For LDJ-2021042600 I had issues with keypad detection in 120HZ mode. In spicecfg I had keypad bindings to my keyboard, but nothing was being detected in pin input screen except card-in bind. I ended up disabling IIDX TDJ mode in spicecfg to resolve.
A separate issue was the audio having crackle. Tried wasapi and checked 44100 shared in bm2dx patcher and changed my output device sample rate to match. I then switched to asio in spicecfg with the audio backend setting after installing asio4all. This temporarily fixed crackling but created a crackle and distortion that happened over time and was temporarily fixed changing settings in asio4all for my output device like buffer size, etc. The problem seemed to be my external dac output device (Schiit Fulla) not syncing with computer clock. Switching my output device to motherboard resolved the issue.
Final settings:
-iidxdisasblecams -io -audiobackend asio