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  1. Hi, It seems I can't enter this discord link. To start Battle Gear 3 (Tuned), you need to connect the special handle and motor board to 3pin(RS232C) of system246C. It is very difficult to obtain a handle unit for BG3.
  2. batlgr3chd_fix.bat :chd to img chdman extractcd -i batlgr3.chd -o batlgr3.img :rename ren batlgr3.bin batlgr3a.img :img to chd chdman createhd -i batlgr3a.img -o batlgr3a.chd It has been confirmed that batlgr3a.img(batlgr3.bin) unzipped with extractcd will work with s246c PCB. (HDDimg extracted with the extracthd option contains unnecessary garbage and will not work.)
  3. >How to enter test mode, press L3+R3? Yes. I don't know how to post replies on this board :) BG3T will not be able to go into test mode unless passing patches for rack and handle errors are received. Currently, only the English version of BG3 (v2.01A) has a handle patch. When the TAITO logo appears, the test button will be enabled. The English version of BG3 was recently made compatible with M.A.M.E. Emu. Since the compression option for CHD is set to CD, it is necessary to recreate it with an HDD.
  4. Test mode cannot be executed unless the handle check is passed, and currently only the English version of BG3 is valid.
  5. Do whatever you want, I've written how to do it. Does BG3 English version select HDD? Since it seems like it is, I think it would be better to prepare a patch to remove the handle check in the Japanese version. (The Japanese version will boot with an English HDD, but the reverse will not work.)
  6. If you enter test mode and play free, it will work up to the select screen. I would like a dongle that can avoid BG3Tuned's rack error.
  7. BATTLE GEAR 3 Tuned "address": "0x0010090D", "value": "0x0", "description": "Fixes hang on white screen." Error that appears when starting on a mother other than 246C(does not work on 246C+).
  8. I bought a 256 and tried the compatibility feature, but neither BG3 nor BG3Tuned worked. BG3 stopped at the TAITO logo, BG3Tuned was a rack error. BG3Tuned unlock information cannot be released because there is still an issue where the data disappears the next day.
  9. Thank you, but to start Tuned you need 246C, handle unit and motor board.
  10. Do you know of the USA version or Export version of BATTLE GEAR 3Tuned?
  11. In actual system256, if you set 246 compatibility mode and start Battle Gear 3, it will stop at the TAITO LOGO. This game can only be operated on rack B and rack C of system246. In Battle Gear 3, if the chassis is offline, a NESYS warning will be displayed and the game will still work.
  12. >The simulator cannot start the game normally. It would be nice if I could watch the demo, but does it stop after getting to the title screen?
  13. Please give me a Play!emu console that can run TAITO HDD titles.
  14. If Battle Gear 3 CHD(batlgr3.CHD) for MAME is decoded with chdman extracthd specified, a defective HDDimg will be output. Decoding with chdman extractcd creates a usable HDDimg. It appears that the CHD will need to be rebuilt.
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