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  1. It's only 5 dollars a month for 4tb per month for a pixeldrain subscription
  2. I've followed the tutorial to the letter and I'm stuck on this screen. It's on an ssd at d:\ongeki and I've let it sit for 20 minutes and it's not changing. It's running the gpu at 40% in the background. I'm new to Segatools so I have no idea what I'm doing
  3. You have the latest update?! Edit: it's on 1cc KFC-008-2023042500-to-2023091200.7z I haven't tested it yet but it looks legit and the songs are there, which is all I care about Edit: Can confirm its legit. Need to make an omnimix music_db but all the new songs and navigators seem to be there.
  4. This is going to sound stupid but try getting into the game and then unplug your hdmi/display port cable wait a second and then plug it back in. This is how I fixed my screen tearing @ 144hz. It will reset back if you minimize and restore as well as on startup. Also I would turn off vsync as well as gync/vfr.
  5. You can remap the num pad to different keys in spicecfg
  6. Don't use windowed. Its never worked well for me even on vivid wave. The framerate takes a hit and the frame times are terrible. At least on my pc
  7. You are citing a forum post from over a decade ago. A completely inaccurate one at that. The hdmi specification was developed with hot swapping in mind. There is a dedicated pin for it. I've been doing it since my first hdmi tv in 2005 and ivenever had a problem. Come to think of it what display connector Isn't hot swappable? Ive hot swapped vga, dvi, hdmi, displayport, minidp, rca, svideo, and coaxial. Other than wearing out the port mechanically your post makes no sense.
  8. This is going to sound stupid but try getting into the game and then unplug your hdmi/display port cable wait a second and then plug it back in. This is how I fixed my screen tearing with 144hz. It will reset back if you minimize and restore as well as on startup. Also I would turn off vsync as well as gync/vfr. Can't hurt to try
  9. You may be using the wrong soundvoltex.dll. Check your modules folder as well as the top folder
  10. Yeah it took me quite a while to figure out. I was playing around with the settings on the monitor and there's an overlay that shows what the refresh rate of the monitor is set to at that moment and that's when I noticed that spice changes it to 120hz, but I have my DLL patched for 144hz, and it was a choppy mess. But it only does that on startup or if you minimize. What I do is let the game get to the title screen and unplug and displayport cable and plug it back in and my monitor will stay at 144hz. Also forgot to add that spice still changes the refresh to 120hz even if you select disable monitor changes with the patcher
  11. HDMI 2.1 is massive overkill. Hdmi 1.4 does 1080p@144hz. 2.0 if you want 240hz
  12. I run mine at 144hz and it works great as long as I unplug the dp cable and plug it back in. If I don't it's stutters a lot. Spice shows 144fps
  13. I had the same problem. Even if you change the fps with the DLL patcher the game still changes the refresh rate to 120hz when you start the game or when you minimize and restore the game. If you check the refresh rate on your monitors osd it'll probably be 120hz when the game is running. On my computer and monitor what fixes it is once the game is loaded unplug the hdmi/displayport cable from the monitor and plug it back in. Also disable gsync or variable refresh rate of you haven't already. You have to do that every time you switch to another program or when you first start it.
  14. I was getting frame drops on that on my i7 4770k. I upgraded to an i5 12400f and it fixed it. 1060 6gb gpu
  15. Extract that into the music folder it's all the missing songs
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