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  1. 2021101301 Plz
  2. Use the bat file here. gamestart-28-omni-spice.bat spice64.exe -iidx -io -modules modules -k mempatch-hook.dll bm2dx.dll --mempatch iidx_omnimix_28.txt
  3. After updating from 0830 to 0915 and appropriate ominimix, the display problem has been resolved. However, the BGM in 6th style:PARAPARA PARADISE seems to be wrong. Does anyone else have the same problem? I was able to fix this by replacing the file contents\data\sound\06208\06208.1 from HV ominimix. I've attached it. 06208.1
  4. I applied ominimix, but the title of Punch Love Kamen seems to be wrong. It seems to have happened when I applied omnimix to 0830, and when I applied it to 0915, there was no problem.
  5. omnimix is soon?
  6. The USBIO CHECK error was fixed in the newly released nyaapack download. I'll report it in a moment.
  7. I tried that. The symptoms did improve, but the Anisakis(L) and the trigger of Innocence(L) returned to their unappeared state, so I'm looking for a fundamental solution. Thank you
  8. I'm having the same problem. There seems to be nothing wrong with the card0.txt setting or the ea3-config URL, but could you please tell me how you fixed it? thank you
  9. pァy I was able to activate the Frame in the same way. thank you! export const frame_list: string[] = [ "デフォルト", "BPL APINA VRAMeS", "BPL GAME PANIC", "BPL SILKHAT", "BPL SUPER NOVA Tohoku", "BPL ROUND1", "BPL レジャーランド", ];
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