super cool Any chance u can share your working hack?
  12. I'm not sure if it's for 4.0 or 4.1, but you should be able to modify it pretty simply once you decompile the a3x file.
  13. so i just recently threw the ttx3 in the G-Balance, and tried switching over to JVS from fast i/o. after the splash screen making sure i have the jvs board plugged in etc and it trys to reboot. it just hangs there and never does anything. anyone else having this issue? if so what did you do to fix it? i'm on 4.1 with the community patches.
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