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À propos de aulcfna

  • Date de naissance 10 juillet

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  1. I was correct, i'm not sure why SUN shows event mode differently seems to crash on 90% of charts now though, this data seems a bit scuffed
  2. Hi, there are setup guides in this thread. You'll be able to find them by searching and using the main post for links.
  3. i realise now that i might be in event mode but that would show differently on credits, ill try again later
  4. Hi friends. It's been a while, I'm back to try SUN however, seems to be more annoying than setting up NEW+ a while back would anyone know how to fix the following?: doesn't seem to matter what i put in aime.txt or felica.txt, 20 digits, different aqua versions, game won't accept the card with the same reason every time. can't find anyone else with the same issue in thread, either. thanks!
  5. Doesn't work for NEW+, 0031 seems to work only for NEW at this time
  6. That's actually super interesting. config_sp.json had dipsw = 1 for me, and after changing (incl your exes) has immediately cooperated, and as such: it looks like we're now running. Thanks for the help! Next up is network support, has anyone been successful in card registration?
  7. Just a thought, but could you potentially send your exes via DM or something? I noticed some other inconclusive weird things about where it wants specific files. I think this would be the definitive answer as to whether or not there is some other issue.
  8. That's usually the cause, yeah. The only issue is that it launches and plays 100% fine if I remove the IO's out of the equation, so I don't think it's this. 4401 is apparently "invalid config" according to the log
  9. Would you happen to know what exactly the issue is here? I'm happy to wait until someone encounters the same thing, i've still got 2.00.00 in the meantime Ah I saw your edit, I think it'll be some other weird niche issue then. I'll wait it out until something comes up
  10. 2.00.01 on NEW+, so that's data issue then.
  11. I can only assume it's 2.05 specific then, but the question is what lmao caxerx's ios also don't work for me in 2.05 as well. I'll take close looks to try and figure out what the difference is I guess, in theory there shouldn't be anything wrong
  12. To confirm, you are using NEW+ ? This works perfectly fine for me on NEW , however will refuse with 4104 on NEW+
  13. Ah right, I see what you mean, my mistake 😧 The other io dlls had provided an example that worked right away, however I wouldn't have a clue on how to write it up for this instance. Would you be able to share how you've got yours set up as an example ?
  14. It seems as soon as [chuniio] chusan=1 path=chuniio_tasoller.dll is placed into segatools.ini , is when it brings up 4104/invalid config/unitindex issues. when this isn't in the .ini i can run the game now. did you have a specific place you intended for this to be placed, and am I correct in thinking we need a segatools_64.ini with path=chuniio_tasoller_x64.dll as well ? how exactly did you want this set up?
  15. The setup is incorrect as-is, so I did reconfigure. I'm moving over to the chuniio in the main post as that doesn't require the usb server etc. Running as is doesn't launch for me however. So that must mean there's something to do with specific system info or just where the game is etc. I'll tinker around and try to figure it out
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