Hi, first time user, just spent the last few hours trying to sort through everything. I set everything up and then saw FAQ32 that there was an incremental update, I overwrote the corresponding files, and it all works, but like the guy you responded to in this post, my Spice Tools has all the options locked out in red. I want to enable the Gold Cab for 2020031700 and I tried my best reading through everything but there's some stuff I unfortunately am not grasping very well. Is there no way to switch to Gold Cab for this current setup? Or is it just that the current iteration of Spice Tools doesn't support it through the patches tab? If the latter is there a way to get around that? I don't totally understand what is meant when it's mentioned that you can modify things "via butterfly". Does that mean the butterfly.sqlite file? I tried the Bemanipatcher website as well and when I imported the .dll file I went backwards in progress as the game seemed to crash before anything even displayed on screen.
Also side note, during my initial setup with 20200203, when I ran the sql.bat file, in butterfly.sqlite, the info/tables for the Golden Leagues section stayed blank no matter how many times I ran the .bat file. I eventually managed to figure out how to get it in there (I've never worked with SQL so I was just messing around making educated guesses) by dragging the Golden League SQL file into the Execute SQL tab, clicking the execute button, and saving the changes, just figured I'd mention that since I do not know if that was user error on my part or if something was just actually not working as intended in regard to the Golden League information not importing.
If there's anything I can provide to help clarify what might be going wrong please let me know.