I can't manage Omnimix to run.
I'm using the 0830 and Omnimix patch files from Nyaa
After downloaded, i copied the Omnimix patch folder to 0830, and confirm files replacement.
However, It always give me this error in .bat launcher
Here's my gamestart-28-omni.bat
@echo off
cd /d %~dp0
if not exist dev mkdir dev
if not exist dev\e mkdir dev\e
if not exist dev\g mkdir dev\g
if not exist dev\nvram mkdir dev\nvram
if not exist dev\raw mkdir dev\raw
if not exist dev\raw\log mkdir dev\raw\log
if not exist dev\raw\fscache mkdir dev\raw\fscache
for /R prop\defaults %%D in (*.*) do (
if not exist dev\nvram\%%~nxD copy /y prop\defaults\%%~nxD dev\nvram
spice64.exe -H 134217728 -B iidxhook9.dll bm2dx.dll --config iidxhook-28.conf %* -K mempatch-hook.dll --mempatch iidx_omnimix_28.txt
And iidx_omnimix_28.txt
# === Omnimix changes. DO NOT TOUCH!! ===
bm2dx.dll 783696 C6470558C3 C3CCCCCCCC
bm2dx.dll 7671E6 9090 7F19
bm2dx.dll A9A727 6F 61
bm2dx.dll B44333 6F6D6E69 64617461
# === Omnimix changes end ===
# === Additional patches, enable whatever you want ===
### complete song unlock
# bm2dx.dll 4BEECE 90E9D7000000 0F848E000000
### enable p1 premium free
# bm2dx.dll 6FB909 EB 75
### enable 2p premium free
# bm2dx.dll 6FBB0A 9090 746C
# bm2dx.dll 6FBB20 9090 7456
### premium free timer freeze
# bm2dx.dll 4CC7ED EB 7E
### curser hold on song wheel entry
# bm2dx.dll 7032EF 9090 741F
### skip camera device error screen on boot
# bm2dx.dll 75438B 81 84