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Tout ce qui a été posté par drguild

  1. I know about Bayshore and the HK server was under the impression the servers were for 6R only. Hadn't gotten around to looking at or trying them. If there is 6RR wouldn't mind looking into that sometime.
  2. Anyone have any mappings for the G29 on 6RR? The SDL2 stuff is slightly confusing. ---- I regrabbed from jcstahl1's upload, you'll need to update the SDL library 64 bit or use the one in the latest FFB plugin. WMMT6RR loader Force Feedback 6RR SUPPORTED in the last week!!! Got my G29 working with SDL2 Gamepad Tool mapping my controls as, your controller ID will be different. Here's the base game controller database file, 03004ed76d0400004fc2000000000000,Logitech G HUB G29 Driving Force Racing Wheel USB,a:b0,b:b2,x:b1,y:b3,back:b8,guide:b24,start:b9,leftstick:b7,rightstick:b6,leftshoulder:b5,rightshoulder:b4,dpup:h0.1,dpdown:h0.4,dpleft:h0.8,dpright:h0.2,leftx:a0,lefttrigger:-a2,righttrigger:-a1,platform:Windows, The force feedback plugin WORKS!!!. You may need to set up a profile in logitech to wmn6r.exe with the center force checkmark, this enables some kind of steering force rather than a really loose sloppy wheel. Only thing that needs doing now is to implement story saving as its not working for me.
  3. Didn't think about a bat personally but good advice. I assume the initial grace period is to allow owners of arcade to setup the machine and test it all out before connecting to the official servers. What the offline grace period once you have been connected and authenticated is I don't know could be longer or the same amount. Only if we can get in and look at the certificates gotten from the real servers and they implement something in Asakura aka Bayshore we could know that part but could be encrypted somehow. Just had ChatGPT create the start bat file for running the game, removing the file and launching the game. Also had it make the error nicer if it fails to do so. @echo off REM Check if the file exists if exist "operation_W6W.bin.gz" ( echo Deleting operation_W6W.bin.gz REM Try to delete the file del "operation_W6W.bin.gz" REM Check if the file still exists after deletion attempt if exist "operation_W6W.bin.gz" ( echo. echo Error: Failed to delete "operation_W6W.bin.gz". echo. echo Possible reasons: echo - The file might be read-only. Remove the read-only attribute using the following command: echo attrib -r "operation_W6W.bin.gz" echo - You may not have the necessary permissions. Run the script as an administrator. echo - The file might be in use by another program. Close any programs that might be using the file. echo. echo Press any key to exit. pause >nul exit ) ) REM Start the executable in a new window start "" "wmn6r.exe" REM Exit immediately if no errors occurred exit
  4. I mentioned above it seems to be a built in offline timer thing. Basically DRM you can go offline for a period before having to connect again to the online servers, but that file has a grace period of about two weeks which when deleted just resets it. Looking into it on the Asakura server there's also certificate errors etc from the download certificates from the server expiring etc.
  5. Shame TP don't want anything to do with WMMT6, its a good game got to chapter 80 or so on standard 6 in TP I would play more with the loader if I could get FFB support as I have a G29, running without it sucks. There is a loader by BroGamer4256 on github for 6RR I found even with the latest version 0.11 there's a offline grace time limit check that errors E0552 after a while a week or two it seems. You need to delete "operation_w6w.bin.gz" periodically for the game to to keep working in offline mode.
  6. I'm kinda waiting them to have the ability to import saves from 6 don't really want to redo 100 races again. I know the passport stuff has been implemented. Don't think RR will be running for a bit in TP.
  7. Anyone know a way to import story from TP 6 to 6R? I tried replacing the files and its just restarting from the first chapter. Even the new TP won't read the teknoprogress.sav on 6 non r Its been renamed openprogress.sav 6R still won't read the story progress it but 6 will again. 6R doesn't read or create a new openprogress save file from my testing. Found the reason. teknoprogress.sav
  8. drguild


    Has the saving progress after chapter 1 on Zero been fixed yet? Either with TP or another loader. Cant wait to try IDTA sometime.
  9. drguild


    How do you setup FFBn 2.11 I have the files in the IDZ package folder with start.bat and getting no force feedback on a G29. I have the version from the VirusMans page. Other games work fine. Update: Got it working seems I had a couple of copies and was using the wrong one. But FFB is very poppy for the g29 on all three settings.
  10. Yea looked up the Gun4IR don't know yet if its a open driver or hardware or a combination of both, but looks interesting to explore for sure.
  11. Tell me more about this Gun4IR stuff, had a quick look online.
  12. Hows the compatabiliyty and accuracy with those I read they its a bit flakey etc. Also whats the setup like? Would love a aimtrack but expensivce so have to come later and cant exactly afford two of those.
  13. Wondering what lightguns you all are using and reconmend for Teknoparrot, Jconfig etc and also making this thread as a way you can post and share configs etc.
  14. drguild

    Mame full set ?

