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  1. This is probably an entirely bad place to post this. But I actually own a SN cabinet and the PS2 HDD just went out in it. Im assuming I could theoretically I could use the SN raw file from here to somehow make it work on the PS2 If anyone cares to enlighten me that would be awesome feel free to DM me.
  2. Theres a reason why people that intend to compete utilize correct timing though, and from what ive tested/seen the windows even though maybe tighter ms wise you almost cannot get exact timing with the stepmania. You will almost certainly be soon on every count. Its indeed adjustable, but it cannot assume the same timing because its ms based and not fps based. I have ditched SM entirely because of this.
  3. Stepmanias timing is horrific in comparison. By FPS and native fps being 60FPS. Standard Stepmania timing is (+/-)32ms which is a huge window 64ms total. DDRs timing by nature at 60fps is like 18.8ms. Which obviously halves the timing window for accuracy. In game DDR is by nature the better game for timing Stepmania took ITG timing and used its basis. Which is the lesser accurate of the 2.
  4. For good reason too, a lot of this data has been leaked in a bad way and has sparked concern with it getting into the hands of people that wish to expose it in the wrong way. The best thing for you to do is to read back through this forum and find out what other people have done to make it run. Took me a couple of days reading through the forum for issues and finding out what I had to do to run the program correctly. The hardest part is reading and self educating.
  5. I had a similar scenario with my recent experience in a reinstallation of windows 10. But, I couldn't run it right off the only thing I did that made it run (not knowingly) was an install of Borderlands 3. Which I found also installs the latest version of Direct X mandatorily. SO what did I do? Fresh install of windows 10 again, and a install of the latest Direct X and sure enough Direct X fixed that. From what I read somewhere on the forum some people also used VLC as a way of viewing the video formats?
  6. Its not terribly difficult. I would say diving through this forum to discover what's already been discussed is more challenging. Also getting a hold of clean data can be difficult, and some of the mirror dumps are hard to get around. Unfortunately most here aren't willing to help unless somewhat educated.
  7. I understand that we are keeping the expansion of song database private. I get why. But I'm not the problem. All I want to do is add the original songs from mixes 8th and lower. All I get is like 6 songs on 8th mix.
  8. So recently I decided to transfer my a20+ data over to another HDD from the current working one I had, trying to keep a sole drive for a20+. Not realizing it I wrote over all of my parent clean data 2020020300, 2020031700, 2020072800, 2021031600, 2021080400 and dont have backup. The mirror dumps are rather difficult to DL from any other suggestions?
  9. Blue seems fine to me, but I'm not certain about golds timing yet. I've just been playing on blue because the timing seemed correct.
  10. Are you asking to fix the offset timing to be like stepmania? Because DDR timing is completely different from stepmania timing. I found this out the hard way. So if your interested in getting timing like what would be on stepmania it wont be, because the 2 timing systems are completely different. I thought the timing was off as well, come to find out that I'm accustomed to playing ITG/stepmania timing which just isn't the same. DDR uses frame based timing where stepmania timing is in milliseconds. If you do the math though, the timing windows on DDR are naturally tighter. SO it may seem as if your doing worse than you would playing stepmania/ITG, but its just an off adjustment to timing from game to game. Timing is what really is the sauce flavor of each game.
  11. by offset are you talking about gold cabinet?
  12. Another oddity last night I discovered. I haven't setup butterfly, yet there's scores saved already? How am I seeing other peoples scores if I'm not on any type of server?
  13. Ok after doing a bit of homework. Switching back to stepmania after I had been playing blue cab a20+...Timing still feels very different. Can anyone confirm whether or not that Stepmania timing is different than the A20+ timing? Is this normal?
  14. Maybe I'm just off in general. I haven't played on any DDR X and up machines in real life. I have 2 Extreme J cabs and 1 Supernova J cab in my garage and the timing just seems so much different than when I hook up my arcade pad and play on A20+ it feels very...very different. After reverting back to blue cab, I found the timing to be more consistent. But it seems maybe the timing windows may have been tightened up since old DDR machines? Anyway I think I've got the timing close now on gold cab and blue cab comparison.
  15. @carlosgordon1970 Thanks, I am on v5 AIO. So should I be running on 2020072800? So it may change? Asking because it seems in gold cab timing is significantly off and I cant seem to find a spot where timing seems to be right on.
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