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Tout ce qui a été posté par djexpert
I can not help you because I can not understand well. Continue to ask English speakers.
I do not understand the content of the question, I will reply. Did you read exe list.txt? . The following is written in exe list.txt. >If all the Type X games crash, delete "sv\input.bin" and "sv\misc.bin" and reconfigure with JConfig.exe. (Only when using JVSEmu) >If all the NESiCA games crash, delete "sv\input.bin" and "sv\misc.bin" and reconfigure with JConfig.exe. If the problem persists even after trying this, please give up. EDIT 7zxkv Thank you as always.
Your folder configuration is incorrect. Did you see the attached PNG? .
My monitor is 1920x1080 or 1920x1080x3 surround (5760x1080), but there was no problem with 1920x1080 or 5760x1080. However, with 2560x1080 (-wxga2), part of the right side was not displayed correctly (ver. B and C). When I moved the game window to the left, I saw parts that were not displayed properly. There was no problem with the screen shot. It is a very strange phenomenon.
DamnIsAbusiveLOL http://www.mediafire.com/file/640psp720kxesj2/4_-_Virtua_Fighter_5B_game.exe_for_Game_Loader_All_RH.rar http://www.mediafire.com/file/wjcclcg921hl7j7/5_-_Virtua_Fighter_5B_game.exe_for_Game_Loader_All_RH.rar
Scroom There are no plans for the moment.
flashpc try this. http://www.mediafire.com/file/t86yg2xn254t4at/popn15_2007091800.rar However, please do not use when different from your version. Scroom Use the old TP (v1.80), there is no point in using the old Game Loader. Game Loader runs the game in the usual way provided by TP, but in the above game v1.80 and later seems to be broken. Specifically, it uses the "--emuonly" argument. As far as I know, there are currently problems with the following games. Mach Storm Pokken Wangan 5 All Lindbergh I have previously asked the administrator about how to execute with the "--emuonly" argument in Discord, but unfortunately it was ignored. I hope this problem is solved.
benclau http://y2u.be/9vLmFGoEWv4
a4apples93 I am not interested in what you want to do. This is the end.
https://pastebin.com/raw/1ynz63Cn Please run on the folder with game.exe. If you can not do it, let's give it up.
benclau LoaderMode = dg has severe stutter problems in some games. However, it is not necessary to set LoaderMode = dg when converting Gigawing to HD. For example, you can set it to HD by setting LoaderMode = 6, full screen, and setting the internal resolution of the Loader setting 2 tab appropriately. I think this can solve the stutter problem a little. a4apples93 https://pastebin.com/yzbnVVUG
a4apples93 Game Loader is not overlaying on the game. It simply displays text and bezel images in front of the game screen. I use AHK Script to display the bezel image. For example ... https://github.com/tariqporter/Gdip/blob/master/Gdip.Tutorial.6-Image.Editing.ahk Learn Autohotkey. Even me who can not understand English can understand a little, so you can learn easily. And please stop asking more questions. My English skill is 0. Thank you in advance. EDIT a4apples93 gl.exe is autohotkey.exe. The reason for renaming is to avoid the trouble in consideration of the PC on which autohotkey.exe is executed. And I have no intention of creating AHK script for you. Why do I have to create an AHK script for you? . Ask questions in the Autohotkey thread. I am not kind. I am always hated by people. Finally, please do not send private messages many times. Thank you in advance.
flashpc Please try iDmacX v1.5. http://www.mediafire.com/file/8o1y5loc7mrvnnf/iDmacXv1.5.rar a4apples93 Please read exe list.txt. List of supported games. EDIT a4apples93 Game Loader supports only PC based arcade games. There is no support at all other than that, and there is no plan to support it. Game Loader is uploading with my personal hobby. Thank you.
7zxkv I will fix it next time. Thank you. flashpc Is this what you want to do? . http://y2u.be/lIvUAmw4S0k If there is no problem, please try this. https://mega.nz/#!cpUTjCrS!7J7-5QQXAvCfbo983q_jWgQOT5xnxA-1hQ-iARFX45s * Please use "328" except this file.
7zxkv Oh, it is wrong. Thank you.
@linglang Repeat. Have you never read the Game Loader Readme.txt? . If you can understand Readme.txt, my hometown is obvious. And I am stupid, so I can not speak English. Repeat. Please post it to my Youtube channel as this will be annoying to others. You can talk about insulting me. I will talk to you until I get convinced. This is the last reply at this place.
@linglang Is it only deletion of posts? . I think that you should request removal of my account. My posting makes the majority of people uncomfortable.
@POOTERMAN This is the way of thinking of you and the majority of others. Unfortunately, it differs from my way of thinking. And there is an answer in the video detail. If you are dissatisfied with my reply, please reply to the Youtube channel. Please be sure to stop replying here as it will cause annoyance to others. thanks.
Have you seen exe list.txt? . The following items are written in exe list.txt. > Please disable windowed mode on TPUI side in all games. Even if you try the above things, please give up when crashing.
@linglang Information on resolution change patch of SRC is old. This is the file I uploaded before, but since it has a problem, I deleted it. A new file has already been uploaded. Have you read Game Loader's "Readme.txt" and "exe list.txt"? . And reply is unnecessary.
PuyoPuyo does not work? . Please try "hod5.ini" that I am using. Please execute "Pj24App.exe" directly. http://www.mediafire.com/file/6uyi8v57gp48xdg/PuyoPuyo_ini.rar
@ sagaopc The Game Loader uses various Wrappers, but it may affect the input system besides the image quality of the game. Please consider other ways not using Game Loader. @ atrain 9 I do not have a USB Lightgun, so I can not answer about Demulshooter. By the way, when I use "HOTD4_MouseFix.exe" I use TP 1.82 X-Mas Special (it will not work on the latest TP).
Sorry. Mediafire can not download it. https://mega.nz/#!IgNwTabR!UuzgAo9Jb1JMDLSyAFDZ1cef9SctVeEBo8ZIraYNpp8
try this. http://www.mediafire.com/file/77e5z1u0evep51t/324_-_201902152200_(RAR5).rar Since I am not a Patreon supporter, when there is a problem I need to wait until the TP becomes public.
@ fjser I do not have a steering wheel, so I can not help you. But it worked properly with the X360 controller. @ eathearty 1 Is "v5" normal and "v6" crashing? . My monitor is FullHD, but using game.exe (CRC 2E1E0C6A) for "v6" 2560x1440 will not crash (window mode). Are you misunderstanding using game.exe for "vf5c"? .