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  1. What a wonderful find! Its a "Raw thrills" with an Interceptor! Great job! An empty .avi file also seems to pass the attract screen without input. Also edit Data/Profiles/result.xml to unlock the rest of the cars and tracks. A lot of stuff is laid out wonderfully plain to see and manipulate in the files of this game. Good stuff!
  2. Your files all tell me that its a "Game Loader All Rh.exe" virus.
  3. +1 I can get this into a lovely HD just fine with DGvoodoo. But I cannot do it without HORRENDOUS draw distance uglies. Which might be DX9 related? It goes away without DGvoodoo in DX8. I'm using jConfig, it might be different in TP proper.
  4. How much do you need them? I just replaced them with empty's to get past them.
  5. Pretty awesome. Thank you. But also verifies that its MY SYSTEM, that just WILL NOT open up that 1.13 jconfig exe. This one works, I just cant open it. Does anybody have a 1.27 jConfig, Preconfigured? jConfig is already preconfigured, but verified working in 1.27 with 10 cars? That would be a nice piece of evidence. For completions sake.
  6. "I tried the file for resolution increase and it makes the game look great, but game stops after race. Has anyone had success with higher resolution? Does anyone know why the game simply stops at high score after the first race? " I'm getting that with any HD solution in jConfig. I cant get any dgVooDoo's to work without freezing after each race. I looks like anything that makes the UI display all mislaid and strange, makes the end race UI fail and freeze. I wonder if there could be a reshade solution, but I cant get that to work either. Some games you have to use TP to get some hacks. Edit, tried it in TP and it still freezes at the "slot machine". I even tried this guys reshade solution: His freezes in THE SAME PLACE. Although it was nice that TP lets you into the maintenance menu. But still no HD that plays all the way through. EDIT2: AHA! After some fiddling with the resolutions in dgVooDoo, the problem is that DD wont perform the slotwheel game OVER 1600X1024. You can turn it up to that and add phongshading and any other tricks, and it looks pretty good. But thats as high as you can turn it up and play the slot game. Edit3, and final: BUT, the "Dirty Drivin FHD, UHD.rar" 1600x900 sdaemon works even better. dgVooDoo creates some foliage draw-in issues. The patched exe comes with a jumper exe to run with it jConfig. ~Fini~
  7. Very Bizarre. Little things like that I would have reinstalled windows, called the electric company and finally gave up before i would have ever figured that out. It SHOULD probably be in the jConfig V2 README?
  8. Interesting. Not that I would wish this error on you, but its also kind of reassuring to know that its not just me. Now we just have to figure out how to fix it. Interestingly, I continue to get this with 1.27. Its displaying what seems to be an extra car, and the cars are not matching the selection. I wonder if it actually works correctly in TP, or with the Mohkerz loader. But this is the best I can get out of Jconfig.
  9. Does anyone know what this is supposed to mean? I get this error with the FNFSuperCars_v1.3 2021_10_09 jconfig when pressing the sdaemon_1.13.exe in the FNFSCARS_1_13_W_DongleDmp from the front page.
  10. jconfig 113 exe crashes for me. And I'm only seeing 6 cars on 127. How is anybody getting 9/10 cars on 127? With jconfig? What version?
  11. SUPER EXCELLENT! I had to grab am ewfapi.dll from another TP game. There are two, an 8kb and a 19kb. Both worked. It runs SMOOTH, looks GREAT! I miscalibrated the first time and coudln't get back into test mode for some reason. Had to reinstall to get back into it, and then it works great. I ended up using the Cars DgVoodoo. The one above was going "dark" whenever I hit a turbo. My system? Renamed and moved game folder, two folder levels down on a D: drive, "D:\DRIVING\Snowboarder". Works just fine on Windows 8.1.
  13. This seems to be the fixed EXE that opens in the newest TP: The Graphics seem close to perfect. But for some reason the control is very loose and strange. It over steers and... wont stay upright. It centers SLOWLY. So you end up shooting off to teh left or shooting off to teh right... I had to play with the name/location of game folder to get TP to boot it all the way. I reduced the characters to just 1, "X". These Jarvis/RawThrill games are so great, even though Superbikes 2 works fine it sure would be nice to have them all. Just this and Fast and Furious continue to be less then playable so far between TP and Jconfig.
  14. Wow! That works. Does it work on anything?
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