This script don´t work for my, because if i launch the server and the game from the script compile as exe don´t work.
But if i launch manualy the server, press enter and launch manually the game, work fine.
This is weird because all the script does is automate those steps.
I have found a solution that may not be ideal, but with which it has worked for me and I share it in case someone is in the same situation.
I have modified the script.ahk as Road Fighters Prelaunch.ahk which must be compiled as Road Fighters Prelaunch.exe and this .exe must be run as Administrator.
This would be the script:
#SingleInstance force
Run, "D:\PC Games\TeknoParrot Games\Road Fighters 3D\contents\sv\eaLocalServer.exe"
Sleep, 1500
Send, {Enter}
Sleep, 500
WinActivate, GLUT
WinMinimize , eaLocalServer
Run,taskkill /im "spice.exe" /F
Run,taskkill /im "eaLocalServer.exe" /F
As you can see, launch the server and press Enter, the launch of the game has been eliminated and the code is kept to be able to escape.
If I first run this file, either manually or as a Prelaunch in RocketLauncher and then run the game, everything works perfectly.
This is my configuration in RocketLauncher
[Road Fighters 3D]
Application=..\..\PC Games\TeknoParrot Games\Road Fighters 3D\contents\spice.exe
ExitMethod=WinClose Application
PreLaunch=..\..\PC Games\TeknoParrot Games\Road Fighters 3D\Road Fighters Prelaunch.exe
Road Fighters Prelaunch.exe
Road Fighters Prelaunch.ahk