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  • hobbies
    Making Retropie Console & Arcade Set up / Music
  • Hardware
    Ryzen 5 2600X
    Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060
    16Gb Mem
    Fanatec All Set
    Aimtrack & Sinden Lightgun
    Running at 4K

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  1. Hello Friends , Is it possible to have someone can make a link with a game fully working with aimtrack and dome fix and Escape key working would awesome Thanks in advance Cheers
  2. thanks friends , sorry i was not asking for time crisis game but just need this command line to make my own for some other games.
  3. If any body can write how to mkake the AHK files looks like this, to make: - First Open Teknoparrot with a game profile and launch the game - Second open the window as maximise or send Win+Up key to maximise it - And Forcing mouse pointer to be hidden - Press Escape to come back as normal and close the ahk and the game
  4. yeah but i want to use light gun to play light gun games, i know it work with gamepad
  5. yeah try both too, it is working great in window mode but full screen aiming get only half screen.... would be nice if somebody will try to fix the exe
  6. Hello anyone , Is there anybody know exactly what was the original resolution of time crisis 5? because it is set to HD now but in the original arcade what was the original resolution please?? And if there any body get Sega golden gun test menu working and if you got a link would be awesome. Tks
  7. Yo mate I really tried everythings possible with and without demul still when I'm pointing the gun on the screen it is very weird and move strange and as soon as got of the screen it get complitely out of aiming....??? coming crazy . Only happen during gameplay
  8. Ok thanks i will try but why demulshotter is nececary, only for 2 players game use no?
  9. Missing : Winmm (Joystick) in Joystick Type for JConfigTC5.exe ! Please Need a bit help Hello Lightgunners firends, I actually have a lot of probleme to get my Aimtrack Light Gun to work in this game. I did try every things said in this thread from the beginning but in the game pointer going crazy, actually if I will be able to use Winmm (Joystick) option in the game. It is working for my setup at least for the other games,..... maybe i missing somethings. Can anyone explain why the gun is working perfectly straight out of the box in the Main Menu selection and Continue Screen but not in the game, what is the difference between menu and game? Thanks in advance
  10. Yes there is a way to map the game as you want without modify any config files! Script is Down the Post! Just make a AHK Script and map as you want it Still aimtrack not working during game play but playing with mouse and put the max sensitivity in windows for the mouse and and ready to play, and by the the way I'm using my Fanatec V3 Pedals for the pedals in game using joy2key. For Ex: - Space is crossair - Enter is Start/coins - Escape is Exit the game (Just change to your right directory) Here is the Script for AHK: run, D:\Arcade LightGun\System roms\Arcade PC\Time Crisis 5\TC5\Binaries\Win64\TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe -NOINI -Language=ENG -playside=1 Enter::<+t Space::<+h Escape:: Process,Close,TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe Run,taskkill /im "TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe" /F ExitApp return
  11. Hi mate, you don't need AHK for this one because it use a bat file so simply launch it as pc game with pclauncher.ahk and for joytokey is simple just create a profile and map the button as you wish and then associate with the TimeCrisisGame-Win64-Shipping.exe
  12. Aiming Issue: Aimtrack Gun Working well in the selection screen and as soon as i'm playing the game the aiming is crazy, seems like the screen is very small for detection, but only happen during the game not in the Main menu, weird, any body get an idea?? My setup is running on 4k resolution and the game is running at full hd, even if i change the DPI settings of the game or change the resolution of the screen to HD or even run the game at 4K, it happen the same all the time, so if anybody get Gun working well please tell us how you did it on details please
  13. hello to quit Time Crisis 5 : Ctrl+Q
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