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Manson976 a gagné pour la dernière fois le 6 mars 2021

Manson976 a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

1 abonné

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  • Hardware
    Windows 10 Pro 64-bit
    Intel Core i9-9900K CPU @ 4.80GHz
    Corsair Dominator Platinum 32GB
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
    Corsair Force MP510 894 GB

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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Manson976

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    @ducon2016 If its no trouble could you; if you have some free time add a AUTOSTART in your loader?? so the table is just there ready to play? Amazing work btw having great fun on my FE Take care my friend
  2. iDmacX v1.8 Wow finally this seems so far to fix the Xbox controller issues that's been driving me crazy over the past few years CHEERS FLYBIT.
  3. Are you planning to release all LaserActive Mega LD games?? There was a project many years ago trying to preserve LaserActive Materiel but nothing came out of it shame.
  4. Manson976

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    Cheers once again can't truly express in words how great this is.. Rock hard ride free. \m/
  5. Manson976

    [Tuto] Pinball Arcade Loader

    @ducon2016 WOW this is amazing cheers... I was using CAM MOD too messy many features I would never use, but this is STRAIGHT TO THE POINT.. Loading the tables works flawlesy Is there any part of the code you could add to start the tables rather man clicking the OK/CONFIRM??
  6. Battle Gear Tuned (2.07j My exe patched
  7. Just drag drop the exe into the HxD window thats all and edit the offsets.
  8. Or alternately you can use dgVoodoo and upscale.. The results are pretty damn good...
  9. Use a HEX Editor like HxD and Go To each offset and change values from the Original to the Patch
  10. Awesome I was always hoping that some kind dude would give the public a chance to play this thanks fella
  11. And Blade of Arcus and Caladrius.. If they ever get Public ally dumped.. add a dash of VM Protect lol
  12. More Added Today.. Not very professional of me I'm just adding as I go and when I'm not at work
  13. Cheers so its like in the case of K.O drive? SHAME Any other Taito games in the release line like for example Spin Gear Musical Gun Gun 1?
  14. @spiderzsoft What ever happened to this elusive type x game just wondering??
  15. Added Initial D 4 + 5 wip
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