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Tout ce qui a été posté par randyb
I'm having a problem with the touch screen on my SDVX Valkyrie setup. If I restart my computer before playing SDVX, the touch screen works great. But if I already have the computer running and start up SDVX, touching the touch screen just minimizes SDVX back to Windows desktop? Such a weird issue, any thoughts? The SDVX dll updater shows newer versions. I think they exist, but no one here has them. If anyone does, please post.
Awesome that was it- Native touch. Thank you!
Hey so I got a touch screen, and the touch capabilities work fine and everything, which is great. When I log into SDVX, the touch screen comes right up with the second SDVX monitor, which is also great. The problem is, there are issues with lag on the touch screen and registering touches right. I need to touch multiple times to get something to input right. Anyone know what could be going on?
Can you force this game to run at 4K resolution somehow? Also, can you actually use a real second touch screen monitor for the options panel like in the arcade? Or can you only emulate it? If so how do you do that? What is the resolution of the second panel? Does anyone have the second screen working in their home setup?
Hey is it possible to run SDVX at 4K? Or are there any remastered images to make things a bit more crisp?
Interesting thanks. Does anyone have access to 2023053001 by any chance? Is this the update after 2023042500?
If I turn the knobs on my Fauce 2, in Exceed Gear there is a small dead zone before it clicks over to another item in the Appeal Cards and such. Is that normal? If not how do I fix it? I haven't noticed any issues in the actual songs, and there is no delay in spice tools or anything, so I'm wondering if there's just a natural dead zone when selecting items in the UI like appeal cards...
Imo by far the best way to run Valk is to use an HDMI 2.1 TV and run an HDMI 2.1 compatible graphics card. Runs the audio perfectly to a receiver, while also running at a perfect native 120hz, buttery smooth. Of course that's only if you have the equipment, but its worth noting for anyone creating a setup or upgrading their current one.
[ENG PACTH] Sound Voltex Exceed Gears
randyb a répondu à un(e) sujet de JoNB3x dans ARCADE PC DUMP LOADER
Thank you Jon this worked great. For anyone else who might want to use this, you don't really need to use the ea3 file unless you want to. It worked fine for me to just put the images in the directory that he specifies. Cheers! -
Ah ok that makes sense. I think I prefer the visual look of the UI from season 1. The ability to see the elements of the song, with that little chart it puts up, is cool though. The songs you have in your collection are incredible, for the record. Sooo much better than what I had. It's honestly making me like the game a LOT more, a lot less DJ songs and a lot more normal bemani style songs, if that makes sense? That's EXACTLY what I wanted! When you mention Omni Mix, what is that? Is that the "SDVX Plus" that I have heard about, or is that something different? Are you saying some of the songs in your collection are not official? I apologize for all the questions, you seem like you know a lot and info is a little hard to come by about the arcade version. It's amazing that you play on a private server, I had no idea you could do that. I have your files running great though on my machine.
Drako thanks again mate. Curious- is your setup on 202304255 because there is an issue with the later patches, or maybe there isn't much benefit to updating further? Just wondering if it's worth looking for and installing newer patched from there or if this is more than enough. I am totally loving the new songs. Some of them are super hard for their rating versus the songs I was playing on the 202108 update! The only real downside is I think the "skin" was significantly better looking in the 202108 update. It's no big deal though. This is great and the new songs are bangers.
Dude, you are amazing. Thank you so much!! For anyone looking to use this install, you'll need to get Asphyxia Core along with the SDVX plugin. The latest version did NOT work for this upload (song selection failed), I had to get another one posted on page 62, which works fine. You'll also need to run the soundvoltex.dll through one of the online tools for configuring it, unless you just happen to have the same settings (I didn't since I run 120hz valk). Hope this helps, thanks again Drako.
Well, I guess that Bayfiles link to the exceed gear updates will never work. Does anyone have a good collection of update files they can link to? Side question; do the cabinet updates make the gameplay look different? Like, the effects within a song? I am using the Aug 2021 update still but when I see people on youtube with newer versions, the actual graphics while you're playing look different and better to me.
This link is at the bottom of a user's posts: https://bayfiles.com/H6weBaw3z2/KFC_2021083100_to_KFC_2023042500_7z But I can't get Bayfiles to work, is it down?
Hey so is there a way to run Exceed Gear when the screen isn't in portrait mode? By that I mean, can I just have my TV in landscape mode and run Sound Voltex in the middle of the screen with black bars on the left and right? Or do I HAVE TO have the tv in vertical mode? And if so how do you do that, is it a setting in the .bat file or what? Thank you!
What do you actually get by updating Exceed Gear? I am on one of the original patch numbers and everything works good, it saves, skill analyzer works, what am I missing out on by not having the new patches?
Can anyone link to a good guide to applying patches? I think I have every patch, do you need to use them all at once or is the latest one all you need? And then you just overwrite your folder with the newest Asphyxia Core and the SDVX Asphyxia plugin...? Thanks for helping, I'm very confused.
Thanks brother everything working great at 120 fps
you need to go into test and calibrate your knobs. Also you should get google translate for your phone so you can translate this stuff yourself. You can change the ea3 spec file to English which you should definitely do right away, I forget how but it's been shown in this thread.
I’m having this same problem too, knobs work in type F not but valk :/
It should be the extra effects when the notes hit the bottom and I think also on the knob lines. You can see it in videos of the valk cabinet if you look on youtube.
Someone please help, I just got a FauceTWO and can’t find out how to bind the knobs in spicecfg, what controller mode? Do you use buttons or analog? Can’t figure it out :/
Press both FX button at once in the song select screen, brings up a menu where you can turn off Valk
Yep exactly! That's the theory at least! If you run into any issues I can try to hit up my friend who did it that way, but he hasn't played since vivid wave so maybe the EG cabinet is different? Worked well at the time though. Also using a sim like Unnamed SV Clone is not that bad either and as far as I know, would support landscape without any issues. Anyways good luck. edit: oh and yes the game runs at 1080p portrait, you are correct.
What you're looking for terminology-wise is "borderless fullscreen" that's an option in a lot of games but normally has to be defined in the software. If you have an Nvidia card I have heard of people who use a custom resolution in Nvidia Control Panel to do what you're saying, it's basically full screen but with black bars on the side, no borders, so that's probably your best shot. https://www.nvidia.com/content/Control-Panel-Help/vLatest/en-us/mergedProjects/nvdsp/To_create_custom_timings_for_your_HDTV_display.htm I myself have tried to enable borderless fullscreen without a custom resolution and didn't find a way. You can get rotating monitor stands too that are pretty cheap, that would be the best way for sure if you can afford like 30 bucks for one. I use a wall mount that rotates my entire 65 inch TV to play at 120 fps Valkyrie, but if you're using a monitor you can get a stand that sits on your desk and doesn't need to be mounted on the wall. That being said a 38 inch monitor is pretty big, so it may be hard to completely swivel via a mount, in which case you would also want to wall mount it. It's pretty easy!