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  1. dont respondif ur not gonna help, a p4io is a kind of arcade hardware board that handles i/o. it exists in many cabs. full functionality requires you to either: - rip out the internal board and rewire the entire thing. follow the wiring diagrams here and use a Pro Micro microcontroller. - use the existing wiring harness to connect via USB - this option though, will make it difficult for the computer to interface with the controller since it will not show up as an HID device. i would NOT use a p4io. that being said, if you bought an arcade controller without knowledge of microelectronics/soldering, you made a bad decision, so you best start learning how to do soldering.
  2. I mean, I bought it for a dollar and forty nine cents
  3. So guys, I have every single commercially available XG GuitarFreaks controller. Constraints: All guitars will be tested on either GITADORA Konasute (EAC, cloud, etc), the official home version of the game, or DTX Mania, the most popular emulator for the game. Yes, I have access to a cab, but for the sake of home play only, I will be talking about home controllers only, though I will be comparing against cab conditions. It should be noted that I am bronze-grade and therefore cannot speak for any quirks or features that matter to gameplay above my current skill grade. Option 1: Cab guitar With every review, you need a referee to stick to the rules. Of course, we are going to compare controllers to the guitars that are on the machine. Purchase It was very hard to get my hands on these. These are not commercially available and you can only hope that these show up on the secondhand market. By secondhand market, I mean these only show up on Yahoo Auctions Japan, also known as YAJ or yahouku. Cab guitar listings will look something like this. This means a few things. 1. Because these are only available on yahouku, this means they are in Japan. You will pay a gargantuan amount for shipping. For my guitars, I paid $120 each to ship from Japan to the US East Coast. 2. Being only available on yahouku means that these do not appear regularly. Only a dozen show up every year, and they are usually listed in big batches all at once. You gotta wait if you want to buy one. 3. Being only available on yahouku also means you have buy through a proxy like Buyee or Zenmarket and deal with their associated fees. 4. The first time I saw a cab guitar go up for auction, I actually lost because I was bidding against an arcade getting replacement parts. There may be competition, so be aware. 5. These are cab guitars, so they require a decent amount of work to be able to play on, at the very least, knowledge of soldering. Even then, they may come with problems. In my P2 guitar, one of the cables to the buttons was actually faulty. If something is broken… good luck getting replacement parts, lmao Playing experience I mean, it’s a guitar straight from a cab. I personally love it. The only real problems I had were that the springs in the strum were a bit too light for my taste. This is probably because the guitar has seen over a decade of use. Option 2: Konami Official Guitar Of course, I am obligated to bring up the official controller from Konami. This is what Konami thinks you should be using at home. Purchase Here’s the thing: you can only buy these from Japan. The situation is similar to the cab guitars, except you CAN get them from Konami. Buying these via Tenso with your e-amuse account will actually unlock several exclusive songs both in arcade and in Konasute. It’s quite neat. Just one catch: it’s 38k yen. That is pretty expensive, especially when you consider shipping on top of that. But, you don’t have to pay that much. I bought mine off of yahouku for 21.5k yen. These show up on yahouku very often, and at very good prices. Shipping is considerably less than a cab guitar because they are not heavy at all. I paid about 11.5k yen, or 91 USD for shipping. However, mine didn’t come with a strap and I ended up using a GITALLER strap on this instead. Playing experience Pros It’s great! I really like the fret switches, they feel almost exactly like a real cab guitar. The strum bar is actually ever so slightly smaller than a cab guitar strum. I slipped off of the bar mid-strum a few times. I don’t really mind, and I haven’t heard of anyone complaining about it. The guitar is also about a third or half the weight of a cab guitar. If you’re like me and rely on the weight of the guitar to keep it from moving around during gameplay, you have a few options. I put 0.5kg ankle weights on the bottom strap mount and on the neck to make it feel just like cab guitar weight. Alternatively, if you are crazy enough, this is also… a solution. Notice that the start and options buttons are recessed, so they don’t interfere with your gameplay. Konasute also automatically recognizes this controller and integrates very well with it. I like this. IS WHAT I WANT TO SAY. Cons First, initially one of the buttons only registered when I pressed it in a certain way. I replaced it with a switch from a cab guitar. It worked. UNTIL IT DIDN’T! This stupid, e-waste, plastic landfill garbage controller BROKE. I was playing on it, finished a song, and the controller suddenly disconnected. AND IT NEVER CONNECTED TO MY COMPUTER EVER AGAIN. I think the board inside died. I’m planning to completely replace the internal board with my own wiring. Also, these controllers are rather notorious for having questionable quality. Many top rankers have bought these, and a good number of them have reported button register issues very similar to mine. This can be fixed by removing the springs inside the buttons (didn’t work for me, that’s why I replaced the button outright). It seems that the majority