"I tried the file for resolution increase and it makes the game look great, but game stops after race. Has anyone had success with higher resolution?
Does anyone know why the game simply stops at high score after the first race? "
I'm getting that with any HD solution in jConfig.
I cant get any dgVooDoo's to work without freezing after each race.
I looks like anything that makes the UI display all mislaid and strange,
makes the end race UI fail and freeze.
I wonder if there could be a reshade solution, but I cant get that to work either.
Some games you have to use TP to get some hacks.
Edit, tried it in TP and it still freezes at the "slot machine".
I even tried this guys reshade solution:
His freezes in THE SAME PLACE.
Although it was nice that TP lets you into the maintenance menu.
But still no HD that plays all the way through.
After some fiddling with the resolutions in dgVooDoo,
the problem is that DD wont perform the slotwheel game OVER 1600X1024.
You can turn it up to that and add phongshading and any other tricks,
and it looks pretty good. But thats as high as you can turn it up and play the slot game.
Edit3, and final: BUT, the "Dirty Drivin FHD, UHD.rar" 1600x900 sdaemon works even better.
dgVooDoo creates some foliage draw-in issues. The patched exe comes with a jumper exe to run with it jConfig.