> Has anyone been able to get Quicker Quick Retry in 20231206?
name: "Quicker Quick Retry",
tooltip: "Shortens duration of the 'stage failed' animation.",
patches: [{ offset: 0x84B0A5, off: [0x7C, 0x12], on: [0x90, 0x90] }],
name: "CS-style Song Start Delay",
tooltip: "Holding Start will pause the song at the beginning until you release it",
patches: [{ offset: 0x84BBF7, off: [0x7D, 0x36], on: [0x90, 0x90] }],
name: "Unlock All Songs and Charts",
patches: [{ offset: 0X7db10A, off: [0x32, 0xC0], on: [0xB0, 0x01] }],
name: "Cursor Lock",
patches: [{ offset: 0X82b02c, off: [0x74,0X17], on: [0x90,0X90] }],
name: "Premium Free Timer Freeze",
patches: [{ offset: 0x7E121D, off: [0x7E], on: [0xEB] }],