of these issues come from the first production run, so if you buy new you probably won’t have those issues. Probably. Option 3: GITALLER Haha, I stole this image from a yahouku listing. This is the highest quality non-official GITADORA controller. Purchase Very easy, compared to the official guitar and the cab guitar! Just go here. Do note that in the United States, sometimes there will be a restock for the US Storehouse sale. You’ll get to buy the GITALLER for a slightly more expensive price ($311 if I remember correctly) but with FREE SHIPPING! Normally, shipping from GAMO2 to the East Coast for me is 130 bucks, so this is already better than the official guitar and cab guitar, price-wise. Also, because these are quite easy to get, you might be able to buy one secondhand from another GITADORA gamer in your area. Playing experience Pros Honestly, great. You will need to install GAMO2’s firmware patch to fix a few issues, but it’s free and takes maybe 10 minutes max. Your computer will recognize the controller right away and it’s just a matter of making Konasute know which inputs are which. Dimensionally, it’s ever so slightly different, but I don’t think it matters. The guitar has metal weights in it so it weighs about as much as a cab guitar. In the following section, I’ll tell you that the frets don’t really feel anything like arcade frets, but most players don’t find it a problem. Cons The main drawback of this controller are the frets. The frets use mechanical switches, which you have the option of changing. You’ll be given two fret switch boards, one with Kailh Brown switches and the other with Kailh Yellow switches (clicky). The browns will feel more arcade accurate, but they feel drastically different. I attempted to use Kailh Black switches, which have similar weights to arcade switches, but again, mechanical switches just aren’t arcade switches. If you want to put arcade switches in this controller, you need: 1. A custom mounting solution, as arcade switches are a lot bigger. 2. Custom wiring, since you can’t use the existing fret switch board with the arcade switches (they don’t fit). 3. The switches, which are not commercially available. I’ve seen them listed on yahouku twice, ever. As I said before, the switches probably won’t really affect you, but they did affect me because I have a unique fret grip. I was scoring about 20 skill points less than I usually do. However, I haven’t seen anyone else have this kind of problem, so it’s not an issue. Additionally, a decent number of players find the strap that comes with the GITALLER to be kinda bad, where it slips off the controller during play. I used a Guitar Hero controller strap on the GITALLER and it’s been excellent. I gave the GITALLER strap to my Konami official controller, and it has been great there. The start and select buttons on this controller are not recessed like the Konami official controller, and sometimes I press it by accident. I ended up unbinding them. Not really a big problem. Option 4: Guitar Hero Well, time to talk about the elephant in the room. If you are going to play on a GH con, at least try to get the Xplorer since it can detect wails. I mean, it’s not really necessary. These controllers just aren’t for GITADORA. - The spacing of the fret buttons allows you to hit the first and fifth buttons at the same time, comfortably. You are not supposed to be able to do that in GITADORA. - The frets use membrane switches, while GITADORA frets are linear. - The strum is clicky and triggers at different points. GITADORA strums use optical switches and have no feedback other than hitting the stopper. - GITADORA strums also use much heavier springs, which require different technique and more force than GH strum springs. - GITADORA controllers are also a lot heavier than GH controllers. I’m not saying you can’t use one. It’s just not the full experience. Option 5:
  4. thats a link for matixx had my torrenting program off for a bit, sorry! i'm seeding again. no
  5. check out the torrent instead, the zips suck to download
  6. nex+age is available on a private tracker. can't help you there. high voltage has not been leaked and probably won't until the next version.
  7. Do you have the 0308 omnimix still in your data mods?
  8. you mentioned you had it working and then you messed with the card name. try deleting the asphyxia folders and reinstalling them, it may be an asphyxia issue. you will lose any progress you had, however
  9. try the audio driver switch anyway. its just that ive seen this problem happen on more asus boards than other boards. if it doesnt fix it, im really sorry and i cant help you. it is likely tied to computer incompatibility. if i had a spare computer i would definitely try different things out to see what is wrong.
  10. this is a known problem with gitadora data in general and it seems to be related to ASUS motherboards. try switching to the Microsoft HD Audio Class driver. sometimes this fix works, sometimes it doesnt. i dont know how to add a song to the game, but if you are trying to add custom songs and things, i would recommend trying dtxmania for that. there is an omnimix floating around, but i do not think it is compatible with exchain. correct me if i am wrong.
  11. you can find the plugins on the official asphyxia website, but here's a link for you:
  12. you could've stated that in the first place instead of spreading misleading information. i did not start a fight and what i stated was facts, not what i like or not like. spreading correct and accurate information is what should be done for this awesome game. locking this topic would deny any further information or discourse on this underrated and under-loved game. if it does happen to be locked, future readers are more than welcome to DM me.
