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  1. On 2023-04-04 (using this guide) I was having issues getting 120hz modes (either LDJ or TDJ mode) where the songs would skip after a second or black screen and crash once the song began. I fixed that issue by setting my monitor refresh rate to 120 hz through geforce control panel. I'm running TDJ mode and the only custom patcher settings are: - Standard / Menu Timer Freeze - Premium Free Timer Freeze - Unlock All Songs and Charts - Enable 1P Premium Free - Omnimix I also had audio crackle issues that I solved by switching to my usb dac (audient evo 4) and the driver package installed asio driver ("Audient USB Audio ASIO Driver"). I installed foobar2000 and the asio component plugin to test audio functioning on a FlexASIO installation. I realized there were ASIO drivers installed for my motherboard and my usb dac interface and I tried both and the only one that worked (and without crackling) in spice2x was the evo4 asio driver. Pure guess and check with different methods to get it running perfectly. The monitor check option seemed to be important to getting it to work, so I wouldn't try the "skip monitor check" option or any custom fps settings. Be sure to set the right refresh rate on your monitor before launching. I'm running Windows 11 Pro (+ ameliorated config) specs: Core i7-13700k MSI MPG Z790i Edge 32 GB DDR5-6400 RTX 4090 FE
  2. That version 2021111700 bm2dx.dll doesn't match 100% in the patcher for 2021-11-17 I'm seeing [2022/07/01 15:23:08] W:imagefs: bad magic(00000000/6cad8f89) [2022/07/01 15:23:08] W:imagefs: cannot open '/afpr1931987/image.bin'(80070005) [2022/07/01 15:23:08] W:BM2D: avs_fs_mount‚ÉŽ¸”s‚µ‚Ü‚µ‚½Bmountpoint = /afp19/data/graphic//1/mselect.ifs [2022/07/01 15:23:08] W:afp-sys: "XCd229cc000033" layer ID 0 is not layer ID. [2022/07/01 15:23:08] W:BM2D: CreateLayer() Žw’肵‚½ƒŒƒCƒ„[‚Í‘¶Ý‚µ‚Ü‚¹‚ñ tenkey_in [2022/07/01 15:23:08] I:CMovieManager: Start CMovieManager::Load [2022/07/01 16:23:09] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:signal: printing callstack [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000018025321A (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00000001806122E6 (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00000001804F642C (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00000001804F216F (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000018057D75B (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000018057757B (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000018054ADB6 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000018055F57C (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000018038A6CB (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00000001805600FA (bm2dx): (unknown): dll_entry_main [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 0000000000448A28 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00000000004013B4 (spice64): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 000000000040150B (spice64): (unknown): (unknown) [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00007FFEC8617034 (KERNEL32): (unknown): BaseThreadInitThunk [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:stackwalker: 00007FFEC9D82651 (ntdll): (unknown): RtlUserThreadStart [2022/07/01 16:23:09] F:signal: end [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:launcher: stopping subsystems [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:logger: stop [2022/07/01 16:23:09] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop [2022/07/01 16:23:09] I:rawinput: disposing devices
  3. I had an issue with de-sync that I solved by switching audio devices. I stopped using my external usb dac and switched to motherboard audio (front panel audio jack) On CH 29 and none of the casthour unlockable songs are available/visible even though I have my bm2dx.dll patched with unlock all songs and charts. Screenshot attached. Really want HARMONIA and Souhait bleu....
  4. For LDJ-2021042600 I had issues with keypad detection in 120HZ mode. In spicecfg I had keypad bindings to my keyboard, but nothing was being detected in pin input screen except card-in bind. I ended up disabling IIDX TDJ mode in spicecfg to resolve. A separate issue was the audio having crackle. Tried wasapi and checked 44100 shared in bm2dx patcher and changed my output device sample rate to match. I then switched to asio in spicecfg with the audio backend setting after installing asio4all. This temporarily fixed crackling but created a crackle and distortion that happened over time and was temporarily fixed changing settings in asio4all for my output device like buffer size, etc. The problem seemed to be my external dac output device (Schiit Fulla) not syncing with computer clock. Switching my output device to motherboard resolved the issue. Final settings: Spicecfg: -iidxdisasblecams -io -audiobackend asio
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