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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. ooohhh i see thanks!, so, we cant play the events? i am using asphyxia latest, i though i needed to enable gold cab to play them
  2. and what about the golden cabinet? can we change that or it isnt a thing anymore??
  3. hi! is there any patcher left? i cant find any
  4. DDR Hex Edit Compilation 09.20.2020 (1).xlsx
  5. maybe you need to register the dlls, or download the k lite stuff
  6. Its there any difference between monkeybusiness and asphyxia?
  7. hi guys, someone knows how to set up butterfly? i want to play the golden league but i dont remember lol, i know i need sqlite and java 8 , but i dont know how to enable the events...
  8. hii, does somebody has the hex edit codes for the 20220202 build? I have this one but its for the 20200317,DDR Hex Edit Compilation 09.20.2020.xlsx
  9. the torrent doesnt have seeds anymore 0%
  10. it says *2 seeds* i have another problem now, i am in A3 now, but i cant make the gold theme work it doesnt show the video, i already registered the dlls on the com folder and downloaded k lite, its there something else i need to do? ... EDIT: nevermind, had the wrong files lol
  11. im not following.., ive never had to downloaded anything besides the torrent, or what do you mean?
  12. hii, does someone have the MDX-2020072800 [CLEAN] update? im trying to download it but its taking forever , it has 0% since yesterday lol
  13. im sorry, i cant do it, can you remind me how to register the dlls? im triying but its not working EDIT: My bad, i needed to do it in admin mode, its working now
  14. can someone tell me how to register the dlls files in the com folder? i dont remember , i know its with the cmd but i dont remember the commands
  15. ok i did it, it was in page 43 lol now everything is fine thank you for the help
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