  13. 1. i mentioned already that United States customers potentially can get free shipping. see whether the US Storehouse Sale is in stock. 2. you posted the shipping for a Real Edition Single EMP. i tested the shipping for this with my own address in the US and got 160 dollars. it should be clear that shipping is different for everyone and does not constitute whether or not the controller is good. 3. lastly, i will compare the shipping instead of posting just one example. the cheapest shipping from the middleman service for the Konami official controller is by EMS, costing 80 dollars to ship to the eastern United States. the total cost is 452 dollars. i did not try the personal stock method so i cannot speak for it. expect shipping through Tenso to be similar, if not the same, as both companies are based in Japan. the cheapest shipping from GAMO2 costs 130 dollars. the total cost is 418 dollars. this is still the cheaper option. so, depending on where you live, one option may be cheaper than the other. however, expect the Gitaller to be far cheaper the closer you live to eastern Asia. please do not cherry pick your evidence. i made sure everything i talked about is backed up with proof. you can verify the shipping rates i posted with this address: 231 S Van Dorn St, Alexandria, VA 22304 don't worry, it is not my personal address. it is just a taco bell, haha
  14. instead of saying this opinion and that opinion, i've done a bit of research and asked some people. these are facts, not opinions. you can google and confirm these for yourself. Here is an in-depth comparison of GuitarFreaks controllers. a friend of mine has both the Gitaller and the Konami official controller and I myself own a Gitaller. I also stay pretty connected to the japanese guitarfreaks crowd, many of whom own one controller or the other. it should also be pretty obvious that this means we go and play on the GITADORA arcade cabinets somewhat often, so we can make comparisons between the controller and the arcade controller. based on my own experience and other peoples' experiences, here is a list of pros and cons, judged by accuracy to the actual arcade controller. if you want to hear someone who isn't me review the Gitaller, you can do so here: DJDAO Gitaller Pros the strum bar is only just slightly smaller than the arcade controller's strum. everyone i talked to said it wasn't really noticeable. i don't find it a problem either. i don't think anyone noticed it was a problem. the weight of the controller is more arcade accurate. it is easy to disassemble and modify. it uses commonly found parts. it comes with adjustable firmware so you can tune the controller's wail sensitivity. it is the general consensus of the GuitarFreaks community that this is the better controller. i spoke to many high-rank players and looked at the top tier players' setups. the vast majority use the Gitaller. Cons the frets use Cherry MX Red switches and do not feel too arcade accurate. the strap that it comes tends to get tangled and slip off. this however, can be fixed by using a different strap altogether. another friend of mine replaced his Gitaller strap with a PS2 GuitarFreaks controller strap. I replaced mine with a Guitar Hero strap. the firmware it comes with has a few problems. however, DJDAO has released a free firmware update that will fix all the issues with the launch day firmware. Konami GITADORA GuitarFreaks Controller Pros the frets use custom Sanwa switches and are more arcade accurate. They feel really good. in fact, quite a few players said they would rather use this controller if it worked. I myself prefer these switches. it is linked to GITADORA Konasute, the official at-home version of GITADORA. buying the controller will unlock exclusive songs that can only be unlocked this way. GITADORA Konasute will easily recognize the controller. Cons the controller is much lighter than the arcade controller. I fixed this by putting .5kg ankle weights on the strap and neck. many who have bought the controller have reported issues with the frets not registering inputs or overall problems. it is very difficult to find replacement parts. in fact, mine simply stopped working after a month of play. the strum bar is noticeably smaller than the arcade controller. Most players don't find this a problem, but some do. you cannot adjust the wailing sensitivity. How to buy them Konami GITADORA GuitarFreaks Controller the link omar2 sent is also outdated and misrepresenting. the official controller is NOT 800 USD. you are getting ripped off. Here is the official Konami store page to buy the controller. at the time of writing, it is 38,280 yen, which is somewhere around 310 USD. however, they only ship to japan. you can get around this by signing up through Tenso. this is the only way you can link the controller to your GITADORA Konasute account without knowing someone who can do it for you in japan. here is a reputable middleman store that will ship the controller anywhere. i don't know if you will still get the Konasute exclusives with this method. it is priced at 371 USD at the time of writing. you can assume shipping for this to be pretty expensive. DJDAO Gitaller here is the official store for the Gitaller. you can see it is 289 USD. you can wait until the Black Friday Sale for a better price. United States customers, if you are lucky, they may have a US warehouse sale in stock with free shipping. otherwise, expect shipping to be pretty expensive. Conclusion in the end, I can't tell you what you should play with. you should consider what you are trying to do with the game to figure out what controller you want to buy. if you just want to try playing the game, a Guitar Hero controller is perfectly fine, just don't expect your skills to transfer completely to the arcade controller. if you're having trouble binding the Gitaller or just any trouble at all, let me know and I'll help you as best as I can. I can get you into contact with the right people if you are having trouble with the Konami controller, but no guarantees. My konami controller simply broke. that being said, I am not affiliated in any way to DJDAO, GAMO2, or KONAMI. I am not being paid to say this or advertise this. TLDR: Gitaller cheaper, more reliable, and easier to buy. Konami controller can be broken, but has its quirks. Don't buy the Konami controller from ebay. please.
  15. i would highly recommend against buying the official konami controller unless you are trying to play GITADORA Konasute and want the song unlocks that come with it. the official controller is known to have quality control issues. also, its quite a bit more expensive. buy the GITALLER by DJDAO instead, i guarantee itll be a much better experience. if you are playing drummania, don't buy an edrum kit new, it is disgustingly expensive. look on ebay, craigslist, or whatever secondhand market. you will almost always find a better price for used ekits.
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