    Pleasuredome github have the latest sets now.
  15. Windows 11 here and Arcade.exe does nothing even with compatability settings. What directory etc you have it in?
  16. I got it working turned out to be windows local firewall. If anyone is having problems here are the settings works with Teknoparrot. First make sure you have webcams and them enabled in the config. Main <config.ini> [General] DongleRegion=JAPAN PcbRegion =JAPAN FreePlay=1 [Network] Dhcp=1 Ip= <-- Change to match your IP for each PC can only be .1 to .9 Mask= Gateway= <-- Your gateway router Dns1= Dns2= GameData <config.ini> [Network] FORCE_NET_VALID = 0 NETWORK_TYPE = 1 <-- Set to 0 for slave systems # 0: Slave # 1: Master # 2: SinglePlay Shell <game.ini> [Network] Active=1 Domain=127.0.0 BaseAddr=1 Port=23232 CabinetDomain=192.168.1 CabinetBaseAddr=7 <-- Change for each pc to match the above its the IP of the system CabinetPort=27000 CabinetActive=1 MasterTimeout=15000 ClientTimeout=15000 ShellData <ShellData.ini> [Network] Enabled=1 CabinetID=1 <-- Your cabinet number change for each system NumCabinets=2 <-- Number of cabinets connected <GameSettings.ini> CAMERA ENABLED=YES <-- Without this line won't work Microsoft Defender Firewall, Make sure you either turn it off or allow daytona.exe through your firewall on private networks for all PC's. If you don't turn off or allow daytona.exe you will be stuck on the Network Test screen. If you want to use a drive other than C drive setup a symlink using Symlinker run as administrator for all PC's. Link folder: C:\ Name: Sega Destination: Your path to the Daytona 3 folder. Make sure you add both the c:\sega\daytona\daytona.exe and where you have daytona.exe actually installed to the firewall. With previous attempts to explain link cabinets in this thread no-one really explained everything or had different settings etc. For me it was Windows firewall which is overlooked on other messages..
  17. I can start to link up then it gets stuck here. System two is the reverse to this saying that's good. Does anyone have working config files they can share so I can compare? I grabbed the Reseau Link Play Files from this thread but when I checked them to compare it looks like they aren't configured correctly. Update have the link working I'll do a full guide as none seem available.
  18. I've been a lurker here for a bit but thought id post about my findings as I have tested both the TP and JC versions on two pc's and checked things and have some info for you all. I wanted to try the lan two machines and looking only the JC version has terminal emulation (not talking the stand alone terminal unit as that brings up a touch panel error) TP doesn't have terminal for multiplayer implemented yet, but trying led me to some findings below. I have 2 PC's 1 - i7 9700k, GTX1070 - Win 11 2 - 1366 Xeon, RX570 - Win 10 21h2 For reference. Both versions are from VirusMans site and installed in two separate folders on both PC's. The TP version works on both PC's, the JC version only works on PC 1 and on PC 2 flashes up a black or white screen and closes. When I put the exe from the TP version to the JC folder on PC2 it loads up the cabinet boot sequence with dongle error obviously. This leads me to the conclusion the game exe or the emu with the JC version is bugged, I am using exe with the 1.1 patch WMMT6_2021_06_01.rar. Tried admin mode Windows 8 compatibility etc with the JC version no luck trying multiple settings on PC 2, TP version works fine. Checking event viewer both PC's show the same error in Windows Logs Application on every run, for the JC version when run (Yours should also) The exe with TP version doesn't generate these errors. This is despite PC 1 running and PC 2 flashing a black or white screen. PC 1 has crashed the same as PC 2 on load so its a random if it crashes or runs. It appears a C++ 2010 error with the modded Jconfig exe. (The TP version exe has no error as mentioned and runs on both PC's) Tried re-installing C++ 2010 on PC 2 and copying the C++ MSVCR100.dll from PC 1 Win 11 System 32 to the PC 2 game folder, no luck getting the JC version running on PC 2. The TP version runs great on both PC's but with the exe from the JC version the game won't start on PC 2 unless replaced with the other exe. So my conclusion is either the modded exe for the JC version is not compiled or working properly or the JC emu isn't as working as it could be or a combination of both. The only file difference's for the JC emu are three files, so Its something with these three files why the game won't work and errors in event viewer: JconfigWM6.exe JVSEmuWM6.dll wmn6r.exe
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